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"You totally let us down, you silly bint! You said you were certain this one was good! I'm, like, not trusting you ever again!"

"Queenie said to, like, pass on her eggs to people passing through so we can spread them far and wide. Can't say no to Queenie, can we?"

"Ooooh, fuck... fucky-doo."

The Hornets are a group of 3 bimbo Hornet Workers and sometimes a Hornet Drone that carry out their Queen's orders of passing her eggs to people passing through, although sometimes the Workers can be seen feeding and harvesting nectar from the plants of the forest.

Hornet Drone

Hornet Drone
Headshot of a Hornet Drone by DCLzexon
Creator The Observer
Species Versparan
Gender Male
Occupation Drone
Family Queen Nyzerrah (mother)
Location Old Forest
Level 2
Health 150
Resolve 124
Version Added 0.1.3


The hornet-girls aren't alone, though. Overseeing them from the back is a smaller hornet, and upon seeing you approach, the androgynous male — or at least, you think it's a male — yells something unintelligible and points in your direction. You're not sure what he said, but judging by the amount of angry buzzing it can't be good.

Combat Stats

The Champion must be at least Level 2 and has encountered the Hornets before for the Hornet Drone to appear.


  • ^Beast Taxonomy
    (Pheromone Resist Taxonomy stat overwritten)
  • Disarm Immune
Attack Power: 6 Sexiness: 14
Temptation: 2 Armor: 2
Physical Resist: 4 Warding: 2
Magic Resist: 2 Evasion: 2
Blight Resist: -75 Crushing Resist: 40
Penetrating Resist: 40 Tease Resist: -100
Drug Resist: 50 Pheromone Resist: -100

  • Big Asses




  • 50 XP
  • 15 EC

Hornet Worker

Hornet Worker
Headshot of a Hornet Worker by DCLzexon
Creator The Observer
Species Vesparan
Gender Female
Occupation Worker
Family Queen Nyzerrah (mother)
Location Old Forest
Level 1
Health 110
Resolve 113
Version Added 0.1.3


Gentle, tapered faces with deeply inset and pupiless black eyes suggest at what they might once have been before corruption got to them; antennae jut from their heads amidst a head of long, curly and fuzzy blonde "hair" that looks completely out of place on an insect.

The chitin that covers much of the hornet-girls' bodies is painfully stretched, the hard plates going so far as to break apart and expose the soft flesh beneath in order to accommodate the sheer amount of growth that's taken place as they've sunk further and further into corruption. Huge hips, plush — well, in place of where a butt should be they've got insectile abdomens tipped with a stinger, but they still manage to look worthy of a bimbo. Gauzy, insectile wings adorn their backs, but given how blatantly curvaceous the hornet-girls are, you doubt they could even get off the ground. Giggling and dripping sweetness all over, the hornet trio advance upon you, tossing their curls and smooching the air.

You're fighting a trio of busty hornet bimbos and their brother. Armored in layers of chitin over soft flesh, the bug broads don't seem intent on actually harming you, instead following the drone's commands as they go about oozing honey all over the place, spreading the thick, cloying scent of sweet arousal throughout the air.

Combat Stats


  • ^Beast Taxonomy
    (Pheromone Resist Taxonomy stat overwritten)
  • Disarm Immune
Attack Power: 6 Sexiness: 14
Temptation: 2 Armor: 2
Physical Resist: 4 Warding: 2
Magic Resist: 2 Evasion: 2
Blight Resist: -75 Crushing Resist: 40
Penetrating Resist: 40 Tease Resist: -100
Drug Resist: 50 Pheromone Resist: -100

  • Big Asses




  • 20 XP
  • 5 EC

Total Gain per Encounter

Without the Hornet Drone

  • 60 XP
  • 15 EC
With the Hornet Drone

  • 110 XP
  • 30 EC


First Encounter

Written by Savin

The Champion may first hear of the Hornets when travelling to Hawkethorne's northern gates, where when walking past Ogrish's Smithy, they will see a Lupine staggering down the road towards them with a hand on his visibly pregnant stomach. The wolf-man will warn them that if they run into "those damned bimbo bugs" they'd best run or find someway to drive them off lest they want to end up like him.

Written by The Observer

The Champion will first meet the Hornets while travelling through the Old Forest, where they will suddenly be assaulted by an overwhelming sweeet scent. Investigating the source of the smell reveals a trio of hornet girls gathering sweet nectar by sucking off cock-vines and lapping at lewdly shaped flowers. The hornet girl nearest to them finishes sucking off a cock-vine and asks if they "wanna get stuffed?", before another hornet girl excitedly adds "with eggs silly!". The Champion or a companion will comment that they've got a back feeling about this, as the leader of the trio states that their Queen said to pass on her eggs to people passing through so they can spread them far and wide. Seeing as they can't be convinced to disobey their monarch's orders, the Champion readies themselves for a fight.

Encountering the Hornets for the first time will also unlock the Vesparans codex entry if it wasn't already.

Subsequent Encounters

Pre-Alraune Defeat

While The Alraune hasn't been dealt with yet, subsequent encounters with the Hornet will have the Champion be suddenly struck by a powerful sickly sweet smell. Familiar to the smell, the Champion notes that they don't have to look far to find another trio of bimbo hornets greedily gorging themselves on the corrupted plants of the forest. Should the Hornet Drone be present, he will yell at his bimbo sisters and point towards the Champion, and the hornets will slowly and reluctantly turn away from their pleasantries and approach the Champion. Random variety will come into play as the hornets will comment that the Champion marks another one for the day, that although it's super sudden but they need to stuff their butt with their Queen's eggs, or that the sooner they finish carrying out their Queen's orders, the sooner they can get back to yummy nectar.

Defeating the hornets will have them go down, however, they are oblivious to the situation as they grin dopily and thrust their ample assets in the Champion's direction. If the Hornet Drone was present, the Champion notes that he's nowhere to be seen. With that, the following options will become available:

  • Nurse - Suck out only the best honey straight from the tap.
  • Boobjob - Fuck those pillowy titties.
    • Cock - That glorious valley looks ripe for a good old-fashioned fucking. (requires a cock)
    • Vag - Grind your cunt against those sweet tits. (requires a vagina)
  • Ovi Handjob - Jerk off the bimbo hornets and make them spill their precious eggs on the floor.
  • Fuck Ovi - She thought she was going to use your backdoor — well, turnabout is fair play. (requires a cock)
  • Leave - Just go away — there's nothing these scatterbrains have on offer that you could possibly want.

Being defeated by the Hornets will have the hornet girls giggle and titter as they surround the Champion and strip them of their gear and garments. With that, the following scenes may occur (scene priority from top to bottom):

  • Cait Egg Loss (requires Cait, she is not butt pregnant, the Champion is currently butt pregnant; and results in Cait butt pregnancy) (written by Savin)
  • Defeat Milking (if currently butt pregnant)
  • Get Egged (results in butt pregnancy)

Post-Alraune Defat

Once the Alraune has been defeated, while travelling through the forest and being assailed by heavy scent of hornet honey, the Champion will find another trio of hornet girls going about their nectar-gathering, although they are servicing more wholesome plant life than the corrupted blossoms and vines that sprang up in the Alraune's wake. If the Hornet Drone is present, he will be sitting on a rock and look utterly bored as he babysits his vapid siblings. One of the girls greets the Champion and asks if they "wanna get stuffed?" and states with eagerness "with egss!", but their Queen said that they can't force them anymore and that more people will carry them around if the hornets make them feel good, although if they want to struggle a bit as foreplay, they're totally up for it. With that, the following options will become availale:

  • Decline - You'd rather not have hornet eggs in your butt, thank you very much.
  • Get Egged - Do the hornets a favor, the poor girls deserve it. (must not be butt pregnant and results in the Defeat Get Egged scene)
  • Foreplay - What's better for fun than getting the blood up? (results in the usual combat encounter)


  • Victory sex options (a random Slutty and/or Aggressive tagged companion will also help themselves to some fun, except during Fuck Ovi):
    • Nurse - Suck out only the best honey straight from the tap.
    • Boobjob - Fuck those pillowy titties.
      • Cock - That glorious valley looks ripe for a good old-fashioned fucking. (requires a cock)
      • Vag - Grind your cunt against those sweet tits. (requires a vagina)
    • Ovi Handjob - Jerk off the bimbo hornets and make them spill their precious eggs on the floor.
    • Fuck Ovi - She thought she was going to use your backdoor — well, turnabout is fair play. (requires a cock)
  • Defeat sex scenes (scene priority from top to bottom):
    • Cait Egg Loss (requires Cait, she is not butt pregnant, the Champion is currently butt pregnant; and results in Cait butt pregnancy) (written by Savin)
    • Defeat Milking (if currently butt pregnant)
    • Get Egged (results in butt pregnancy)


Written by Savin

Champion Eggnancy

The Champion can be impregnated through the butt with hornet eggs from the Get Egged defeat sex scene. Although it is a butt eggnancy, typical Pregnancy rules apply and more details can be found here.

During the Champion's pregnancy, the following effects will occur:

Event Condition Effect
1 n/a
2 n/a n/a
  • If Cup Size is < D
    • Raise Cup Size by 1 or until D
  • If Milk Multiplier is < 50
    • Raise Milk Multiplier to 50
  • Set Milk Type to Honey

  • If Cup Size is < DD and has Buxom perk
    • Raise Cup Size by 1.5 or until DD
  • If Milk Multiplier is < 50
    • Raise Milk Multiplier to 50
  • Set Milk Type to Honey
  • If Cup Size is < D
    • Raise Cup Size by 1 or until D
  • If Milk Multiplier is < 50
    • Raise Milk Multiplier to 50

  • If Cup Size is < DD and has Buxom perk
    • Raise Cup Size by 1.5 or until DD
  • If Milk Multiplier is < 50
    • Raise Milk Multiplier to 50
4 n/a
5 n/a

Cait Eggnancy

Cait can be impregnated through the butt with hornet eggs from the Cait Egg Loss defeat sex scene. Although it is a butt eggnancy, typical Pregnancy rules apply and more details can be found here. She will go through 4 Eggnancy blurbs (written by BubbleLord, before laying the eggs. Cait must be in the party for the Champion to witness and be present for this scene, else they will miss out on the laying.