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Riya Gif (Jacques00).gif
Riya's bust, by Jacques00
Creator Franks
Full name Riya Batra
Species Human
Gender Female
Sex Hermaphrodite
Occupation U.G.C. Peacekeeper
Relatives Velta (Cousin)
Nationality Tavros


A U.G.C. Peacekeeper stationed outside the TamaniCorp shop on the merchant deck of Tavros Station.


Riya is very tall for a human woman, standing 6' 2" by ancient Imperial measurements. She has midnight-black hair in a crew cut, smooth, dusky skin and deep, intense brown eyes. She is in remarkable shape, her rolled-up sleeves showing forearms corded with muscles that flex powerfully with every slight movement she makes. She has two heavy, round, firm D-cup breasts, a flat, hard stomach, and slender, powerful thighs that propel her forward with panther-like grace. She has one tattoo, a lone black wing on the left side of her neck just under her jaw.

She is clad in a U.G.C. Peacekeeper uniform and dark blue beret. As you gaze on her form, you notice a rather conspicuous bulge down the left leg of her pants... it seems officer Batra is packing a little something extra.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Riya is notable for her racism towards non-humans, as well as her lack of sexual interest in anything other than pure females, despite possessing a penis herself.


If she is a human female, Captain Steele will find Riya to be polite and professional. If Steele is a non-human female, Riya maintains a professional but suspicious demeanor, although Steele may still have sex with her. If Steele is a human male, Riya will be polite and professional but is not willing to have sex with Steele. If Steele is a non-human male, Riya will be suspicious and impolite, as well as being unwilling to have sex with Steele.

After a non-human talks with her enough, they will get the option to confront her for racism. They can drop it, report her, or throw a punch. Reporting her will move her to Canadia Station (or Tavros if she is already on Canadia). Throwing a punch disables future interactions with Riya.


Currently, Riya will engage in casual conversation regarding her interests in VR and her reasons for becoming a Peacekeeper, but only with humans and regardless of their gender. Other species will find her hostile and insulting when attempting to engage in conversation.


Riya's scenes all require Steele to have a vagina, not be a taur, have feminity >= 40, and not have a cock. Non-humans will notice several insults and demeaning language used during the scenes. She will also give non-humans a Terran Treat once a week after sex.

  • Fellatio - Steele gives Riya a blowjob.
  • Vaginal - Riya fucks Steele vaginally. Alternate version if Steele is a virgin.
  • Buttstuff - Riya fucks Steele's ass.

It is possible to become pregnant by Riya. The gestation period for the pregnancy is about nine months (270 days) and ends in a live birth(s).


Requires level 7+

After meeting Riya and 14 days have passed approaching Riya's location will result in a scene where she walks away with an Ausar officer named Grence. If Steele follows then you can join in on a raid on a Black Void base. After fighting a pair and then a trio of relatively easy void pirates Steele is attacked by a Pirate Juggernaut. Losing any of the fights will result in a Bad End. After defeating the Juggernaut the player can offer her opinion on Riya to Grence and receives a reward. Steele's opinion acts the same as reporting Riya.

Choosing "Report Riya" will move her to Canadia Station (or Tavros if she is already on Canadia).

Christmas Event

During the Christmas season, it is possible for Captain Steele to accidentally receive a digital spam invitation to Tavros' UGC Security Officer party if they have spoken to Riya. If they wish, the player may go to the elevator and go to Deck #4 to join in the festivities. During the merriment, Commander Grence will arrive dressed as Santa Claus and begin handing out presents to everyone, except for Riya who gets a lump of coal.

Riya, who takes great offense to this, progressively gets increasingly shit-faced and begins giving a drunk speech about how celebrating the human holiday of Christmas is a clear demonstration of Terran superiority over all other aliens, followed by an ironic speech about getting coal because she is being "discriminated" for being a mocha-skinned Hermaphrodite, at which point Grence will drag Riya to Grence's office.

If the player chooses to Follow Riya and Grence, they will find the two angrily arguing over their beliefs, ideologies, and how they view each other, before it devolves into drunken hate-sex.

If the player chooses to Stay out of it, they will continue to party, getting Drunk, and being given a SynthSheath (if available) as a present.

Regardless of choice made, the SynthSheath limit increases by 1.