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Race: Goo Girl

Gender: Asexual, but appearing female

Body: Goo girls come in a variety of colors, usually coordinated to match the appearance of their surrounding environment. For this reason, blue is the most common color, followed by green or clear, though purple or even red slimes may exist. No matter the color, goo girls are always mostly transparent, their only consistent feature a red nucleus in the center of their mass, usually just behind their breast. It is a coincidence that this nucleus resembles a small, pulsing heart. Their hair is made of semi-solid slime, creating the rough approximation of a style, generally defaulting to a solid, coiffed blob or thick, goopy dreadlocks.

Senses: Slimes will mimic the appearance of eyes, but they don’t perceive the world around them by colors or light. Rather, they respond to heat and vibration signals in the air or water, which they interpret into shapes. Particularly warm bodies are especially interesting to goo girls.

Facial Features: Goo girls are featureless at birth, but have an insatiable urge to mimic the appearance of those they encounter. Usually, they acquire these faces by sliding over the head of the creature they’re investigating, though sometimes they’ll composite several features they’ve already learned into unique combinations. They favor female appearances because they tend to be softer, which is easier to maintain, and lack facial hair, which frustrates most mimic attempts.

Build: Body types change as Goo girls absorb bodily fluids. In their base, unfed state, they appear like large amoebae, little more than a blob of goo around a red nucleus/heart. As they increase their protein and lactate consumption, their nucleus increases its ability to maintain larger and larger surface area, producing more goo from the surrounding liquids. In sufficiently large goo girls, humanoid appearance is taken after initial contact with a suitable creature. Because increasing mass becomes exponentially harder as they grow, most goo girls maintain a volume suitable for a 4-5’ statue, though they may be found smaller or larger according to food supplies. Goo girls particularly enjoy the softness, heat, and milk of breasts and will mimic the bust size of their target’s breasts even before touching them.

Appendages: Due to their shifting states, arms are merely a habitual expression of their tendrils. They lack the strength to pull or push in any great capacity, usually preferring to flow around obstructions. However, they have a great degree of control over the movements and pressure of their hands, fingers, and vaginal cavities, which affords them an unrivaled, delicate touch. They will gladly sculpt additional orifices to compensate multi-genital humanoids. Goo girls rarely form full legs and almost never bother with feet, preferring to let their bodies pool into a puddle beneath them.

Combat: In combat situations, Goo girls usually revert to semi-solid bludgeoning, turning their hands into bulky, semi-acidic club-shaped appendages. Total body engulfing is another of their favorite tricks, suffocating their victims just enough to weaken them into pliability, their heat sensitivity precise enough to avoid casualties. Fire is highly effective against them, as it dissolves their slimy coating, but it also makes them significantly more acidic, leading to more dangerous counter attacks. Goo girls do not have sexual urges like most humanoids, but love to mimic appearances and behaviors, including suggestive poses, exposing engorged organs, or light masturbations. If they are provided with sufficient demonstrations, a goo girl may ‘succumb’ to lust, and allow the humanoid to explore it instead. If a goo girl is sufficiently threatened, they will eject their heart into the water, leaving an empty shell behind to distract the attacks. These “empty girls” persist in their old shape and behavior for upwards of an hour before reverting to sludge, but lack a guiding intellect and are therefore very pliable to guided commands.

Reproduction: The reproductive cycle of goo girls is a curious thing, more closely resembling cells than animals. They are asexual and can reproduce by simply dividing their heart into a second girl. However, because their nuclei control their ability to adopt shapes, their size, and stores all the memories they’ve acquired, it is rare for goo girls to divide in isolation. Rather, they often congregate with others of their species and engage in what may appear to be a sexual orgy to the less discerning viewer. The semi-permeable nature of their bodies allows goo girls to ‘merge’ with one another, sharing information between their hearts. It is not unheard of for multiple goo girls to occupy the same body for weeks on end as they explore the world around them together, before splitting off, producing a ‘child’ from their merging. Because it is an equal exchange, there are no negative consequences to this sharing, goo girls naturally develop curious and forceful personalities. Larger goo girls require significantly greater humanoid fluids to maintain and expand their shapes, which gives them a ‘slutty’ reputation amongst non-goo creatures.

Civilization: Goo girls do not have a formal society, meeting each other happily, sharing their memories, and parting with equal ease. Their relative fearlessness, along with their natural curiosity makes them quite determined, even around larger, stronger humanoids, like minotaurs or centaurs. As expected of a malleable race, goo girls have no sense of personal boundaries and are easily frustrated by the impermeable nature of most humanoids. Slimes who have acquired sufficient memories will often adjust their faces into expressions of petulant pouting when they don’t get their way, acquiring a forceful insistence that borders on aggressiveness. One of the most challenging parts about understanding goo girls is their method of communication. While they always form mouths, they lack the organs necessary to produce sound. To compensate for the lack of speech, amongst other goo girls, they produce very specific heat signatures. These exothermic pulses serve as a sort of speech, communicating meaning without the necessity of taking the time to merge with one another. Their dogged body exploration may actually be a misunderstanding, explained by the fact that most humanoid creatures cannot self-regulate their body heat and, in situations of excitement, produce additional heat from their genitalia. The goo girls, mistaking this for an invitation to come closer, would be understandably confused and annoyed when the examined creatures respond negatively to slimy pressure that they seemed to be welcoming.

Special notes: Goo girls are sensitive to heat and vibrations, which makes the act of copulation with non-goo races- though pointless- very enjoyable for them. Sex serves the dual purposes of acquiring shape memories and providing them with the protein-rich fluids they cannot acquire from the fluid around them. Additionally, they require regular exposure to moisture to maintain their bodies. While goo may be found a distance from a large body of water, it is rare and the lack of moisture tends to turn them highly acidic and a great deal more dangerous. Although it is possible to encounter goo girls with multiple hearts, they do not tend to occupy a single body for very long. There are rumors of “Goo Queens” who have dozens of hearts inside them, using the combined memories and membrane control to become giant, non-permeable, or even capable of speech, depending on the legend. No Goo Queens have ever been reliably identified or reported to date.

(Written by: Adjatha)