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This is a test run to compile results for interactions with The Demon tribe that you encounter randomly in the desert.

Test 1 Stats:


Level 3 male.

First Encounter

The Text of the First encounter is as Follows.

You wander in the desert for what seems like hours, sweating profusely in the sweltering heat. Eventually you come across a small watering hole surrounded by scrappy trees and shrubs. It would be foolish not to take this opportunity to drink, freshen up and paddle your legs in the cooling water, so you settle into what little shade you can find for a quick break.

After a while sitting in the sparse shade provided by one of the bushes around the oasis you see figures shimmering into view across the desert sands. As you watch the figures they grow more defined and more numerous until finally a group of vaguely humanoid shapes emerges from the heat haze. The closer these figures become the more detail they take on, and as they near the edge of your small oasis you are able to make out most of their features.

The group is composed of roughly twenty tan skinned demons, mostly humanoid in shape with many and varied corruptions across the group. You see demonic high heels, twisting horns and swinging cocks of all shapes and sizes. There even seems to be a bull head in there somewhere. You also make out plenty of breasts ranging from tiny ones to a pair that require a second person to carry them, and with those breasts a wide range of pussies, dripping and dry, sometimes nestled below some form of demonic dick. The small tribe carry no weapons and what little clothing they wear is well shredded, except for one hefty male wearing a cloak of what appears to be snakeskin across his broad shoulders. You assume from his clothing and the size of his equipment that this male is the leader. He, along with the others, is in good spirits and they all look fairly non-threatening, although you’ve learned not to trust anything that looks non-threatening in this place. Especially if it can carry its cock over its shoulder.

The demons don’t notice you until they are quite close, the glare of the surrounding sand making you very difficult to see in the shade of your scrappy bush. They ignore you, intent on the refreshing waters of the oasis, but you can’t stay hidden forever. A small keen eyed demon eventually spots you and lets out a cry of alarm, pointing you out to the others. More eyes than twenty heads should really possess are now pointed straight at you.

What do you do?

Here the choices are to Talk or Fight. On selecting talk the player starts with a joke that goes on well among the tribe and you are given the choice whether to stay and join them for a banquet or Leave.

Talk: The leader smiles in genuine delight and excited chatter rises up from the group of demons. 'This is excellent. It has been so long since we last had one of your kind join us.' Behind him the demons begin to slide free of their tattered rags, hardening, dampening and licking their lips. As the leader steps forward to caress the curves and angles of your body you begin to suspect that the hunger this feast is to satisfy is not for food, but all that is forgotten as the demons swarm silently around you and you stumble back onto the hot sand, legs falling open in the process. Suddenly the silence is broken by a shrill screeching laugh, then a howl and the movement of the demons begins to accelerate. The deep bass laugh of the demon leader breaks over you like a crashing wave and the demons shriek with frenzied lust as they take you on the sand of the oasis.

After this you are subject to gang back which brings Corruption- Increased (From what I gather by 5) Toughness- Increased by 1 Intelligence- Decreased by 1 Libido- Increased Increased by 1 Sensitivity- Increased 24 Hit Points Increased by 1