Harboring a Fugitive

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Harboring a Fugitive
Creator Gardeford
Quest Giver Ahmri
Requirements Has encountered at least 3 Centaur Packs
Level Range 1+
Quest Type Side Quest
  • Harvest Valley
  • Timed? No
    Can Fail? No
    Has Multiple Endings? Yes
    Version Added
    • 0.1.17 (until Marefolk Village)
    • 0.3.5 (completed)

    Quest States

    State Acquisition Description
    0 Investigating the noise but losing to the Centaur Marauder pair. You were unable to fend off the corrupt marauders harrying a centaur mare named Ahmri. Perhaps it would be a good idea to try again at full strength, as she might be able to tell you something about what's going on with the centaurs.
    1 After rescuing Ahmri and learning of her predicament, but decided to build the camp elsewhere. You've rescued Ahmri, daughter of the centaur village's chief! She said she had somewhere to hide, but would rendezvous with you when you set up a camp in the valley.
    2 After rescuing Ahmri and having her move into the Champion's camp Ahmri is staying in your camp in the Harvest Valley. She'll be able to make her way to new camps you set up, but it would be good to find out more about her situation.
    3 After learning more about the centaur village from Ahmri You've talked with Ahmri about her village. If only you can find somewhere safer for her to stay while you make plans for the centaur village.
    4 Having asked Atani to harbor the centaur princess. Chieftain Atani of the marefolk village has agreed to harbor Ahmri while you make plans to infiltrate her village. Only a matter of time now.
    5 TODO You've begun a covert assault on the centaur village. Make your way through the village to reach Taldahs and talk some sense into him.


    The quest is obtained from encountering Ahmri running from the centaur marauder pair for the first time. This scene can be encountered in all regions of the Harvest Valley.

    Quick Walkthrough

    • 1. Find and rescue Ahmri
    • 2. Build Camp on spot/build a camp
    • 3. Talk to Ahmri about CentaurVillage
    • 4. Travel to the Marefolk Village and find Atani
    • 5. Accept Atani's request to save her mother
    • 6. Talk to Atani about Centaurs and ask her to Help Princess
    • 7. Talk to Atani about CentaurRescue
    • 8. TODO

    Companions with unique dialogue/scenes

    Companion Scene Action
    Brint Defeating the Centaur Marauder pair Brint ample time to bring his massive axe in a two handed arc that nearly cleaves the monstrous hunter in half.
    Atugia Atugia to nearly bisect him at the middle with a rune empowered uppercut from her halberd.
    Berwyn Berwyn to impale the monstrous hunter with a chunk of magically compacted stone.
    Cait Cait to blast away a section of the monstrous hunter's flank with whitefire.

    Detailed Walkthrough

    Encountering Ahmri

    While exploring the open grasslands of the valley, the sudden sound of thundering hoofbeats alerts the Champion and they prepare for a fight, however, the noise stops just over a hill. The Champion will be given the following choices:

    • Investigate - Check out the commotion. Better to get the jump on a violent centaur than be caught unaware.
    • Leave - Better get out of here before the centaurs hear or see you.

    Note that leaving or fleeing will not permanently end this encounter, and they can encounter it again at anytime.

    Choosing to investigate will have the Champion and their party quietly creep up on a hill and spot three centaurs. They note two male centaurs wielding large clubs and that they seem different; that their body language and mannerisms are different from what they know or heard about the centaurs in the Marches. The two males attempt to convince a female centaur they address as Ahmri to return home, however, Ahmri states that whatever the weird red woman did to her father is clearly affecting them as well. She promises that she'll find someone to fix them and she asks to be left alone. Realizing that the centaurs are simply toying with her, the Champion walks up to the centaurs with their weapons at the ready. The centaurs don't notice the Champion until they're practically standing between both parties. One of the marauders tries to convince the Champion to put their weapons away so they may take their princess home, however, his less-diplomatic partner adds that they get to fuck the virgin Ahmri every night along the way. With their plan revealed, the collected one berates his companion and states that the Champion probably just wants Ahmri all to themselves, and prepare for a fight.

    The Champion will be placed into a fight against two weakened Centaur Marauders. Should the Champion be defeated by the centaurs; as they're about to take advantage of the Champion, the collected one notices the disappearance of Ahmri and berates his companion for not keeping an eye on her and they rush off to find Ahmri.

    If the Champion was previously defeated by the centaurs or had fled, upon encountering and investigating the noise once again, the collected one recognizes them and rhetorically asks that 'don't they know when to give up?' and quips that while Ahmri clearly doesn't, the Champion seems like they've got some sense, and the pair prepare for a fight.

    Should the Champion defeat the centaurs, the collected centaur huffs and goes to speak, however, he becomes distracted by his companion who is seizing. The centaur's skin bulges from the inside and he lets loose a mindless roar as slippery tentacles sprout from his body. The untwisted centaur swears and runs off, leaving the Champion with his malformed companion. The corrupted centaur speaks; "No more wait", as he slowly advances on a fear-stricken Ahmri. The Champion will rush in, grabbing a short blade from Ahmri and sinking it directly into the monster's heart, however, he bats them away with one arm and moves to smash them with his club. This distraction allows Brint, Atugia, Berwyn, Cait, or the Champion (if has none of the listed companions) to strike down the monster and it chokes before dying at their feet. They wipe away the blood from the short blade and return it to Ahmri.

    She huffs and asks how does she know the Champion isn't another one of the 'red bitch's pawns'. The Champion manages to convince her and her mixture of fear and defiance deflates as she sinks to the ground, suddenly looking like she hasn't slept in days. She states that she doesn't think she can run for much further and although she brought enough food to last her a while, she needs to rest. The Champion observes Ahmri's fully packed bags on her barding and undoes the tie on one of her packs which reveals the food she had brought along with her, nothing but cakes and other sweetmeats that wouldn't last more than a week before spoiling. A now less-confident Ahmri is surprised and states that she picked all the things she usually eats and those never spoiled when she was at home. After helping Ahrmi sort through what food will last, she's left with dried fruit and a handful of jerky, which is maybe enough for two good meals. They tell her of her food predicament before stating that they can find her shelter at Hawkethorne until they find some way to fix whatever is going on in the valley, and they go to introduce themselves and their companions. The friendly gesture is enough to perk Ahmri up a little as she refuses to leave the valley, as the only daughter of Chief Taldahs, she will not run away until she finds a way to fix her tribe. Convinced of her willingness to stay, the Champion teaches Ahrmi how to forage for March chicken eggs and make use of them. Although it may take them some time to find a place to stay, they invite Ahmri to stay in any of the camps they set up in the valley.

    With that, the following options will become available:

    • If not presently at a tile with a camp:
      • Build Camp - You could build a camp right here! This spot seems safe enough.
      • Elsewhere - You'd prefer to use a different camp in the valley.
    • If has a camp on current tile:
      • Enter Camp - Make Ahmri feel at home in your camp.

    Note that building a camp on the spot will not consume Camping Supplies, since they will use the corrupted centaur's gear, however, should they prefer a different spot in the valley, it will require Camping Supplies.

    Ahmri at Camp

    Once a camp has been set up or when the Champion reaches one of their camps, a tired Ahmri collapses on a sleeping mat as her exhaustion finally catches up with her. Note that Ahmri will be present at any camp the Champion sets up in the valley. At the camp, Ahmri can be seen arranging her summer dresses while humming a soft tune.

    To proceed with the quest, they must talk to Ahmri about CentaurVillage in which she will TODO

    Atani and the Marefolk Village


    Centaur Rescue


    Corrupted Route


    Pure Route





    Throughout the quest, the Champion will have to fight:


    Loot & Reward

    Item Type Acquisition Note
    Bondage Gear Armor/Chest Dropped during the Lustrider Tollus fight Unique item
    EC XP Acquisition Note
    30 60 Defeating the Centaur Marauder pair