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Revision as of 15:49, 7 December 2014

Aim-assisting Eyepiece

A squat little thing, placed on your eye like half of a pair of glasses. It operates as a targeting assist, hooking up with the muzzle of a ranged weapon and giving you some flexibility of being able to aim without glaring down the sight of the weapon. The lack of depth perception means it’s only useful shooting across your living room, however.


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Caption text
Item Type Accessory
Short Name AimEyepiece
Equipment Slot Accessory
Base Price 800
Damage -
Damage Type -
Defense -
Shield Defense -
Bonus Shields -
Accuracy +2
Sexiness -
Critical Bonus -
Evasion -
Fortification -
Resistances -
Lust Vulnerability -
Use Details
Is Usable? Equipable
Is Usable in Combat? Equipable
Valid Targets Self
Additional Flags -


Sold by - on -
