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== Goblins ==
== Goblins ==
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Revision as of 05:33, 21 January 2015



Information is filler text and still WIP--pending accurate info.


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They're eating her....and then they're going to eat me!......OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!

Name (Singular): Goblin

Genders: Male and Female

Height: 2'8" to 3'6", with females averaging an inch or two taller than males.

Weight: 40lb to 55lb

Hair: Black (naturally), many choose to dye their hair more unusual colours. As goblins age, their hair does grey and eventually turn white. In many cases, a goblin's natural hair colour is one of the few ways to tell their age.

Eyes: Two eyes, similar to humans, save that the pigmentation of their irises is black making them virtually indistinguishable from their pupils to the naked eye.


Goblins are humanoid in structure, but are much smaller in size than most humans. They look not unlike scaled down humans. Their skin has a green pigmentation in most cases, but some have been found that have a yellowish or even bluish coloration to their skin. Goblin heads are nearly identical to human ones, aside from the unusual coloration of their eyes, the structure of their ears, which are long and pointed very similar to the elven ear style, and a slightly more triangular facial structure with pointed noses. To this date, there have been no recorded cases of goblins without cybernetic enhancements of some kind and many have replaced entire parts of their bodies with them. Every last one of these enhancements have been found to be of homemade, none have been factory make or mass produced.

Goblin females are known to be slightly larger than their male counterparts, on average. This is matched with a higher level of natural strength and aggression in females over males.

Environs Typically Inhabited

Goblins are natives to Tarkus. They're fully capable of living in most environments on the planet, but generally prefer to be nearby sources of metal that they can use to maintain and build cybernetics with. They also inhabit a large, mostly derelict space station in very high orbit over Tarkus.


Goblins are a sexual species. The species does not have an estrous cycle, and females appear to be capable of having children at any time. Pregnancies usually last for 6 months, with mothers giving birth to 3-5 children per litter. Larger or smaller litters are possible, but very rare. A female goblin's hips and buttocks grow larger with each pregnancy, and their sizes are often a good indication of how many children a particular female has had. Females that still have breasts can nurse their young with something similar to milk.

Goblin vaginas are rather unusual, as they possess a set of specialized muscles that let them twist and rotate their interior passage around. Females have full voluntary control over these muscles. Using them on a penis is known to be very pleasurable for the female, and many human males have said that the experience is quite enjoyable as well. Goblin males often find it difficult to orgasm without some twisting on their dicks. This does lead to male goblins having great endurance and taking a long time to orgasm while having sex with non-goblins.

Goblin cocks somewhat similar to human ones. Despite their small stature, a male goblin's cock is, on average, 4-6 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter. The shape is also somewhat similar to human cocks; being an oval shaft with a head. Though in the case of the goblins, the tip's cap is even on the top and bottom, with two distinct bulbs separated by a ridge. Some have described it as appearing to have two crowns or cock heads in series.


Most of goblin history is unknowns and conjecture. This is mostly due to the fact that, as far as researchers have found, no recorded history has been kept by the race. At the current time, the species's society is classified as post-apocalyptic by the UGC. They were once capable of at least interplanetary travel, built at least one giant space station (parts of which have remained operational without outside support, and many goblins still call it home), and manufactured enough material goods for their homeworld to essentially be covered trash and waste materials. It's often referred to as the junkyard world in casual conversation, even by its inhabitants.

What is known is that the goblin homeworld appears to be two halves of different planets, the missing sections apparently destroyed through some kind of advanced weaponry. One or both of the halves were then brought to their current location by a means currently beyond UGC technology. The halves themselves are not physically connected, but feature a massive device projecting a gravitonic tether holding them at the right distance to keep them from either collapsing in on one another, or spiraling out into space. The tether also puts out a repulsor field that keeps the atmospheres on both halves from falling into the void in the center of the world. Whatever civilization was able to create this strange wonder seems to have been gone for some time. None of the goblin inhabitants have anything close to this level of technological capability.

One side is mostly wrecks of ancient cities and piles of refuse and scrap, while the other is largely desert and wasteland, most of what was built on it being blasted away by an ancient disaster.

It is uncertain if the goblins once were capable of such great feats of engineering as to be capable of partially destroying and then relocating planets, but they are the most advanced residents of the two halves and the only intelligent creatures aboard the space station when it was discovered. One of the leading theories is that the goblins once had a great power source or fuel, which they used to power whatever industries and ships they use to command. Whatever this resource was, it was not renewable and has been completely exhausted. The sudden loss of this vital resource likely triggered a set of deadly resource wars over what was left, and then the goblin's civilization collapsed.

Most people who challenge this theory point towards the goblin tendency to create things without safety measures. They make one false move, and it all goes up in smoke. Considering the state of the world, many say that the goblins probably caused all of this through various accidents. Eventually, they brought the whole thing down.


All goblins have cybernetic enhancements of some kind. They're all self maintained, and the original versions of the enhancements were built onto their bodies as children by their parents. This is mainly because goblins are dependent on their cybernetics to survive the toxic environment of their planet. While most augmentations vary wildly in style and function, all are known to include either some form of artificial kidney to filter out toxins from their blood or a throat filter that removes harmful particles from the air they breath and water they drink.

Common body part replacements include: arms replaced with tools or tool bearing graspers, eyes replaced with sensors, subdermal armor, various computer port interfaces on different parts of the body, and organ replacements. Additionally, goblin cybernetics seem to protect the goblins from most aging effects, however, it is unknown if this is actually from the augmentations or simply a natural feature of the race.