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Latest revision as of 04:51, 19 March 2015

The Foxtaur is a mixture between a centaur and a fox-morph and one of the sentient races of Mareth. The hybrid doesn't appear naturally but in Tel'Adre centaurs are common and Fox Berries cheap and readily available. Many centaurs love the berries and eventually become partially transformed into foxes from eating them.


There is very little information about the Mareth foxtaur. Judging by the sparse description we have, they seem to be essentially centaurs with some fox-morph features, that is a fox-morph torso combined with a full horse body. Foxtaurs known from other worlds, however, have a fox-morph torso and a full fox body and it is possible this is the case with the Mareth variant too.

Foxtaur NPCs

The foxtaur is mentioned briefly (by Urta) at the opening of Urta's Fertility Quest but does not appear elsewhere in the game.

Becoming a Foxtaur

It should be relatively easy to transform into a horse-bodied foxtaur. First use Minotaur Blood to gain hooves, then Equinum to gain a centaur lower body and finally fox berries to gain fox features. The game won't recognise you as a foxtaur, instead you will be described as a centaur since the centaur transformation takes precedence over the fox.

It is not possible to transform into a fox-bodied foxtaur.

Related Races


  • The foxtaur is not part of any mythology here on earth but a rather recent invention, believed to have been introduced by science fiction authors Harlan Ellison and Larry Niven around 1985. See wikifur.com for more details.