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However, JoyCo's ambition far outstripped the expertise of its developers. As relative novices in the area of AI design, several mistakes were made when building the Bess-13 and Ben-14 units.
However, JoyCo's ambition far outstripped the expertise of its developers. As relative novices in the area of AI design, several mistakes were made when building the Bess-13 and Ben-14 units.
To create a truly empathic coded AI, JoyCo included emotional modules and libraries in the Maia Series, allowing them to sympathise with others. While this was a wildly popular feature, it was also incredibly dangerous. The perils of placing an AI mind capable of emotion into what was meant to be a bipedal sex toy became quickly apparent.
To create a truly empathic coded AI, JoyCo included emotional modules and libraries in the Maia Series, allowing them to sympathize with others. While this was a wildly popular feature, it was also incredibly dangerous. The perils of placing an AI mind capable of emotion into what was meant to be a bipedal sex toy became quickly apparent.
Not only that, JoyCo had included a feature that allowed Bess-13 and Ben-14 units to feel a higher level of sexual pleasure than humans. Because of the units intuitive ability to find their partners sweet spots, their users were always swiftly satisfied. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the units. This lead to the unfortunate side effect of almost every orgasm deprived unit going completely berserk and flying into "sex rampages."
Not only that, JoyCo had included a feature that allowed Bess-13 and Ben-14 units to feel a higher level of sexual pleasure than humans. Because of the units intuitive ability to find their partners sweet spots, their users were always swiftly satisfied. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the units. This lead to the unfortunate side effect of almost every orgasm deprived unit going completely berserk and flying into "sex rampages."
JoyCo quickly issued a complete recall and went so far as to get the UTC to ban these particular AI models. The company also offered all owners a replacement Bess-13 or Ben-14 Unit - this time with a VI processor - or a complete refund. Despite this many owners refused to return their AI models, preferring to keep them and take the risk, rather than settling for the 'inferior' VI replacements.
JoyCo quickly issued a complete recall and went so far as to get the UGC to ban these particular AI models. The company also offered all owners a replacement Bess-13 or Ben-14 Unit - this time with a VI processor - or a complete refund. Despite this many owners refused to return their AI models, preferring to keep them and take the risk, rather than settling for the 'inferior' VI replacements.
Since then JoyCo have continued to sell Bess-13 and Ben-14 VI units. While the AI models were popular amongst private owners, the VI units have been more popular in the fields of medicine and frontier exploration. This is because the VI units are a tenth of the price of the AI models.
Since then JoyCo have continued to sell Bess-13 and Ben-14 VI units. While the AI models were popular amongst private owners, the VI units have been more popular in the fields of medicine and frontier exploration. This is because the VI units are a tenth of the price of the AI models.

Latest revision as of 21:00, 23 October 2016


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Bess-13 and Ben-14 Units

Name: Bess-13 and Ben 14 Units"

Sexes: Female (Bess-13) or Male (Ben-14)

Height: 5'2" (Bess-13), 6'1" (Ben-14)

Weight: 65kg (Bess-13), 70kg (Ben-14). These are the default factory settings.

Hair: Both unit types have retractable artificial hair that can be set by their owners. The tint is also adjustable. Factory standard is silver.

Eyes: Both unit types have adjustable irises; color is specified by their owner. Factory standard is silver.

Wings: None.


Bess-13 and Ben-14 units are sleek, chrome-skinned humanoids with segmented artificial bodies. They fit the very definition of robot, lines running along their body showing each individual part for easy maintenance. These units are built almost entirely of FlexMetal, a patented synthetic alloy built by JoyCo that feels exactly like organic skin. JoyCo designers claim FlexMetal is actually superior to organic skin as it is far more durable and infinitely more flexible.

JoyCo have put this flexibility to good use in these units; their FlexMetal bodies allow them to customize their shape depending on their user's preference. By filling sections of their body with a special liquid called Meld-Milk they can inflate or deflate any part. Because of this, no two units appear exactly the same.

Bess-13 and Ben-14 have a special multi-functional JoyCord that usually lies dormant in their spinal cavity. When they need to recharge themselves, the tail comes out just above their rear ends and connects into a local power source. It can also be rearranged and used as a cock-tail attachment.

In an emergency, they can use a stun attack from their JoyCords - as power can travel either way down the cord - though this function severely depletes their internal batteries. This feature was originally designed for users into electrostimulation.

Both Bess-13 and Ben-14 units come with male and female genital attachments. They can have one, both, or neither attached at any given time.

Both units have the ability to equip a pussy and have it extend out from a prehensile tail growing from between their legs. This is particularly useful for users with unusual body types or for offering vaginal penetration while being pegged from behind. Some users find this ability unsettling and never make use of it.

Their FlexMetal bodies allows them to incorporate all but the largest of individuals in any orifice. Since Bess-13 and Ben-14 Units are marketed as breeding relief androids, they can easily take huge amounts of liquid inside of them and in a pinch swell their bodies to compensate.

Needless to say, these units were extremely popular with inflation fans and pregophiles across the galaxy. Bran Flazingan, the galaxy’s eight richest man and eccentric tycoon, called the Bess-13’s and Ben-14's "the most enticing object you’ll ever feel the need to fuck."


For years, JoyCo and KihaCorp have been rival robot manufacturers. Despite this, there has always been one area each company was the undisputed leader of. For Joyco, this was medical assist-bots. For KihaCorp, it was coded and grown AI units. For the longest time, neither company tried to muscle in on each other's 'turf'.

This all changed when fifteen years ago, KihaCorp abruptly announced it would be manufacturing a new, revolutionary medical assist bot. JoyCo saw this as nothing less than a declaration of war and went about designing an AI product to hit back at the rival company.

Their proposed solution was the creation of the universe's first truly empathic coded AI, breaking down the barriers between Coded and Grown AIs. They saw it as a way of getting all the benefits of an empathic consciousness without the hassles of copying and growing it in a simulator. It was also a way to steal away customers of both KihaCorp's coded and grown AI units.

With this in mind, the Mood Articulate Intelligence Android, or Maia Series, was conceived.

Over a dozen different Maia type androids were designed and put on the market, however none saw as much success and failure as the Bess-13 and Ben-14 units. These units were designed to be perfect emergency sex substitutes. JoyCo marketed them as ideal for breeding relief in hospitals, frontier exploration, or private use.

However, JoyCo's ambition far outstripped the expertise of its developers. As relative novices in the area of AI design, several mistakes were made when building the Bess-13 and Ben-14 units.

To create a truly empathic coded AI, JoyCo included emotional modules and libraries in the Maia Series, allowing them to sympathize with others. While this was a wildly popular feature, it was also incredibly dangerous. The perils of placing an AI mind capable of emotion into what was meant to be a bipedal sex toy became quickly apparent.

Not only that, JoyCo had included a feature that allowed Bess-13 and Ben-14 units to feel a higher level of sexual pleasure than humans. Because of the units intuitive ability to find their partners sweet spots, their users were always swiftly satisfied. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the units. This lead to the unfortunate side effect of almost every orgasm deprived unit going completely berserk and flying into "sex rampages."

JoyCo quickly issued a complete recall and went so far as to get the UGC to ban these particular AI models. The company also offered all owners a replacement Bess-13 or Ben-14 Unit - this time with a VI processor - or a complete refund. Despite this many owners refused to return their AI models, preferring to keep them and take the risk, rather than settling for the 'inferior' VI replacements.

Since then JoyCo have continued to sell Bess-13 and Ben-14 VI units. While the AI models were popular amongst private owners, the VI units have been more popular in the fields of medicine and frontier exploration. This is because the VI units are a tenth of the price of the AI models.

Meanwhile a large underground following and black market demand still exists for these AIs, with many rich individuals still secretly requesting for AI models to be made. JoyCo flatly denies receiving or fulfilling any of these requests.

Since the attachments for the VI model are perfectly compatible with the AI model, owners of illegal units are still able to repair and upgrade them with impunity.

Environs Typically Inhabited

Bess-13 and Bess-14 VI units can be found in most hospitals where breeding relief is needed for the general populace. There are a number of private owners, though most people cannot afford the high price of the units. They are also frequently used as decoys on frontier planets with sexually aggressive natives, flora or fauna.


Bess-13 and Ben-14 units cannot reproduce unless they are equipped with a special internal gene-splicer (GX) upgrade. When equipped with the GX upgrade they can impregnate or be impregnated by almost every conceivable species in the galaxy.

The Meld-Milk in their bodies can be discharged from their breasts (if they have them) or from any orifice. Through artificially induced biological processes, the units can transform Meld-Milk into several different types of fluid on request, allowing them to satiate certain kinks and also provide sustenance to organics. This function is particularly useful when a unit is equipped with a GX upgrade, allowing them to breastfeed progeny no matter what species they are.

The Units can also break down organic matter such as semen, milk and certain foods and turn it into Meld-Milk, easily replenishing their internal stores.


The AI and VI models share many personality traits due to their similar programming. Both are incredibly eager to please and possess a very pleasant and friendly demeanor. This is because the majority of them need to work in a hospital environment and must have a good bedside manner (as well as a good "bedside manner"). They are largely driven by their core directive to provide breeding relief.