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== The Dzaan ==
{{ContentWarning|width=9|message=Information is filler text and still WIP--pending accurate info.}}
'''Name (Singular & Plural):''' Dzaan
{{:Codex: Dzaan}}
'''Sexes:''' ???
'''Height:''' ???
'''Weight:''' ???
'''Average Lifespan:''' ???
'''Fur/Scales/Feathers:''' ???
'''Arms:''' ???
'''Abdomens:''' ???
'''Hair:''' ???
'''Eyes:''' ???
'''Ears:''' ???
'''Antennae:''' ???
'''Wings:''' ???
'''Homeworld''': Dzaan?
(Using “Stripperheels” as a placeholder. Seriously, think of a better racial name.)
=== Overview ===
The Stripperheels are an all-female race located in the rim. Their planets--as well as the Stripperheels themselves--are considered some of the most beautiful in the known galaxy, and the Stripperheel homeworlds are favored destinations for the privileged few who can afford the trip. Despite their beauty, a deep cultural schism divides the Stripperheels, and a host of perils awaits any foolish enough to stray outside the boundaries of the resorts.
=== Appearance/Physical Features ===
Being a mostly female race, the dzaan have been forced to adapt to their gender population disparities. Commonly, the dzaan are born female, and serve as the breeding surrogate of the dzaan race, which carry and have similar pregnancies as human.
The alpha female, which is much more uncommon accounts for roughly one third of the dzaan population, serves the purpose as the male. They’re equipped with a penis, a hefty pair of testicles, and a working vagina. Unlike their female counterparts, the alpha female’s vaginas are rendered incapable of breeding between other alpha females. However, it has been noted that the alpha females can reproduce with their female reproductive organs with other compatible species.
Where dzaan females have a variety of spots and stripes on their skin, the alpha females  sprout bare studs of keratin that protrude from the skin in specific areas. Additionally, alpha females sport ridges on their cheeks, shoulders, elbows, knees, and feet, which have a blue or purple hue in color. Some alpha females sport small horns, or other spiney features on their crown.
Despite their differences, females and alpha females also have many similarities. Both are of dark skin color, which ranges from a rich brown, to a bronzed tan. The dzaan have a wide variety of eye colors that exceed most races, allegedly ranking in the tens of dozens of variations, all the while consistently matching their hair color. A dzaan can only grow hair on their heads, and typically can sport any hairstyle that a human can. Alpha’s however, are born with small studs or dull horns in place of where their adult horns and studs will grow in and don’t grow hair in those spots.
Both have elongated spines, which have six more vertebrae than human’s, arranged to give the dzaan a distinctive back-arching posture. The dzaan have broad thighs for support, strong calf muscles, and taut, and elastic achilles tendons to support them.
The dzaan have strong and robust bones in their feet that are built for their unusual posture and way of walking. Most notably, dzaan have heels that are shorter than a human’s, and they have an additional, yet small, joint in their feet to aid in walking on the balls of their feet, absorbing and dispersing some of the weight.
Lastly, due to their elongated spines, the dzaan have longer vaginal canals, which has resulted in the alphas evolving to have quite a large penis to better guarantee insemination. Additionally, to ensure that they can fertilize the females' deep vaginas, the alpha females have developed larger, more productive seminal vesicles and other ejaculate producing organs, including much larger testes.
=== Reproduction ===
=== Combat ===
=== Environs Typically Inhabited ===
=== Society ===
Among the dzaan, society is divided into small, secular clans and families, lead by their alpha female who has the largest testicles. In those clans and families, the lead alpha often attracts a harem for breeding and servicing. The lesser alphas serve the clan or family’s leading alpha, and often has several mates of their own.
Aside from dealing with the political needs of the family, the alphas’ have very little responsibilities beyond being the respected house leader. They often spend most of their time mating with their harem or mates. It’s the alpha’s job to father and produce strong and attractive females to hunt, gather, mate, and all around contribute to their family and neighboring sister clans or families, running trade routes, markets, and other occupations in their primitive culture. It is the female’s job to maintain society beyond the figure head and mating purposes of the alphas.
Current Stripperheel society revolves around a schism that developed when offworld explorers first made contact. Many Stripperheels were distrustful of these outsiders, and these communities closed ranks, dedicating themselves to keeping the old ways alive. Their caution would prove warranted in the years to come, for the lovely Stripperheels were quickly sought-after as prized concubines in every corner of the galaxy. Soon after first contact, the first slavers began raiding tribal Stripperheel settlements, and their predations continue to this day. For this reason, gaining the trust of any tribe is difficult, and antagonizing them is often fatal. The jungles of (Stripperheel Prime) are harsh, but its stewards can be harsher still.
A smaller faction of Stripperheels saw great potential in these ships from beyond the skies, and have worked tirelessly to integrate themselves into galactic society. Unable to offer much in the way of advanced technology or mineral wealth, these Stripperheels trade in a different sort of resource: Their beauty. Building luxury resorts across their pristine homeworlds and staffing them with the most beautiful of their sisters, these Stripperheels actively cater to travelers, and are the friendliest of their species. Virtually every pleasure imaginable is offered at these resorts, from fun in the sun to exotic drinks to the most intimate companionship.
=== History ===
Stripperheels are recent arrivals to the interstellar community, and they guard their secrets tightly. So-called Tribal Stripperheels keep to themselves, limiting contact with outsiders as much as possible. Their more cosmopolitan kin, while certainly friendlier, nevertheless remain shrewd in what information they are willing to divulge. Little of Stripperheel history is available to any outside the Stripperheels themselves, and what morsels are shared with offworlders are done so with the very specific intent of promoting the image of the Stripperheels as an exotic and sensual people.
An excellent example of the latter is the story of (Not-El-Dorado). Several variants of the tale exist, but all agree that (NED) is a hidden paradise, even by the lofty standards of the Stripperheels. At (NED), (some legendary queen or arbiter, maybe?) rules over the greatest of the Stripperheels. The most comely of beauties, the greatest of hunters, and the most virile of alphas are all drawn to (NED) to feast, frolic, and fuck as they see fit. The veracity of these tales is hotly debated in academic circles, but many Stripperheel resorts offer safaris in search of (NED) to their favored clientele--for a price.
=== Other Notes ===
[[Category:Races (TiTS)]] [[Category:Dzaan (TiTS)| ]]
[[Category:Races (TiTS)]] [[Category:Dzaan (TiTS)| ]]

Revision as of 01:16, 12 May 2015


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Dzaan are as beautiful as they are addictive...

Name (Singular & Plural): Dzaan

Sexes: Female (“Beta”) and Hermaphrodite (“Alpha”)

Height: 6’2” to 8’

Weight: 180 to 300 lbs, depending on build.

Hair: Extremely varied and often colorful.

Eyes: Extremely varied, usually matching hair color.

Average Lifespan: 150 Earth years

Homeworld: Heloith IV


Despite their heavy presence on the rim in modern times, Dzaan society did not react well to the introduction of the greater galaxy, creating a schism that divides their peoples to this day. One camp, fiercely tribal and independent, avoided contact with the “sky people” and maintained a strictly isolationist worldview. The other, led by curiosity or courage, chose to embrace change, seeing a chance to fulfill prophecies of a promised land that had been unfulfilled for generations.

Both sides proved to be correct. The isolationists’ viewpoints were reinforced by abductions perpetrated by unscrupulous slavers intent on smuggling sapient cargo. Meanwhile, the explorers integrated well into galactic society, throwing themselves at the edges of the known universe with religious fervor. Pockets were lined with riches, allowing for rich enclaves to be constructed on promising planets.

Now, many of those enclaves have become tourist hotspots, providing fabulous weather, luxurious amenities, and exotic company for those well-off enough to afford the cost. The near endless flows of credits have funded countless expenditures aimed at discovering what they now call “The Wonder World.” Indeed, adventuring dzaan almost always have custom-made craft and top-of-the-line weaponry.

With the latest rush, many resorts have closed; these strange aliens’ attentions are firmly on the heavens. Only the isolationist tribes on their homeworld continue as they have, avoiding outsiders at all costs.


Dzaan are almost entirely human-like in appearance, leading many exotic races to have difficulty distinguishing the two. Leithans in particular seem to struggle to identify these “two-legs,” but significant biological disparities do exist between the two races. First and foremost, dzaan have longer spinal cords than terrans, containing six more vertebrae, giving them a longer torso.

Their sinuous posture does a good job at concealing the extra size, giving them an outthrust chest and subtly arched behind. Their wide hips and strong, muscular legs give them something of a sensuous gait, always seeming to display their secondary sexual characteristics for maximum effect, and the short tendons in their heels keep them on the balls of their feet.

Dark skin colors are the norm for both sexes, a leftover from their tropical homeworld (and preferred climes). The only hair a dzaan will ever grow sprouts from her head, much like a human’s, though alphas typically have less than betas, owing to the keratin protrusions that often form on their foreheads, sometimes even manifesting as rounded horns. Alphas may also have these ridges on their cheeks, shoulders, elbows, knees, and feet. It is uncommon for any one alpha to have growths in all these places; many never get anything more than horns.

Betas lack the keratin protrusions but are ornamented with a variety of spots or stripes, sometimes both in complementary locations. The mechanisms behind their formation were studied for years with only middling success before being abandoned entirely. Why spend tens of millions of credits researching a gene-mod when anyone can get their own markings from a cheap tattoo artist?


Alpha dzaan, though much rarer than betas, universally take the place of males within their society, using their lengthy phalli to impregnate harems of beta females. Though alphas have functional female genitalia, there is no record of one alpha ever successfully inseminating another, though whether this is due to cultural taboos or a biological quirk is unknown - alphas can be impregnated by humans, ausar, and other similar races, strangely enough.

Thanks to their larger torsos, dzaan have much longer vaginal canals than humans, and alphas have grown to fill them. The average alpha’s phallus typically ranges from 9 to 11 inches in length, though rare cases can fall far to either side of the spectrum. Two plump balls power these reproductive powerhouses, manufacturing seed laced with numerous mildly addictive compounds.

Incubation lasts just shy of seven months, culminating in a surprisingly easy birth, owing to the excessively wide hips that many dzaan have. Mothers will lactate just like humans, providing nourishment for their growing young.

As they grow, they undergo two puberties, the first at age eight to nine and the second around 14 to 15. The first gives them their skin markings or keratin growths as well as increased height and muscle mass. The second brings them to full maturity, enlarging both primary and secondary sexual characteristics, particularly breasts. Alphas’ balls, prostate, seminal vesicles, and penises greatly expand at this point.

The changes females undergo are much more subdued and internally focused. The only visible one is the growth of the clitoris. It greatly expands, becoming large enough to pop out of its hood at the first hint of arousal. Tribal dzaan attach great significance to their females’ first time “popping their nub.”


Nearly every alpha has a harem of his or her own, though the ones with the largest balls and most noticeable keratin typically attract the most mates. It does not take long for the beta females to become addicted to their alpha’s sexual fluids, ensuring that couplings are both frequent and binding.

Less successful alphas may only have one or two females to themselves, placing themselves in subservient, supportive roles to the alphas with the largest harem in the settlement. These hierarchical structures are more rigid amongst the traditional isolationists than the space faring explorers. Exposure to the rest of the U.G.C. has allowed a few females to mate outside their race and given rise to a small but vocal crowd of monogamous alphas.

There is little strife within their leadership structure. Power struggles are virtually unheard of - she with the largest harem is obviously in charge, and should a usurper try to upset the balance, the leading alpha’s harem would simply pin the troublemaker (and her harem) down until they’re thoroughly and completely addicted to the clan leader, creating a larger, even more powerful harem.

Actual violence and murder are quite rare, and despite their harshness with their own species, they prize freedom of choice, allowing females to select their own alpha once they come of age. Addicting an outsider is a massive faux pas; forcefully addicting an outsider is a crime worthy of exile. Due to their addictive abilities, lone alphas are generally to be treated with caution. Lone females are even more rare, but much less dangerous.


Addiction the fluids of a dzaan alpha is a serious and difficult to break habit. Few attempt it, and fewer still succeed. Researchers theorize that cause lies in the effects of the narcotic-like cum. It enhances submissive tendencies, relaxes the imbiber, and promotes general feelings of empathy and euphoria. Tolerance can build up, but the process is slow. More importantly, even the most well-fucked beta will tell you that she still receives a thrill from servicing her mistress.

Individual alphas have slightly different chemical mixes, but it is possible for a harem member to transition to a new mistress with only a modicum of discomfort as she adapts to her new lady’s particular blend.

Because of this, many dzaan alphas interested in coupling with members of other races avail themselves of over the counter drugs designed to suppress their semen's naturally addictive qualities. Whether this is to give their partners peace of mind or to avoid the discussion altogether varies from individual to individual.