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Maximillian Steele, your Dad’s brother and all around conniving bastard. Uncle Max made his fortune by following your father and filing time-shifted, forged claims on as many of your father’s finds as he could. The worst part of it is that some of the claims actually held up in court, allowing him to make out nearly as well as Dad with a fraction of the risk.
Maximilian Steele, your Dad’s brother and all around conniving bastard. Uncle Max made his fortune by following your father and filing time-shifted, forged claims on as many of your father’s finds as he could. The worst part of it is that some of the claims actually held up in court, allowing him to make out nearly as well as Dad with a fraction of the risk.

Latest revision as of 22:41, 5 October 2015

Maximilian Steele


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Maximilian Steele
TiTS character
Created by Fenoxo
Full name Maximilian Steele
Nickname(s) "Uncle Max"
Aliases Max
Species Human
Gender Male
Occupation Businessman
Children Jack/Jill Steele (Son/Daughter)
Relatives Victor Steele (Brother), Captain Steele (Nephew/Niece)
Nationality Terran


The main antagonist of Captain Steele's storyline. Currently mentioned in name only.


History/Personality/Information of Note

Maximilian Steele, your Dad’s brother and all around conniving bastard. Uncle Max made his fortune by following your father and filing time-shifted, forged claims on as many of your father’s finds as he could. The worst part of it is that some of the claims actually held up in court, allowing him to make out nearly as well as Dad with a fraction of the risk.


Max currently has no interactions.


Max does not sell any items or services.


Max cannot be spoken to at the moment.


Max does not have any interactive sex scenes.


Max does not have any related quests so far.