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'''Name (Singular & Plural):''' Kui-tan
'''Name (Singular & Plural):''' Kui-tan
'''Genders:''' Evenly split between males and hermaphrodites.
'''Sexes:''' Evenly split between males and hermaphrodites.
'''Height:''' Most adults are between 4’10” and 5’1” in height with few ever being shorter than 4’4” or taller than 5’6”.
'''Height:''' Most adults are between 4’10” and 5’1” in height with few ever being shorter than 4’4” or taller than 5’6”.

Revision as of 17:54, 10 March 2015



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Name (Singular & Plural): Kui-tan

Sexes: Evenly split between males and hermaphrodites.

Height: Most adults are between 4’10” and 5’1” in height with few ever being shorter than 4’4” or taller than 5’6”.

Weight: Similar to terrans despite their thick fur giving them a somewhat pudgy appearance.

Hair: Hair grows from the top of the scalp with colorations from chocolate hues all the way to oil-black.

Eyes: Kui-tan have two forward facing eyes situated in their face, in the same manner as humans. Eye color tends towards shades of brown and orange, though gold eyes are possible, if rare.


The kui-tan are a humanoid species native to the moon of Florus, which orbits the planet [REDACTED], who visually call to mind the mythical ‘tanuki' of Japanese lore. Their bodies are typical of most intelligent humanoids - two legs, a torso, two arms, and a single head atop the torso. Kui-tan faces are strikingly similar to galactic norms, except that nose and jaws grow together and extend into a short but expressive muzzle, containing prominent canines but altogether omnivorous teeth. A single pair of ears, just pointy enough at the top to be oval-shaped rather than circular, sit atop the head with limited mobility.

Though they have five-fingered hands at the ends of their human-like arms, their plantigrade legs end in paw-like, four-toed feet. A single tail sprouts from every kui-tan’s rear, starting at a narrow base and swelling out immensely the closer one comes to the tip. These tails can be almost as long as a kui-tan is tall and as thick around as one’s waist. However, the bulk of a kui-tan’s tail is actually very dense, firmly packed fur, making it surprisingly light despite its bulky shape.

Kui-tan grow thick, dense fur that often makes them looking quite pudgy if left ungroomed. Most kui-tan do their best to keep it cut short and form-hugging, both to keep cool and for appearances’ sake. Their fur colours are generally browns with patches of black around the eyes, on the tips of the ears, in rings around the length of the tail, and in the shape of black socks over their feet and thighs. This fur greys in old age. It is not unheard of for kui-tan to dye themselves to suit personal preferences and tastes.

All kui-tan bear tapered penises thanks to their lack of a female sex. The tips have vaguely heart-shaped crowns formed by two rounded bulges on the underside of the glans at a tip at the tip. During kui-tan mating, the unique shape stimulates the cervix to dilate, allowing the father direct access to a fertile womb. A trio of knots, spaced along the length, swells upon orgasm, locking the lucky father in place. The erect length of a typical kui-tan falls somewhere between six and ten inches and not more than two inches in width, though reports of kui-tan with outsized genitals from mods are common; the race seems to have strong reactions to such items.

The most unique parts of a kui-tan’s reproductive system are their testes. Their masculine reproductive systems constantly produce sperm and seminal fluid, and their unique gonads are capable of storing it all, swelling up as they do so. A kui-tan who goes without release long enough may find himself immobilized by his own beachball-sized genitalia. Once drained, they’ll usually be about the size of apples.

Kui-tan cannot reach such obscene states in short order. It would take a few weeks for most to immobilize themselves. No matter how large (or sensitive!) their prostates, they simply cannot immobilize themselves without a long period of abstinence. Of course, aroused kui-tan produce semen many times faster than normal, and large intakes of food and water can further stimulation such production. Actually ingesting another’s seed is even worse, setting off what some kui-tan have taken to calling a ‘cum-cascade’.

Hermaphrodite kui-tan have vaginas designed to clamp tightly, but orientated for fitting girthy pricks over lengthy ones, as they must cope with the series of knots that a given partner will produce. The vagina is often easily hidden due to the testicles obscuring obvious sight, and most commonly kui-tan prefer to be penetrated from behind, vaginally or anally.

Hermaphrodite kui-tan typically have breasts a bit below the human averages, ranging from A to C-cups.

Environs Typically Inhabited

The kui-tan planet of origin is the major moon of Arcysus, named Florus.

The kui-tan species evolved in lush forests prone to balmy summers and harsh winters. Naturally adept at climbing, the kui-tan still have a fondness for forest environments, and often build their homes into trees when given the choice. As their technology has advanced, more urban cities have sprung forth, though all kui-tan try to at least keep some plants around the home for decoration, if nothing else.


By preference, most kui-tan form monogamous pairings. There is a tradition of parents taking steps to introduce their children to potential partners, but arranging marriages for political reasons has been illegal for generations.

While capable of sexual intercourse at any point in time and also of conceiving on a monthly basis, hermaphrodite kui-tan retain the aspect from their more primitive ancestors of entering a state of heat approximately every six to seven months. During this time, typically about a week long, their hormones surge, giving them a marked increase in libido and a small, but noticeable, boost in passive semen production. This makes them markedly more interested in sex, though not so much so that they can’t resist the urge, as well as making it more likely for them to conceive.

A kui-tan pregnancy typically lasts about six and a half to seven months, and results in the delivery of a single pup. Blind and helpless, the woolly little pup depends heavily on protection from its parents for a significant portion of its early life, and both mother and father traditionally work closely together to keep it cared for.

As a common sexual fetish, kui-tan are very receptive to testicular stimulation. When particularly swollen, or when orgasming, the skin on their balls becomes extremely sensitive, making touch very effective at further turning them on. As a consequence, most kui-tan greatly enjoy the feeling of semen washing out of their partner or spilling down their balls, and will usually react to oral pleasurings - lickings, kissings, suckings, etc - with the same manner. "It’s not real sex if your balls are still dry when you’re finished,” is a common sexual saying on their planet.


The most interesting event of note in kui-tan history is some 500 years before the present day, when early experiments in bio-modification went disastrously wrong. The Kintama Plague, as it’s now called, began as an experiment in bio-modding intended to create an easily administered virility booster. Instead, the artificial DNA mutated, got loose and began spreading across the planet like a virus. This mutated bio-mod drastically affected the infected males, causing their semen production to surge into overdrive and leaving them requiring near-constant sexual release to be capable of independent motion.

The initial news of a viral breakout and it’s effects weren’t necessarily treated as a maximum level priority. Most males had no problem with having to find release more often. This incident only got its due importance when the virus mutated and began to affect the females, making them grow male genitalia of their own. The world’s top researchers were tasked with finding a cure, but the research was too slow. The virus had infected nearly the entire population, and within a few decades females disappeared entirely, replaced by herms.

As is widely documented in their own planet’s histories, it was shortly after the kui-tan developed powerful radio receivers that they accidentally made contact with the sionach, who had reached a similar stage of development on their own world. It is something of a friendly argument between the two species about who holds the more important role in their mutual histories; the sionach, or the kui-tan, for inventing the first reliable space vessels that made physical contact between their species possible.

Other Notes

Kui-tan of all sexes attempt to keep their balls small and manageable, so they can be tucked away discreetly with some skill. Oversized balls are seen as sexually provocative and crude, a vulgar symbol of the kui-tan’s sexual readiness or desire.

Because all kui-tan have penises, many kui-tan have come to be bisexual, with no social stigma of any kind given to an individual pleasure the phallus of another with hands, mouth or anus. While most ‘homosexual' kui-tan males classify more accurately as male-preferring bisexuals, true homosexual males do exist. Whether an individual prefers to catch, pitch or swing generally takes the place of conventional sexuality in kui-tan society.

Because of the excessive productivity of kui-tan balls, it is a natural thing in their culture to need to release frequently. Restrooms are modified to be capable of handling frequent loads of semen as well as other wastes, and most cities have designated ‘milking stations' where a pent-up individual can be quickly and efficiently drained, with the mess vacuum-pumped away without hassle.

It should be noted that in kui-tan culture, oral sex carries different sexual overtones than in human cultures. Since oral achieves release more efficiently than handjobs, it’s quite common for kui-tan to offer blowjobs to others if they need the release; even family members may do so without stigma. However, the expected norm is that, when climax nears, the offering partner will release so the climaxing partner can direct his or or her ejaculate into a storage receptacle.

Actually swallowing the semen, though, is regarded as a highly intimate act, perhaps even more so than among humans due to the semen-cascade it sets off in the receiving partner’s balls. Thusly, swallowing has come to symbolically mean that one partner is quite literally taking on the burdens of the other. As a consequence, it’s a great sign of respect or love to do so.