Tanis's Bow

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Tanis's Bow


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Tanis's Bow
Item Type Weapon
Equipment Slot Ranged Weapon
Base Price 6500
Damage 2 Kinetic
10 Corrosive
Accuracy 2
Critical Bonus 2
Use Details
Is Usable in Combat? Yes
Valid Targets Hostile
Additional Flags Bow Weapon

A compound bow made to the specifications of the leithan scout Tanisaran, who trained you in the ancient tradition of leithan bowhunting. It's a huge bow, but light as a feather and almost unbelievably easy to draw. Your arrows are tipped with acid bulbs that shatter on impact, splattering the target.


Can be attained from Tanis on Mhen'ga after bow training with him 12 times.


Can be equipped as a ranged weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.