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Pink Hoverboard


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Item Name
Caption text
Item Type Item Type
Short Name Short Name
Equipment Slot Equipment Slot
Base Price Base Price
Damage Damage
Damage Type Damage Type
Defense Defense
Shield Defense Shield Defense
Bonus Shields Bonus Shield
Accuracy Accuracy
Sexiness Sexiness
Critical Bonus Critical Bonus
Evasion Evasion
Fortification Fortification
Resistances Bonus Resistances
Lust Vulnerability Lust Vulnerability
Use Details
Is Usable? Yes or omit
Is Usable in Combat? Yes or omit
Valid Targets Self, Friendly or Hostile
Additional Flags Defined flags

Hoverboards fell out of style in the core centuries before you were born, but they're still making them for those who need a speedy way to navigate crowded or caustic areas. This particular one is a faded pink marred by hard wear and gleaming new components from the mechanic who fixed it. It appears to have originally been stamped with the logo of a girl's toy line, but time has stripped away any legibility from the characters.

