
From Fall of Eden
Revision as of 17:26, 18 December 2014 by Jacques00 (talk | contribs)
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TiTS character
Created by Savin
Species Human
Gender Male
Occupation Chef
Title Head Chef
Nationality New Texas


Chef who runs the Barbecue Pit at T.'s Ranch on New Texas.


The line’s pretty quick-moving despite there only being one man at the grill: a towering, meaty bull-man who looks like he’s enjoyed quite a bit of his own cooking on top of the Treatment’s effects, leaving him looking like a brick house of muscle and belly. At the sweltering heat of the grill, you can see he’s not wearing much more than a pair of jeans and his great big "Kiss the Cook" apron. His arms are a blur as he flips burgers, sauces ribs, and pulls fries out of the deep-fryer.



Food Menu
Order Sell Price
Roast Beef* 10
Ribs* 20
Burger* 9
Salad* 5
BBQ To-Go 20

* consumed on purchase


There is only one sex option with Herman thus far:

  • SpecialOrder - "Order up, on the house."
    • Is a Bimbo with fluid addiction or is Treated


Herman does not have any quests so far.