Nyrean Huntress

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Nyrea Huntress


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Nyrean Huntress (Alpha)
TiTS character
Created by Savin
Species Nyrea
Gender Female
Location(s) Myrellion
Combat Details
Level ???
Shields ???
Health ???
Initial Lust ???
Nyrean Huntress (Beta)
TiTS character
Created by Savin
Species Nyrea
Gender Female
Location(s) Myrellion
Combat Details
Level ???
Shields ???
Health ???
Initial Lust ???


An aggressive enemy encounter that can be found roaming the dark caverns of Myrellion.

Not yet Implemented.


This insectile woman looks like a black-armored amazon, tall and exceptionally buxom, with dark chitin plates covering her arms and legs, combining into an underbust corset of armor to protect her torso -- though conveniently leaving her big tits and groin exposed -- a groin which is sporting an impressive cock. Easily a foot long, her shaft is barely restrained by a padded chainmail bikini, though even partially covered you can see how thick and heavy it is. Even as one weapon draws your attention, the huntress moves with preternatural grace, circling you, probing at your defenses with her long, steel-tipped spear. Any hesitation, and weakness, and she'll be on you!


Hostile Nyrea come in two varieties: Alpha and Beta Nyrea. Alphas are more dangerous, and more likely to be carrying eggs already.

Not yet Implemented.


Not yet Implemented.


Not yet Implemented.