The Bakery is a shop in Tel'Adre that specializes in selling various pastry goods, complete with small tables and chairs for customers to sit and eat. A player can buy the following goods at the bakery:
- Brownies—Costs 3 gems, increase Thickness by +4, rare chance to increase Thigh Width
- Cookies—Costs 4 gems, decreases Muscle Tone by -1, increases Thickness by +2, increases Thigh Width
- Cupcakes—Costs 3 gems, decreases Muscle Tone by -4, increases Ass Size
- Doughnuts—Costs 5 gems, increase Thickness by +1, decreases Muscle Tone by -2, increases Ass Size, increases Hip Width
- Pound Cake—Costs 4 gems, increase Thickness by +2, decreases Muscle Tone by -2, increases Thigh Width, increases Ass Size
- "Special" Eclair—Costs 10 gems, only available to PCs with the Minotaur Cum Addiction
- Holiday Pudding—Costs 35 gems, only available after meeting Kami, can give PC antlers
- Giant Chocolate Cupcake—Costs 500 gems, increases Thickness to 100 and decreases Muscle Tone to 0
The player may also choose to purchase ingredients rather than baked goods. These ingredients, intended for cooking, can instead be eaten raw to transform the player into another species.
- Fox Berry—Costs 5 gems, transforms the eater into a Fox-Morph
- Ringtail Figs—Costs 5 gems, transforms the eater into a Raccoon-Morph
- Mouse Cocoa—Costs 10 gems, transforms the eater into a Mouse-Morph
The bakery also has a rare chance to provide the player with access to the Madeleine mini-quest. If completed "the right way", this adds the Giant Chocolate Cupcake to the list of available goods. Maddie also shows up at times when Shouldra forces her way to the bakery.
PC who is a Minotaur cum addict can also buy a "Special" eclair for 10 gems. Eclair has Minotaur cum addiction effects.