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Revision as of 16:04, 18 September 2017

By: SweetFlahne27 (Actually by QuestyRobo)

Tags: TiTS, Kui-Tan, Hermaphrodites, H/H, Tentacles, Throbb Use, Mind Break, General Lewdness, Hyper, TF

Act 1

“Ughh.” An exacerbated groan rung out as a chubby ‘nuki poured herself into a booth in the backroom of a now very familiar Mead Hall. Amaya Nomi was a formerly bright-eyed wannabe space pirate who left her comfortable home and family in pursuit of adventure. What she hadn’t realized was that adventure involved a lot more pain and effort than she’d anticipated.

The small ship she scrounged up for was barely capable in a fight, forcing her to try and be cmlever, which she wasn’t. Many of her attempts at piracy had ended very poorly - near death experiences and worse. Her latest caper was probably her best attempt, though that was an admittedly low bar.

She’d managed to track a very small group of pirates, about three people, after they hit a transport. Rather than take the direct approach, she waited until they were asleep and hoped to be able to make it out with some loot. Unfortunately, her plump frame and oversized attributes weren’t built for sneaking, and she was quickly caught and dragged off to the captain’s tent. Lucky for her, she had enough “charm” to work something out.

The group was made up of a big thraggen woman and her two boytoys. “You’re right on time, girly. Me and the boys have been saving up, just for you.”

How could they know she was coming? Amaya thought to herself before thinking back. She had run into the woman once already, back when she overheard the plan to hit the transport and retreat to a hideout. In retrospect, it was obviously a ploy to lure her there, but Amaya was a little too enamored with the thraggen’s juicy booty to think it through that much.

Her head was pushed against the thraggen’s nethers, her nose pressed right against her soaked panties. “Time to dig for your treasure, little hunter!” Amaya was so fixated on this heist that she’d forgotten to relieve herself that day, much to her regret and the thraggen’s delight. She was already half-mast going into the camp, and the potent smell of thraggen girlcum pushed her over the edge. Her mouth jumped in on instinct, yanking the offending panties to the side and darting her tongue into the muscular muff.

Her hands darted down to her beast-like prick, tearing it out of her tight, yellow trousers and starting to jerk off her massive meat. The thraggen grunted in irritation at that. “Keep her hands busy, I don’t want her load going to waste.” Her prick jumped at the suggestion, drooling pre-cum even as her hands were yanked off. She wasn’t not left hanging though. Two men put her hands to work on their own members.

The captain must have liked her men thick, because Amaya couldn’t get her hands all the way around them! That didn’t matter. Her overcharged kui-tan libido pushed her to stroke off anything she could get her hands on. Groans of pleasure echoed around the room as Amaya became a one-herm orgy machine, working overtime to please every hole and prick around. The others came many times to her ministrations, covering her fur in small rivers of white and soaking her face in fragrant juices. Amaya didn’t get to cum, even when her horsecock was so hard that it looked like an overinflated balloon, ever when her balls swelled enough that they’d be at her ankles if she stood up. It was only after the thraggen grew tired of getting eaten out and wanted the main course that release was in sight.

Before she got that, she got another surprise: a wad of cum in her mouth. Her’s, the men’s? It didn’t matter, she was already going through a massive cum-cascade. Her already giant balls bloated out like parade balloons hooked up to a fire hydrant. They were enormous, but after only a few minutes it felt like she was dragging around a water bed! And that seemed to be exactly what the thraggen woman wanted. Amaya’s eyes flicked back from her expanding pouch to her, seeing the woman’s rapturous expression as she stares at Amaya’s newly grown beach-balls.

“Fuck I love you kui-tan! Nobody else can make this much cum without blowing all their credits on mods. Maybe I’ll keep you around, give you a pretty collar, and make you my favorite cum-pet.”

Fuuuuuuuck! Emotions were swimming in Amaya’s head; her dreams of making a name for herself as a badass space pirate were starting to crack under the liquid weight of her overinflated libido. It only got worse as the thraggen straddled her and started to take her cock.

Amaya normally had trouble fitting in her partners with how massively thick it was. But the woman’s experience with her thicker-than-life boy-toys had trained her well, and she slid on with no problem, stopping just above Amaya’s knot.

“Fuuuuuuck, you’re just made for this aren’t you? Made to plug bitches until they break and then flood ‘em until they’re your broodsluts? Yeeeeeeah, you fucking are! NOW FUCK ME!”

Amaya’s hips bucked up instinctively at the thraggen’s shouts, trying to bury her inflating knot in that delicious pussy but being thwarted when she raised herself up and slammed back down. The back and forth continued on, Amaya’s hips bouncing up and down, trying to bottom herself out in the woman but outplayed at every thrust.

Amaya was too overstimulated to not cum. Her shaft swelled up even fatter than normal, and she could see the thraggen’s belly start to distend from just her pre. She started babbling, too engrossed in pleasure to get out much more than “fuck” and “cum”. Her pace went off as well, allowing Amaya to push her knot in just in time to cum. The thraggen’s belly bloated instantly, stuffed to the absolute brim after only a minute. Even Amaya’s meaty knot couldn’t hold any more in, and the tent began to flood with endless gallons of cum.

The two men looked on in horror as their captain babbled madly while being gloriously overfilled. One tried to pull her off, but she slapped him away. The other one tried to close in to help drag her off, but he slipped in the pooling cum. “She’s fucking lost it!” The first yelled out before running out of the tent. The other one hesitated for a second before joining him, screaming “We’ll come back for you, Captain!”

Amaya and the captain were locked in a prison of pleasure, both unable to release themselves from the endless orgasm. Both went completely slack, flopping over into the spreading pool of nuki jizz below. Amaya felt her eyelids become heavy as her body devoted everything to stuffing the woman so completely. She passed out, the thraggen going with her.

She woke up a few hours later, groggy and sticky. Her knot was deflated, balls were back to normal, and the thraggen captain still unconscious. After she collected herself, she suddenly realized. “Now I get all the loot! Fuck Yeah!”

Unfortunately, it turned out most of the cargo from the transport was various grains and vegetables - grains and vegetables that had fermented in her cum overnight. Crap.

The disappointing haul was only Amaya’s first problem. The second was that the thraggen captain, who had woken up, still horny. In her groggy state, Amaya didn’t notice her come up behind her. Strong hands grabbed Amaya from behind, shoving muscular fingers in Amaya’s mouth. “Mmmmh, we’re not done yet.”

Amaya heaved and threw her off, but could taste the cum that was on her fingers. Fuck!

She had to act quick; she could feel her balls starting to grow again. She scooped up as much of the unspoiled cargo as she could and booked it to her ship before her balls got the better of her. When she got in, she hurled her meager prize into the corner and threw herself at the controls, setting a course for “the fuck outta here”.

Act 2

In which you actually get what you came here for.

Amaya spent the journey to Mhen’ga relieving herself of the surprise cum-cascade. Thank the stars she got drains installed, she thought to herself. Of course the drains didn’t help with the smell, but Amaya was well used to it by now. Her load dispensed, she could focus on the next leg of her journey.

Mhen’ga had become something of a second home to her; it was far enough out of the way to avoid regulation without being completely lawless. The booze was alright, and she’d gotten pretty “friendly” with a few of the locals.

We rejoin Amaya where the story began: disappointed in her meager haul, balls sore from back-to-back cum-cascades, and arms tired from having time spent wiping down the walls. The only relief she had was that she was able to get a good enough deal for her score to buy herself a glass of mead rather than the usual swill.

As she drowned her sorrow and disappointment, a familiar form approached her.

“What got ya down, bandit?”

It was Syri, the raven-haired ausar that she’d gotten to be pretty good friends with. “Another bad haul?” Syri said as she sat down in the booth across from Amaya.

“Yuuuuu...p.” Amaya lazily blurted out, half from inebriation and half from exhaustion.

“Don’t worry so much, everyone starts off somewhere.”

“I know what you mean, but I’m getting real sick of the whole almost dying bit. You know Syri, I still don’t get why you’re so on board with me doing this?”

“Amaya, I’ve seen all kinds of people walk through this bar. You’re not the kind of person who I could see doing serious pirate stuff.” Amaya felt a bit insulted at that, but when she thought about it, she’d never really gone after anyone you could say was innocent or defenseless. She mostly went after other pirates, mercs - generally not nice people. It probably gave her more of a “Robin Hood” vibe, except the poor she was giving to was herself.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud thud from the front of the bar. “Damn it.” Syri blurted out. “Now you see, that’s who I’m talking about when I say I see all kinds of people.”

“Who is it?”

“She’s a kui-tan, like you, but she’s awful. Every time she comes in here, she just drinks and brags about all the ‘booty’ she collects.”

A kui-tan pirate, it couldn’t be, could it? “did she, uh, give a name, or anything?”

“I try to avoid her, but it’s like Niro or Miro or...”

“Kiro?” Amaya said, trying to contain her excitement. “Yeah, that’s it! You know her?”

Amaya jumped for joy internally. This was her chance! “N-no, I’ve just read some articles on the Extranet. I hear she’s some kind of famous pirate or something.”

Syri raised an eyebrow at Amaya.

“Um, you know, maybe I could talk with her, get her to calm down and stuff. We’re both kui-tan so uh... um... yeah.” Amaya tried to excuse herself, but Syri put her hand on her shoulder, keeping her from going anywhere.

“Look, you’re an adult, I’m not your mom, I can’t tell you what to do. What I can tell you is that getting mixed up with people like that never ends well.”

Amaya froze up. This might be her only chance to meet the person who inspired her. But on the other hand, would Syri forgive her? Could she bring herself to even look her in the eyes again if she did this? “Sorry.” Amaya whimpered out as she pried herself out of Syri’s grip. She only heard a sigh as she rushed out of the room.

Amaya’s heart fluttered as she entered the front of the bar. Her eyes darted across the room, looking for the woman she’d only seen in mugshots and amateur porn. It didn’t take long to find her target; she’d practically made herself into a centerpiece. It looked like the local UGC peacekeeper had gotten wind of Kiro’s presence and came to deal with her. Whatever her intentions, the fiery fennec found herself at Kiro’s mercy. The two were sitting across from each other at one of the central tables, the officer panting and groaning while Kiro looked on with glee.

It took Amaya a few moments to read the situation, but once she figured it out, her eyes shot open. The officer was packing way more heat than just a firearm: a massive distention in her pants, going down passed her knee, was being mercilessly teased by Kiro’s feet. The bottom of her pant leg was already soaked in pre, and there was definitely more coming.

The cop was either unaware or didn’t care that the show they were putting on was in plain view of the whole bar. People whipped out recording devices, started groping each other, or were discretely masturbating to the show. Amaya couldn’t deny how turned on the scene was making her, especially with the ripping noises coming from her own too-tight pants. Damnit, she just mended those!

The fox looked like she was about to blow when Kiro stopped. The officer’s vulpine visage took on a look of absolute panic. She started to speak when her comm rang. After hesitantly answering it, she jumped to attention as the person on the other end shouted loud enough to be audible, even to Amaya. The fennec bolted out of the bar as fast as someone with an erection the size of a baguette snaking down her pants could.

Kiro laughed while the fox waddled out, taking a sip of her drink and ignoring her own tumescent meat distending her dress. By the time the space pirate finished her sip, Amaya had already worked her way up to the table.

“’Sup” Kiro called out, looking over Amaya in her tight, yellow outfit with a hungry stare. “Looking for a good ti-”

“Ohmigosh, Kiro I’m your biggest fan!” Amaya yelled out, excitedly, interrupting the dusky ‘nuki mid sentence.

Kiro was taken aback at first but quickly took in the praise. “Well, always nice to meet an admirer. Yes, I am the famous space pirate, Kiro Tamahime. Now, are you looking for a good time?” she asked, shifting to emphasize the massive horse-meat that found its way into her on-display cleavage.

Amaya’s mind raced. She’d always wanted to meet Kiro and spent countless nights thinking about what she’d do if she met her. On the other hand, she was horny as fuck and her pants weren’t going to hold out too much - rrrip - longer. Her fat, flared prick shot up from its destroyed restraints, nearly flipping the table over as its mass impacted with the underside. “Umm, yeah. That sounds great. Let’s go, NOW!”

Kiro chuckled as Amaya started desperately dragging her out of the bar. She lead them to the hanger, bloated horse-meat waving in the breeze for all to see. It was embarrassing but oh so stimulating to the pudgy plunderer. Each stare was like a little jolt to her cock, keeping it rock-hard during their journey and filling her pendulous pouch by the second. By the time they reached the hanger, Amaya’s sack was the size of a pair of large pumpkins, but she soldiered on.

“Damn, you can really book it, even with all that extra on ya,” Kiro complimented as she suddenly took charge. “Impressive, but this is my show now!” The dashing pirate wrapped one arm around Amaya’s waist and the other hand around her cock. Amaya could only twitch, spurt, and moan as Kiro started leading her down the landing strip like a celebrity leads her trophy wife-slash-whore down the red carpet, only this carpet was a lot more white... and sticky.

Kiro dragged the blissed-out babe through the lavishly decorated halls of her ship, dragged being the operative word here, since Amaya’s balls were so big now that her feet couldn’t touch the ground. “Come on, kid, I know it’s exciting, but trust me when I say swelling up so big that you can’t get through the hallway isn’t fun. Calm yo ti... balls.” The trip to the struggling space pirate’s room took longer than either of them would have wanted. It got to the point where Kiro had to bring in a hoist to get the poor, overly enamored girl to where they both wanted to be.

Amaya was thrown onto Kiro’s oversized bed with a loud thud. Thankfully the bed frame was built to withstand the ravenous, insatiable desires of its owner and was unphased by Amaya’s massive bulk. “Whew, you’re a real grower aren’t you. Or am I just that good?” she asked, moving a stray strand of hair out of her face with a flourish. Amaya couldn’t deny that the excitement of the situation was turning her on more than she thought was possible without strong aphrodisiacs. Of course she was too horny to communicate anything other than pure bliss.

Her shaft was practically a pre-cum fountain at this point. Jutting straight up from her lying form, it let out a near constant stream of off-white liquid. “I’ll take that as a yes.” The sultry scoundrel said as she give Amaya’s steel-hard shaft a quick jerk, before climbing on the bed. “All right, this baby’s going in ya, so uh...” Kiro paused as she realized that Amaya was laying on her back, and her sack was already so big that it hung off the bed. “I am not carrying you anymore, just to flip you over; sit up.”

Amaya did just that, only to gasp in surprise when Kiro pushed her down into her own sack. “Theeere we go. Great view from back here.” Kiro said as she laid a swift slap on the plump nuki’s ass, sending vibrations rippling through her voluptuous form into her hyper-swollen sack. The pleasurable sensations caused a massive shot of pre to shoot from her trapped horse-dick, straining harder than ever now that it was caught between her pudgy middle and plush sack.

She had just gotten to admiring how slick her whole front felt, lubed up with copious pre, when she felt something pressing against her anus. Suddenly two lubed up fingers shot into her booty, coating her now spasming walls with lubricant. Amaya looked back in shock, seeing Kiro shoving one hand into her slicked anus, wrapping the other around her horsemeat with a large, near-empty bottle of lube lying next to her. “Buckle up, girly, it’s gonna be a long night to get both of us drained.” She patted her now pumpkin sized balls, sending them jiggling, settling down with another noticeable growth spurt.

Amaya gulped while Kiro finished with her fingers, giving her prostate a quick tap before exiting, sending Amaya groaning as her cock spurted out another hose worth of increasingly white pre. The bouncy babe felt her body settle, too heavy with lust and desperation to do anything but passively beg for the space pirate’s massive inseminator. She didn’t have to beg for long; within seconds Kiro was pressing her flare against Amaya’s winking asshole.

All the lube in the galaxy couldn’t make the entrance any easier. There was just too much meat to fit in, and Amaya wasn’t nearly enough of a buttslut to take these sorts of cocks with ease, at least, not yet. Kiro pressed and pressed against the unyielding pucker, struggling to get her massive flare through. “Come on girl, loosen up for momma!” She reeled back and gave another battering thrust, and then another, and another.

Amaya’s moans turned into screams of pleasure as her resistance broke, and she came. Huge gouts of white sprayed out of her straining urethra, pooling between her belly and balls at first but quickly breaking free. Large sprays came flying out from under her, increasing in intensity and range until they started hitting the wall on the other side of the room! The chubby girl groaned as she felt her cum pool and flow off her sack; the sinful warmness of it all only stimulated her production, keeping her balls puffed up even as she let out gallons of pressure.

Just when her orgasm had passed, Kiro finally broke through, planting her flare at the entrance of Amaya’s backdoor. Her eyes and mouth shot open, frozen from shock and pleasure. “Fuck, you’re tight! Well, let’s get you loosened up!” Kiro pressed in slowly, putting in about an inch a minute, occasionally gyrating her cock around in Amaya’s ass. The ‘nuki’s insides were being molded around the invading mass, her passage trying to milk the over-sized phallus for everything it had.

Amaya started cumming again the second Kiro’s bitch-breaker broke through her anal ring. Her second orgasm was even messier than the first; hot arcs of cum shot across the room with such velocity that they made her last one look like a mere appetizer for the real meal. The second one led into the third as Kiro’s pace started to increase. As patient as the scruffy scoundrel wanted to be, her throbbing balls were getting bigger, and demanding release. Thus, when Kiro got around ten inches settled, less than half her length, she lost it and started plowing her way through.

Amaya’s arms sprung to life at the overwhelming sensations, reaching under her pudge to grasp and jerk off her cock, causing her sprays to become more irregular, spiraling midair. She just couldn’t stop! Her balls were like water tanks, fueling a fire hose with no fire to put out, just a burning desire to empty every last drop. Kiro seemed to be in the same situation if the gut distending bursts of pre coming from her were any indication.

Kiro groaned and gasped as she started bottoming out in Amaya, putting a nice bulge in her gut from the amount of cock in her. “F-fuck! Buckle up babe, I can’t hold back any more!” Kiro pulled back her hips before thrusting herself balls deep. The two screamed in unison as Amaya’s gut inflated in seconds before waves of cum shot out from her overstuffed hole.

Kiro didn’t stop though, she kept thrusting, too lost in rutting lust to care that she was already cumming. She too was locked in a cyclical orgasm, her mind shut down in order to focus all of her energy on thoroughly using the plump ass in front of her. Amaya’s balls eventually shrunk down to the point where she could participate, and the long period of relative inactivity left her with much more energy than her dominator.

When Kiro’s hips started to give out, Amaya took over, riding her with all the pent up energy she had. The two locked lips in their lustful haze. Amaya’s plush body rolled over Kiro’s more slender build, her larger bust smothering Kiro’s own titflesh. The added stimulation further fueled their night of rutting. Even the most passionate fucks must come to an end, however, and Amaya eventually collapsed on top of Kiro. The two cum-covered crooks panted and gasped as they slowly fell asleep to the sounds of the rooms’ drains struggling to take the massive flood the two produced.

Hours passed before Amaya was stirred from her post-coital slumber by the insistent hand of her one-night stand. “All right, all right, time to get cleaned up and get you outta here,” Kiro said. Both of them still coated in cum.

“Get out? Wait!” Amaya exclaimed, getting quickly interrupted by Kiro.

“Come on lady, I’m all up for another round, but I need a few hours to get back up to full.”

“N-no, it’s not that. It’s just that, you know, I look up to you, you’re the reason I came out here. I wanted to become a space pirate, like you, but so far I’ve gotten my ass kicked. C-can you teach me how to be a better pirate?” Kiro glared at Amaya, putting her hand to her chin in a thoughtful pose. Amaya crossed her hands together and gave the biggest puppy-dog stare she could muster.

Kiro eventually relented with an irritated grunt. “Fiiiiine, but you owe me a blowjob and a pair of panties.”


“I collect them. Oh right!” Kiro rushed over to a dresser and pulled a camera out of one of the drawers. She came back and wrapped herself around Amaya, holding the camera behind Amaya’s back and spreading aside one of her asscheeks so that the cum still inside her could flow out freely. “Say cheese!” Amaya turned her head around as much as she could before the camera snapped a picture of the two of them. “Perfect. Anyway, let’s get cleaned up.”

They both went to the showers and started to scrub the cum out of their fur. Kiro decided that was a good enough time to lay down some rules. “Okay, look, I’m probably not the best person to really ‘teach’ you anything, but I’m on a pretty low risk route here, so you can tag along, get some pointers. Cool?”

“Yeah, that sounds awesome! By the way, what was the deal with that cop? She didn’t even try to take you in.”

“Who, Penny? She’s a customer, bought a whole crate of Throbb off me! Apparently our ‘mutual friend’ bought her out, and of course, she’s been digging in it herself.”

That certainly explained the massive cock the fox was packing. “Wait, you smuggle stuff too? I thought pirates just stole.”

“Hey, I’m going place to place, not exactly on the good side of the law; might as well move some product while I’m at it. There’s tip number one for today.”

Amaya nodded, wishing she’d brought a notebook. The shower ended, and the two got dressed; at least, as dressed as they could get after Amaya ripped through her pants. “Don’t sweat it too much. I’ll get you a new pair. In the meantime it’s alright with me if you go commando.” Kiro’s eyes glued themselves to Amaya’s dick, causing it and her own to start stiffening. “Fuck it,” she said as she removed her undergarments. “My ship, my rules, and my rule is that it’s no pants day!”

Kiro was already rock hard by the time her clothing was off, and Amaya’s followed soon after, rocketing to full attention from both the sight and smell of two massive horsecocks swinging in the breeze. “Pay attention, my student, and let me give you the tour of a real pirate ship before we get back to the fun stuff. By the way, never got your name.”

“A-A-Amaya...” she stammered out, all her senses still honing in on Kiro’s cock.

“Cute,” Kiro said before starting the tour. Most of the tour was fairly uninteresting, and Kiro went through explaining it with the enthusiasm of a museum curator. That was, until they got to the trophy room. It was a massive room, the walls lined with pictures of dozens of lovers being thoroughly fucked by Kiro, a pair of panties displayed below. In the corner of the room Amaya saw her own picture, and her lust grew deeper.

“Yep, there you are, tiger. It’s not everybody who gets into my trophy room, just most people.” Kiro gave out a loud chuckle at her own joke before leading Amaya back out. The last room was the cargo hold. It was fairly small and poorly lit, but she used the space well, all the crates neatly stacked into a single, organized pile. “Now, you don’t need a huge amount of cargo space. You want to sell your haul quick, but make sure you get a good deal. Having too much stuff just makes you a more juicy target.” She started looking hungrily over Amaya after the word juicy. “Of course, you’re already pretty juicy, aren’t you.”

Amaya must have been red as a tomato under her fur. The sheer, intimate lewdness of the situation weighed on her mind like a lead bar. Unthinkingly, she turned herself toward Kiro, inching her cock towards Kiro’s. Kiro reciprocated the motion, moving forward until their flares touched. They moaned in unison as Amaya pressed pressed forward, putting them dick to dick. This gave them an opportunity to appreciate the sheer size that was on display. Kiro had the edge in length, but Amaya was definitely thicker. “Damn girl, where’d you get a piece like that?”

“Well, uh...” Before she could answer, a thud echoed through the cargo hold. “What was that!” Amaya said, panicking. Kiro, however, was unfazed. “Relax, kid, just some cargo.” She strolled over to the stack of crates, paying particular attention to a smaller box resting on top of the others. She fiddled with her codex, turning on its flashlight function to illuminate the box.

The box turned out to be a glass enclosure with a small, green creature inside. It looked like a small blob with several small tendrils and one large eye in the middle of it. It was actually kind of cute. “What is it?” Amaya asked.

“I don’t know. One of my contacts give it to me, said some rich weirdo wanted it as a pet for his daughter. This little guy is worth more than all this Throbb,” she said, patting the half dozen solid steel crates.

“Jeez, how much Throbb is that?”

“Enough that you could crush a house if you took it all.”

“Wow, and, uh, that thing?”

“What about it?”

“Is it dangerous?”

“Oh it doesn’t matter, this here’s a solid transparent aluminum cage. This little guy isn’t getting out of there.” Kiro smacked down on the box for emphasis, causing the creature to squirm in response. “Now, where were we,” Kiro said as she guided their dicks back together. Amaya moaned out, but couldn’t keep her eyes off the creature. This allowed her to notice something strange; it was looking at them, particularly their dicks.

“K-Kiro,” she whispered. “It’s looking at our dicks.”

“Seriously?” Kiro said, looking back at the creature. “You like this you little perv?” She waved her massive horsemeat at the creature. It followed along like a flower growing in the direction of the sun, completely fixated. When Kiro pressed her flare closer to the cage, the creature jumped, latching itself to the side. “Hahaha, adorable! Look at that, even aliens want a piece of this. Come on, let’s not tease the little guy anymore.” The nuki duo left the cargo hold, off to tend to their desires in private.

The creature remained, though, locked in it’s cage, denied the objects of its desire. This was a Trimilion, a rare, but very valuable creature. Due to their small known population and conflicting reports about the dangers they pose, private trade and ownership is outlawed by the UGC. Of course, outside UGC jurisdiction that’s not really important. What is important is their intellect and the sheer malleability of their bodies.

This one was able to determine the location of the lock on the box and managed to worm its tendrils out the air holes and onto it. Figuring out the digital keypad proved difficult for a creature with no concept of numbers, but it found another solution. Flattening out one of its limbs, it slipped into a seam and wormed its way around the inside. Trimilions are very sensitive to electric current, so it was quickly able to locate the power source, and with a few alterations, overloaded the lock, blowing it off.

Now free, the creature considered going after the two furry things that had taunted it, but quickly realized the sheer size difference. The creature became dejected before remembering what one of the tall ones had said. The stuff in these crates could make things bigger! That was it! The creature was bound and determined to get inside.

Back in the bedroom, our messy muggers were back at it, pressing their pair of pulsating pricks between their pairs of plush pillows. The duo moaned and gasped as pre-cum soaked their fronts, spurred on by the way their churning, filling sacks slid against each other. Their cries raised to a crescendo, their urethras dilating as they got ready to blissfully unload.

Their peak was interrupted by a loud crashing noise echoing throughout the ship. The surprise set them off but also sent them tumbling off the bed. “What - gugh - the f-fuck was that!” Amaya urgently whispered, aiming her hosing cock toward the floor, praying for it to stop soon. “M-must be a - ooogh - stowaway; the alarms would have gone off if we were being attacked.” After their balls emptied, the pair grabbed some “just-in-case” ZK Rifles Kiro kept under her bed and set off to search for the alleged intruder.

The two stalked the halls, nervously checking every corner. Amaya even let off a few stray shots at errant noises, most of them caused by her.

“You’re paying for those holes, damn it!”

“Sorry.” The two eventually narrowed it down to the cargo hold, where they heard movement inside. Kiro tried to convey orders to Amaya with hand gestures, only to be met with a confused stare from the inexperienced girl. “Just shoot whoever’s in there,” Kiro said, irritatedly. Amaya nodded, and the two breached the door.

Amaya started firing the second the door opened, closing her eyes, and praying for the best. Kiro, on realizing that no one was there, at least that she could see, quickly stopped Amaya’s blind rampage.

“Damn it!” Kiro exclaimed as she looked over the open cage and ravaged crates of throbb. “The fucker took everything.” Kiro stepped into the room, stopping when she felt her foot hit something small. She looked down and saw a spent Throbb injector. “Ha, idiot used some of it.” Kiro let her guard down and looked back at Amaya. “Come on kid, this guy’s probably jerking off in a corner somewhere. Just follow the smell of cum covered weasel.”

Amaya was relieved and was about to relax when, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something behind Kiro. She couldn’t see it clearly in the dim light of the cargo hold, but whatever it was, it was moving toward the buxom pirate. “Kiro watch out!” Amaya yelled, too late to save Kiro from her fate. Kiro looked back and tried to raise her gun, but was quickly disarmed as a massive tentacle wrapped itself around her arms and dragged her to the ground.

“I’ll save you!” Amaya screamed as she aimed her gun and fired. Amaya, however, was a terrible shot, and her earlier incident had left her very little ammo to make mistakes with. She ran out in seconds. Kiro was still struggling, kicking and wiggling to try and throw the tentacle off. Amaya charged in, holding her rifle like a club, looking to beat the invader off of her friend. Before she could reach, another tentacle grabbed her ankle and sent her to the ground. She screamed and tried to yank it off, but more tentacles appeared to subdue her arms.

“Amaya!” Kiro screamed as the situation grew more dire. In desperation, she wrenched her hands down to where she could reach the tentacle with her mouth, and she bit it. Her attack didn’t work as well as she’d hoped. Fluid shot out where her teeth bit in, and as soon as it touched her tongue, she recoiled. A strange, numbing sensation shot through her mouth and into the rest of her body.

She was stunned, the feeling was so overpowering that it nearly shut down her whole body. This gave another pair of tentacles the opportunity to wrap up her legs. The two were hoisted up into the air as the ground below them filled with the rest of the creature’s form. Amaya looked down and, seeing the giant eye in the center of the mass, recognized the creature. “Kiro, I think that’s the thing from the cage! It must have gotten out somehow.” But Kiro didn’t respond. “Kiro? Kiro, are you alright?”

The two were faced away from each other, so Amaya couldn’t see what was happening. Kiro’s eyes were dilated, her mouth hanging open and drooling. She was barely cognizant, the one thing she was aware of was just how hard she was. It was unnatural, like her giant cock was trying to break out of its skin. She stared at it as it throbbed so heavily that it looked at least two inches bigger. The throbbing intensified until it didn’t just look like it was getting bigger, it was getting bigger. Kiro watched in shock as her stallion-sized cock bloated to behemoth proportions.

Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what was happening. That’s when she looked back at the tentacle and saw that it, and the fluid from the bite were blue, the same shade of blue as Throbb. Her heart was beating like a drum in her chest, either from the throbb or from her panic. Her horse-cock was at least 30 inches long by now, and her balls hung like a pair of overripe watermelons. She could tell from the sheer weight that it was from more than her normal swelling.

“A-Amaya - gugh - it-it-it’s full of T-Throbb, d-don’t le-” Her warning was interrupted as a tentacle shoved itself down her throat, immediately shooting a large glob of Throbb into her belly. Kiro groaned around the tentacle in her throat as her cock grew again, new flesh shooting out of her crotch like a piston, and thickening like a dried out sponge being dropped in a pool of water. Smaller tendrils crawled up her body, latching themselves on her breasts and toying with her nipples.

While Kiro was quickly submitting, Amaya was still struggling. A big, fat tentacle was trying to gain passage into her mouth, but she fended it off. Growing impatient, the creature decided to play its trump card. a thick tentacle-cock parted Amaya’s cushy ass-cheeks and shot into her still slightly gaped asshole. Amaya moaned out loud at the surprise, allowing another fat tendril to worm its way into her mouth. Huge sprays of Throbb flowed into Amaya from both ends, making her seize up in pleasure as she began to grow.

Kiro was well beyond any reasonable measurement by this point. Her balls were almost bigger than her body, and she knew no amount of orgasms would shrink it down. Her cock was far taller than her, probably about twice her height. Massive gouts of cum shot constantly from her permanently dilated urethra. She wasn’t cumming, but her balls were so hyper-productive that they outpaced even the gargantuan size of her nuts.

Kiro was well and truly broken. Every second felt like its own individual, mind-bending orgasm. Every thought of escape or getting help was quickly shot out of her, along with several gallons of super potent pre-seed. The last vestiges of her previous life were knocked right out of her when a huge tentacle rammed itself straight into her virginal snatch. Another huge tendril wrapped itself around her monumental horse prick, and began jacking it for all that it was worth.

Kiro came, she came and didn’t stop cumming. Torrents of white rained out of her behemoth bitch-breaker, splashing down on the creature below, who absorbed it with a hunger and efficiency that would make a pack of starving galotians blush. This was the end for Kiro Tamahime: Infamous Space Pirate, and the start of Kiro Tamahime: Colossal Cocked Fuckslut! The tentacle in her mouth retreated, leaving her head held up by nothing but her slacked muscles. She slumped back, resting on Amaya’s shoulder.

Amaya felt a glimmer of hope that Kiro had come up with a plan, only to have that dashed as she looked into her vacant eyes, and lolling tongue. Amaya still had more of her faculties working than Kiro, but that wasn’t saying much. The double dosage she was getting ensured that she caught up in size very quickly. The tentacles in her mouth and anus stopped squirting, but still pumped her raw. Another duo of massive coils wrapped themselves around her cock and balls, coaxing her to make as much seed as possible, while also milking it out of her.

She couldn’t resist cumming almost instantly, firing off waterfalls of spunk that mirrored Kiro’s. It didn’t matter how much they let off; the creature demanded more, and their hyper-productive sacks produced seed faster than they could shoot it out. A tentacle returned to Kiro’s mouth, an act that she welcomed graciously. Another one came to fill her neglected ass, ensuring she was receiving stimulation from every possible angle. The two were nothing but a pair of tanuki-shaped cum-dispensers, created only to feed this alien creature. Everything boiled down to a succession of orgasms, back to back, each one bigger than the last. Time lost meaning, every second filled with white hot pleasure.

Their senses eventually faded, the two sexually oversaturated ‘Nukis passing out.

Act 3

Many hours later...

A crowd gathered at Esbeth’s spaceport. Syri had just gotten off work and noticed the commotion. She worked her way through the crowd to see what was happening and nearly fell over in shock when she saw what was on the other side. Amaya and Kiro were there, and so were their mountainous genitals. What wasn’t there was Kiro’s ship, mysteriously gone along with the Trimilion. The two were creating their own rivers from the amount of cum that rolled out of them constantly. Poor Penny was trying her hardest to get their attention, but all she got was face-full after face-full of cum. Although the bulge in her pants gave away that it might not have been so accidental.

Syri rushed up to Amaya and yelled out to her. The two kui-tan were almost completely insensate, but Syri’s calls managed to rouse Amaya from her sex-induced coma. “Hey Syri, you were, like, so wrong about Kiro. This turned out aweeeeeeeeeeesome!” she said as her hands started to work over her gargantuan shaft, giving Penny a fresh facial. “See, even Penny thinks so.” She pointed toward the flustered fennec, gleefully licking the cum off her face. Her look of bliss faded to one of embarrassment as she was found out.

“I’m, uh, I’ll, uh, go get some help. Yeah, help...” The bulge in her pants throbbed so hard on her way out, that Syri thought they were going to rip right off.

Help did eventually arrive, and the two were shrunk down to the point where they could at least walk. Of course, such procedures don’t come cheap, and they got into pretty heavy debt. Lucky for them, Nivas Oxonef herself was passing through, shooting for her “Randy in Rush Space” series. She took a liking to the two and signed them on. With their minds still scrambled and thoroughly bimbofied from their encounter, it was the perfect fit for them, and they stayed long after their debt was payed off.

It wasn’t how Amaya had wanted to become famous, but at this point it was more than a good enough outcome for her. She was even able to get Syri in on the action. As apprehensive as she was, her role as “person in Amaya’s ass #32” turned out to be very enjoyable for both of them, and she became a regular on Amaya’s shoots and streams.

Kiro had her GalLink friends on as regulars, including a famous corporate heir. Their 24 hour fuckathons became the stuff of extranet legend, the most popular ultraporn streams around. She sometimes pondered going back to the pirate’s life, but when she thought about all the struggle and life-threatening stuff she had to go through for sex that wasn’t nearly as good as what she was getting now, she stopped caring.

This was the good life.