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| info-hdr = Information
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| fullname = Kumbakarna
| fullname = Kumbakarna
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| nickname = Bhakar
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| species = Roravan
| species = Roravan

Latest revision as of 15:41, 28 July 2024


Bhakar (Adjatha).png

Bhakar Nude (Adjatha).png

Bhakar's Bust, by Adjatha
Full name Kumbakarna
Nickname(s) Bhakar
Species Roravan
Gender Male
Sex Male
Occupation Chef
Nationality Some bear planet that got shot the fuck up
Penis Size 18 inches long, 6 inches diameter


A bear that cooks and fucks.


Bhakar stands at an easy 8 feet tall, his muscular frame stooping a bit, even under the high ceilings of his apartment. At first glance, he looks very much like a blend of human and bear, leaning a bit more towards the bear side of things. A thick pelt of black-green fur barely hides the rippling muscles that fill out his broad body. Despite this, there’s a bit of a gut protruding from under his tan apron.

His shoulders support four tree-trunk-like arms, one on each side, each ending in a dextrous, paw-like hand, complete with black claws and pads. His wide chest is bare, save for the tan apron that reaches all the way down to his thighs, where they half-cover his loose, red-and-black striped pants. Here and there, glimmers of gold peek through his lush fur - an earring through one of his ursine ears, a thin bracelet around one of his wrists, and the protrusion of barbell piercings through his nipples.

Despite his looming, bestial appearance, Bhakar’s expression is full of warmth. His ursine features are set in a broad grin, with a black, snuffling nose perched just over his mouth. His red-orange eyes sparkle in happiness at your presence, and his round, bear-like ears perk up when you speak.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Info needed


When first passing his apartment, he invites Steele inside. Steele may Talk, Eat, Fuck or Snuggle.

Eat will give Steele the Home Cooking status.

Bhakar will only agree to sex between 12:00 and 24:00. After sex, Steele is given the choice to Leave or Snooze.

If Yammi is crew and Steele has Snoozed with him at least once, Steele may ask for New Recipes once every 24 hours. He can teach 8 recipes.


Info needed

  • His job

You ask Bhakar about his job, and what he does that keeps him so busy all the time.

“Ah, you see I’m a galactic chef!” he says expansively, spreading all four of his massive arms wide and booming out the last two words.

He grins apologetically, bringing his arms back in, and returning to his slow bustle through the kitchen. “It actually sounds quite a bit more grandiose than it actually is,” he says. “While food synthesizers and processors can produce any number of foods, they still need to be programmed with specific input. Otherwise, it’s just nutrient paste day after day.”

He opens an oven, checking on a tray of round buns, perhaps inadvertently giving you a glimpse of his ample buns pushing out against his baggy trousers.

“And that’s what I do,” he says, straightening up. “I experiment and cook, providing different recipes and inputs for the databases to build from. It’s really a wonderful job,” he says with a beatific smile.

  • His Species

You ask Bhakar about his species.

“Oh, have you not encountered a roravan before?” he asks. “That’s perhaps not surprising. There are not a great many of us left,” he says, nodding softly.

You inform him that he’s correct. The shaggy, four-armed bear-man is a unique encounter in your adventures. You ask him why there aren’t so many left.

“Justice happened,” he says, letting out a heavy, gusty sigh before slowly stirring a pot of bubbling stew. “Roravan saw themselves as a proud, warrior race, who sought galactic conquest through, well, through arms,” he says with a chuckle. “Blood begets blood, though, and bloodthirst and dogma will only carry you so far.”

“We killed without thought and conquered without mercy, stopping only when it would be strategic to do so, to consolidate resources, to gather weapons,” he says, a distant look in his eyes. “Allies were few, and alliances short-lived. Woe to anyone who seeks alliance with a conqueror, for they are simply delaying the axe by a few more heads.”

He pauses, turning off a burner and removing a massive pot from it, then sighs. “We fought the collected might of the UGC. The conclusion was forgone. How could it not be? It is insanity to wage war upon an entire universe. And rorovan fight to their dying breath. It took the collapse and destruction of our homeworld to make us stop. Those few of us who found the clarity to finally lay down arms were imprisoned, then scattered throughout the galaxy.”

“It’s called Solitarius now,” says Bhakar. “Its old name was too heavy with blood to bear repeating. The UGC authorities had other reasons for renaming it, I’m sure. A world once of towers that reached up through the clouds, lush jungles and verdant mountains is now a ball of tectonic rubble-a cairn to idiocy.”

“But memories are empty, are they not, Death?” he says, giving himself a shake and returning from his reverie. “A memory of food can’t sustain you, but real food can, yes?”

  • Himself
Available after "His Species"

You ask Bhakar about himself.

“Ah, who wants to hear about an old bear like myself?” he rumbles.

You assure him that you do.

“There’s not much to say, Death. Roravan are very long-lived. It would take weeks to tell you my life story-and you’ve already heard part of it,” he chuckles.

You blink, thinking over his last statement. You ask him if he means the war story.

“Ah, you’re a sharp one, aren’t you Death? Old Bhakar can’t talk his way around you.” He pours out the contents of a pot into a curious blender-like device, watching as the soup hisses away into steam. “That’s one recipe uploaded.”

He pauses, his back to you. “I fought, yes. It was for a poor cause. War leaves everyone poorer. It leaves a mark, and certainly one on me. Many, many years later, and sleep is still difficult for me. Three hundred years later, and still, I cannot be among crowds, for fear of memories forced into the present.”

From behind, you see that his massive frame is shaking. Unsure of what to do, you ask him if there’s anything you can do to help.

Bhakar’s shaking slows, then stops. “Cooking helps,” he says, after a long pause. “The act of cooking calms me. The joy of serving food warms my heart.” He turns, wiping a massive paw across his face, then smiling. “I apologize, my friend. You did not come in to watch an old bear cry.”

Somewhat reassured at the return of Bhakar’s composure, you nod and tell him that you don’t mind at all.

“Thank you, Death,” says Bhakar with a smile.


  • Fuck My Ass - What more would you need to know?
  • Fuck My Pussy - Receive an extremely bear-able pussy plowing.
    • Has Vagina
  • Fuck Bhakar
    • Has penis
  • Service Bhakar - Suck Bhakar’s cock.
  • Daddy Spank - Receive a spanking from space-bear-dad.


Info needed