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Latest revision as of 17:58, 27 October 2024

Codex: Slyverens

Snake-woman as voracious for protein as they are engineered for beauty.

Name: Slyverens (Singular: Slyveren)

Sex: Hermaphrodites with female characteristics.

Height: 5’ to 7’ tall. Tallest unaugmented specimen recorded at 8’ 7”.

Weight: 120 to 270 lbs.

Eyes: Vertically slit with metallic sclera. Coloration is widely diverse, though gold and bronze colorations are most common.

Skin: Covered in vestigial scales which long ago lost their rigidity in favor of softened flexibility.

Ears: Small holes posited deep into their cobra-like “hood.”

Face: Serpentine muzzle blended with humanoid traits.

Limbs: Humanoid arms and legs.

Tail: Thick, long, and muscular, tapered to a narrow tip.


The reptilian Slyverens are what one might expect to see if you somehow crossbred a snake and a terran: all the hallmarks of humanoid shape and form with all the unique secondary properties of a serpent. Perhaps the only feature they are truly lacking is hair - on the head or body. Instead they bear wide cobra-like hoods from their heads to the napes of their necks, often decorated with intricate tattoo patterns designed to please the eye. Small ear holes lie inside, offering them incredible forward hearing in exchange for near deafness from behind.

Slyveren faces are snout-like, featuring slitted eyes and largely decorative nostrils. Scent is instead communicated through their long, forked tongue, though it is broader and fleshier than one assume from their snake-like appearance. An unusually plump lower lip lends them what many would consider to be an appearance of sensuality, but inside that deceptively squishly, toothless-looking maw are two retractable, needle-like fangs. Fortunately, slyveren maidens have attained excellent control over the associated muscle groups.

The rest of a slyveren woman’s body is as one might expect. Soft scales bedeck their skin from crown to heels. Five-fingered hands on a pair of humanoid arms allow them compatibility with most forms of galactic weaponry. Plantigrade legs and feet offer them the chance to strut around in the heels popularized by terran fashion. The biggest outliers are their breasts, known to be as weighty as the most well-fed rahn’s, and the prototypical reptilian tail, long enough to trail on the ground behind them and counterbalance their otherwise untenable chestiness.

These curvaceous snake-girls have taken to the cosmopolitan world of core society with gusto, leaving them as one of the biggest consumers of colorizering body-mods. Glittering golden scales are just as common as flashing bioluminescent hide. DNA analysis hints that they may have once been brown but permanently altered their own genome to the point where bright, flashy colors have become the norm.

Origins & Biological Modification

Slyveren biology is a perfect example of how genetic alteration can allow a cultural dispute to spill over into the creation of a whole new race. The slyverens were originally [REDACTED], but after contact with the UGC, a schism in thought divided the species in two. One side felt their species could survive in greater comfort by feeding off the sexual drives of other species’ males. The other wished to remain as they were and prosper on their own merits, unaltered.

The former aggressively pursued an initiative to modify themselves to take advantage of too-virile mammalian breeders, like the kui-tan. [REDACTED] venom was refined to be non-toxic and cleanly metabolized. Its effects were made more potent, suppressing voluntary muscle activity and subtly altering brain chemistry to reduce inhibition. New chemicals were introduced to temporarily enhance elasticity, necessary to allow the most-endowed males to flex around the bends in a slyveren throat. Finally, a cellular growth agent was added to rapidly repair the damages caused by injection.

Of course the proto-slyverens did more than modify their venom. They changed their very body shape to be more familiar to their “prey”. Bipedal legs made them seem less alien. Mammalian-style breasts offered something to draw the eye of prospective “seeders,” and with their long tails as counterbalances, they’ve been able to grow some of the biggest chests the galaxy has to offer. These seductive snake-women altered themselves to appeal to the masses, and judging by the popularity of slyveren blowjob holos on the extranet, they succeeded with gusto.

Time has only given the slyverens more opportunities for self-improvement. In modernity, they boast a numbing coating on their fangs, additionally salivary glands along the inside edge of their lower lip, hyper-sensitivity to pheromones, and an aptitude toward psychic ability that left terrans in the dust two generations ago. Fully 50% of their population is considered to have some degree of psychic talent, with projections estimating race-wide telepathic capability in 100 years.


Slyverens do not reproduce utilizing penises, like most races. Instead, a slyveren woman will produce a fist-sized egg once a year. When mating, she press her vagina to her lover’s, and specialized muscles will eject the ovum into her mate’s channel. Hard-wired reflexes kick in at this point and draw the egg all the way into womb, pushing the second slyveren’s egg out to trade places with the first’s. This exchange triggers the release of semen from a combination ovary/gonad gland until fertilization occurs.

A full incubation term lasts five months, after which the egg will be roughly melon-sized. Hatching takes four to five months, much longer than the [REDACTED]s they originated from. Slyveren younglings emerge tiny but capable of basic locomotion. Milk, an adaptation stolen from other races, provides sustenance for them well into adolescence. It is only after maturation that they switch to the licentious food-source that has given rise to their fame - and only after lactation stops does a slyveren mother’s body begin to produce eggs once more.

Unfertilized eggs are expelled from the body after a few months. The more debased among high society consider them to be an exquisite delicacy.

Current Intragalactic Relations

Slyveren-controlled space is small, mostly centered around their originating system. Colonization by more aggressive races has found their territories surrounded, and the increasing number of protein hunters in the core has reduced demand for their services to record lows. Shrewdly negotiated trade deals by Galotian-controlled holdings have crippled most local industries to leave the slyverens as a people in crisis.

The 14th Planet Rush brings with it a chance at untold wealth and riches, and the slyveren government has responded by aggressively subsidizing would-be rushers to colonize primitive, unincorporated planets. Galotian rushers are encouraged to avoid contact with slyverens in the wilds. Males and hermaphrodites should exercise caution. Thirsty slyveren will disregard consent laws in favor of a fresh meal, should they find themselves in the wilds of a rimward planet.




Azariah - Blue Viper - Salacious Sally - Slyveren Slavebreaker - Star Viper Pilot - Synphia