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Latest revision as of 09:53, 7 March 2021

"By: Perdita (But really written by SomeKindofWizard)

"Sophia is a Fox-girl. A long, slightly feral muzzle is off-put by an adorable and feminine face, with warm green eyes. Rusty orange-red fur coats her body, with the exception of black tips on the end of long, pointy ears that jut from raven-black curls. She stands at roughly five and a half feet tall, with bouncy DD breasts barely restrained by a pale-pink blouse. A dark black mini-skirt hangs above digitigrade legs, and a massive, sweeping bushy tail flows back and forth.

At this point in time she stands in front of a club... it is very clearly a fetish club.

It’s not just the name of the place; Fresh Leather. Nor is it the fact that there’s a queue of excited people of all genders, sexualities, and clothing from the erotic to the outrageous. It’s the smell... like oil and lust, of bodies and excitement and alcohol.

It is not the sort of club that would usually appeal to her, but a friend asked (very emphatically) for her to come and see their first show. What that show was? Sophia hadn’t been told, although there were plenty of promises of excitement and free drinks. The free drinks part of her friend’s pitch was probably the most convincing part.

From the outside, Fresh Leather is a building of stone, and titanic two-way mirrors adorn the entrance artistically. It’s somewhat intimidating, knowing that anyone within can see out, but passersby get no glimpse into the depravity within...

Thinking about it? There would probably be some number of complaints. The only person dressed normally at the building’s entrance is a massive slab of man in a suit, constantly checking a pad as various people try to get in. With a sigh, Sophia makes for the back of the line, before a familiar, cheerful voice calls out. “Soph!”

The Fox-girl whirls about in surprise, before seeing that very same sensible bouncer struggling to keep a straight face. Clambering across his shoulders is a cute lady–she’s all pale flesh, long legs, and sweeping hips. She would also appear to be wearing nothing but a towel, earning a few wolf-whistles from those queued up. She is Sophia’s oldest friend, and current roommate Sara. She shouts again, hips wiggling cheerfully as she is lowered carefully to the ground by the bouncer. If she had a tail it would be wagging furiously. “C’mon in!”

There’s a few groans and mutters from the youths queued up, and Sophia gingerly skips in, trying to avoid the odd withering glare. One particularly clear voice mutters something along the lines of “It’s always the hot ones”... flattering, but not exactly pleasant at the same time. Thankfully, the handsome bouncer glares at miss loud-mouth, before waving Sophia in.

It’s almost like walking into a wall of conversation. Although the night outside was well lit, indoors it’s surprisingly bright. Originally, Sophia had expected the place to be dark and dim, with red lighting piercing through murky steam-veiled air. Instead, tasteful light of blue and white makes the club’s interior look spacious and bright. If not for how everybody is dressed, and the number of stages set up, it would look more like a pleasant restaurant.

But those stages...

Beautiful men and women of all races both humanoid and fantastic are strapped up in leather and latex, posing and dancing. The Fox-girl doesn’t get a chance to take in the sights properly, thanks to Sara latched onto an arm, hauling her through the room. A towering man with goat-like legs and a horse-cock reaching past a leather pouch to swing by his knees holds them up for a moment.

“Sara! Who’s yer cute friend?” he asks, sloshing around a half-empty drink. As opposed to look disgusted, the Elfin girl gives a musical little giggle, patting him on a bare chest until one of his pierced nipples jingle. Still, she doesn’t answer, instead she winks and continues to guide Sophia through the club. Countless sights of erotically posed men and women continue to burn themselves into the overwhelmed woman’s eyes, but eventually they reach an empty stage.

“See that, Soph? I’ll be up there soon!” she says, beaming proudly.

“And you’re in just a towel because?” Sophia responds, looking about nervously.

“Getting in and out of my costume is a... bit of a handful. Easier to just be naked.”

“Wait you’re–” the Foxy girl begins, before she’s tugged further along. Tasteful music fills the air with a thrum as the duo approaches the bar, and Sophia’s popped down onto a barstool. A smiling young woman who appears as though she’d been cross-bred with a ginger tabby-cat grins cheerfully, leaning over the counter until heaving E-cup tits threaten to break out of the low-cut top and sheer bra that attempt to restrain them.

Sara doesn’t miss a beat, leaning in and giving the Feline bartender a peck on the nose before bouncing back a step, adjusting her towel again. “Mez! Take care of this one all night! I have to get changed!”

Sophia gasps in alarm, tail nearly standing straight enough to flip her skirt up. “You’re leaving me here?!”

“You’re in good company!” comes Sara’s reply, even as she practically melts into the perverse, conversing crowd. The bartender tuts from behind Sophia, drawing her attention away.

“New here, huh hun? You’re in for quite a treat! And not just my mixing. What’ll it be?”

Sophia whines and takes a deep breath, tearing her eyes away from the sight of a Centaur girl–or more aptly herm. The four-legged woman seems not to notice all of the eyes on her, drinking in the sight of her in nothing but leather straps and buckles, with a canyon of free-flowing cleavage and a slightly-squishy tummy... all the way back to the massive, swinging, equine endowment that occasionally slaps up against her horsey-half. “Uuuhm... just a beer. I’m not up for cocktails yet...”

The Bartender–Mez, or so Sara had said–pouts a little, before fetching a bottle. “Not your kind of hangout then? Don’t fret nuthin’, everyone’s real friendly here.”

“Maybe too friendly?” Sophia asks, eyes narrowed. She sniffs at the neck of the bottle before taking a small swig.

Mez appears insulted, folding her arms (which does nothing but accentuate her massive mammaries). “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just insinuate anyone would do something like force themselves on a lass. We’re good folk here. Just pervs honest about ourselves.”


Sophia blushes hard enough for it to be seen through her hair, taking another mouthful from her drink. “You seem to be dressed normally enough.”

“I’m staff. But it’s not like there’s nothing special going on back here. You see that little button there?” Mez responds, nodding towards a red plunger-button sticking out of the counter accusingly. “Give it a pre–oooooh fuck!”

Sophia has the button halfway pushed before the tender can even finish explaining, yelping in surprise at the Cat-girl’s whorish moans. She looks as though she’d drop the glass in her hands if she wasn’t holding onto it so hard.

“Let it u-up hun, or I’m liable to...” Mez gasps, leaning heavily on the counter. Sophia glances at her hand, seeing it still firmly planted to the button. She takes her hand away as though electrocuted, and Mez shudders, chewing her bottom lip. “L-little pushes, please... I’m stuffed to the hilt with three different vibes. That just about rocked me senseless...”

These people are insane, Sophia thinks. Though she doesn’t say so out loud, she instead drains as much of her bottle as she can, waving for a fresh one. It smells a little more fragrant, or perhaps that’s just proximity to the edging Mez. “Sorry about that...”

Mez simply licks her lips, before nodding to the stage. “No sweat cutie. Your friend Sara’s not gonna be on for nearly an hour yet. Why don’t you go see some of the other performances?”

“An hour?!”

“Well... yes...” Mez answers, confused, before her eyes light up a little. “Oh! She hasn’t told you what she’s doing. That explains it”. She doesn’t explain what it actually is that the Elf is doing, instead she fetches an extra large drink, handing it over to the Fox. “Tell y’what, think you could do me a solid and hand those over to my tauric lovely back there?”

“Which one, sorry?” Sophia nervously asks, scanning the crowded stages.

“...The one that is a Centaur, dear”.

“R-right...” she stammers back, accepting the heavy mug and taking a deep breath in through her nose–something she immediately regrets, as it sends the scent of horny woman rushing down her snout. Dangerous... Sophia thinks to herself, rubbing her thighs together for a moment and curling a bushy tail around her leg.

A number of smiling faces part around her (or probably-smiling, a couple are wearing ball gags or masks). When she reaches the Centaur however, she’s at the center of a stage. A lithe man is helping get some leather straps on around the horse portion of her body, and something that looks like a harness. All the way, there’s whooping and cheering as the ‘taur fondles her overflowing breasts. Up close, the smell of her is utterly intoxicating. Lusty fuck-pheromones seem to pour from the herm-Centaur’s rear end, every time her tail swishes from side to side. “U-uhm!” Sophia stammers, and her voice is lost to the crowd around her. She blushes and shouts again in a clearer voice, before holding up the large mug, nearly spilling some on herself.

The Centaur’s voice is warm and sexual, all at the same time. It seems to bubble up from somewhere in her depths. She waves Sophia up with a smile “Oh you dear you! Think you could get that up here? I can’t crouch right now”. She grins cheekily and wiggles her body, nearly slapping the man harnessing her up with what appears to be over a foot of horse-cock. He grumbles and gives her a squeeze in response, smirking as it works an erotic moan from her.

Sophia winces and clambers onto the stage, holding the drink out properly. She accepts it with a cheery giggle, taking a hearty drink. “That’s just the stuff. Thanks, sweetie!”. The Centaur reaches up and adjusts a long ponytail of straight brown hair, smiling softly.

Sophia just murmurs an agreement, trying not to stare at the woman. Up close her impressive rack seems all but monumental, shining in the lights with a thin sheen of what appears to be oil. A soft hand, with fingers covered in brightly-painted nails enters her vision as the Centaur speaks up. “My name’s Joy. What’d be yours, cutie? Can’t say I’ve seen you here before. I’d certainly remember someone like you!”.

Joy’s tail fans again, practically giving the Fox-girl headrush. “S-Sophia... I’m new here, friends with Sara.”

“Ah! She’s putting on her first show! But of course. Say, we’ve probably got an hour or so until then...” Joy beams a wicked little grin, before cupping one of her breasts with one hand, even as the other delivers more beer to her mouth.

Sophia fidgets a little at the leering look, and there are a few cheers from the crowd behind. It’s hard to tell what Joy is getting at, until the man helping her out gives her a warm pat on the side. “Well Sophia you see this here harness? We get a cutie like you...” she begins, before leaning in with a conspiratorial wink. “Then I take them for a... little ride... of course, I need a little... warming up first”.

The Centaur drains the last of her mug, placing it down out of the way. Before the Fox-girl gets a chance to back away, her hands are captured by Joy’s slightly larger ones, and placed to heaving, oily breasts. “Go on... gimme a squeeze~”.

Sophia’s mouth goes a little dry, and her fingers dig in a little despite themselves. Joy’s nipples press up against her palms as she gets two good handfuls of squishy boob. The scent of horny woman, and the unmistakable musk of her stallion-esque endowment continue to grow in intensity. The Fox-girl whines, eyes growing half-lidded as she’s practically hypnotized by the simple motions. Joy smiles softly and lets out a sweet moan, releasing Sophia’s hands in order to get into her hair, running fingers through dark curls before rubbing at her peaked ears.

A switch might as well have been pressed; moisture runs down the inside of her thighs as her aural organs are given due attention. She whimpers and practically presses her body up against Joy, audience forgotten. She opens her vulpine muzzle wide and gets as much of her mouth around a rosey-red nipple as she can, tongue licking wildly. Her hands cup the underside of the titanic tit, squeezing and rubbing.

Joy just eggs her on with loving rubs through her scalp and over sensitive ears, practically turning to putty. There’s a brief pause when she makes the Fox switch tits, shuddering as the previous one is left exposed to the open air, still coated in saliva. Perhaps a few minutes of breast-play go on before Sophia seems to find some semblance of brain-operation again. She blinks a few times and looks up, still hazy.

“S-sorry, that’s... I, uh...” Sophia’s voice is basically a murmur, barely audible over the rest of the club. She drools freely, trying to focus. Joy just smiles and gives her a tickle under the chin.

“But you’ve only just gotten me started, cutie! You see down there? If... if you’re a really good girl, you can get down on your knees and get a proper look~” Joy is all wicked smiles, and big doe-green eyes. Up this close, Sophia finally notices a few freckles dotting her cheeks cutely. “I’m so excited already... I promise it’ll be fun!”

A peek below the Centaur reveals her cock hanging and drooling pre into an increasingly growing buddle. At the same time, little droplets of feminine excitement join it as they drip from rubbery black pussy-lips. Sophia gulps again, not putting up any resistance to the hand that pushes her down, and closer to the intoxicating mixture of musks. A little pat on the back guides the Fox-girl closer, and her tail sinks submissively on reflex. In a matter of moments, she’s on hands and knees beneath Joy’s tauric body, face-first with a pre-oozing cumslit.

“C’mon miss Sophia! I’m waiting~” Joy coos, giving her rear-hips an enticing little wiggle. With a muted moan, Sophia opens wide and wraps it around the head of that cock. It would have been the same if a dozen aphrodisiacs had been pumped into her system. Her body drives itself headlong into heat, and rich earthiness rolls along her tongue. She adds one hand, wrapping it around the base of Joy’s cock, giving it a squeeze and a stroke. At the same time she sucks and bobs her head, tongue teasing at a pulsing urethra.

The reaction from her Centaur lover is immediate; grapefruit-sized nuts seem to tense, and she lets out a moan that sounds something more like a whinney. “Oh cutie! Keep that up and I’m liable to be all warmed up for real!”

She shivers and steps forward, driving a few more inches into the Fox’s muzzle, making sure to make full use of her long, animalistic mouth. Sophia joins in, tongue wrapping around shaft. She throws herself upon the cock with gusto, until its flared head is pressing against the entrance to her throat, directly delivering liquid love. Joy’s nuts visibly tense and relax in time with the sensation of heat trickling into her throat. Sophia moans hard, sending pleasant vibrations throughout its length.

A sharp tug on her tail causes Sophia to yelp in surprise, gagging a little on joy’s bitch-breaking dick. The shock is enough to knock her out of her cum-hungry fugue... and to make her very, very aware of the crowd talking, smiling, and in some cases touching themselves... and of how utterly soaked her panties are. Joy shudders and moans, sawing her hips slowly back and forth “Hey, cutie... want to help with part two of the show?”

I just want to know what the fuck drug is in your cum... “W-what is part two?” Sophia hesitantly asks instead, drawing her mouth off of Joy’s dick... after giving the head a little smooch.

“It’s rather unimaginatively called a–ngh... a pony-show. My lovely assistant will liberate you of that cute little underwear, strap you into my harness, and I will fill you to the brim with me, and take you for a little ride...” her voice is interrupted by whorish little moans, slightly short of breath as Sophia continues to work the shaft with a spit-and-cum-glazed, soft-furred hand.

The fox-girl shuts her eyes tightly and gulps, before looking across the stage at her companion. After a tiny nod, he smiles and saunters over.

It’s an awkward, and unromantic process, getting lifted up and placed in straps. Part of her had expected to be bent over and facing forwards... instead it’s a far more embarrassing on-her-back position, with legs and arms wrapped around Joy’s body. There’s a brief shock of heat as the Centaur’s cockhead is pressed up against her now utterly drenched quim. Instead of check for any kind of readiness, Joy simply bucks. Gravity and pressure force thick futa dick-meat past the boiling-hot entrance to Sophia’s depths, unstoppable despite the near-virginal tightness with which her womanhood clenches down. The Fox cries out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as she’s spread wide and to the limit around it, every single fold and nerve put under pressure. She whimpers and clenches down, trying to arrest Joy’s movement, but it’s already being drawn out, feeling as though it’s scraping her insides free at the same time.

“Yes! Oh fuck that’s the stuff! You’re so tiiight~!” Joy cries, mashing her own tits with both hands. The slightly-clawed fingertips of Sophia’s hands dig into Joy’s flanks, but that only seems to excite her more. She starts bouncing on the spot, shaking Sophia in her straps, squeezing tits against tummy. Pre a sloppy cunt-juices are practically forced out of her body as the horse-cock drives itself home yet again, trickling between the heart-shaped cheeks of her ass and matting the base of her tail.

“Ready for a proper–hff–ride now, sweet-stuff?” Joy asks, turning slowly in a circle on the stage. There’s a moment of vertigo on Sophia’s part; her view of the world is upside-down, and her sensations are wholly focused on the cock grinding on the entrance to her womb.

“S-so deep!”

“Sounds like a yes to me” Sophia chuckles, beginning to walk off stage after blowing a kiss to the crowd. There’s some applause as the ‘Taur begins a tour of the club with her strapped in undercarriage-slut. Every single step (and there are a lot of steps from a four-legged-lady) is a tremor, accompanied by a short, sharp thrust into Sophia’s quivering cunt. They manage to get perhaps halfway around a circuit of the club–pausing at the bar for an extra drink–before Sophia reaches her first orgasm.

Uncontrollable waves of ecstasy crash over her, and her body desperately milks at the cock inside of it, but there’s no rest. No halt in Joy’s steps follow, and there’s no halt to the constant quick thrusts. Still sensitive from cumming, it only seems to gain in intensity, drawing the orgasm out into a long, constant rush, until she’s liberally squirting all over the floor. It’s at that point Joy finally notices, blushing and gasping at a particularly hard squeeze.

“Oh fuck me! I’m sorry Sophia!” she cries, skidding to a stop... which only serves to finally batter through the last defenses guarding the Fox’s womb. “Oh stars, you’re getting tighter too, I didn’t not... noootice... oh fuck, notice it~” she trails off as her churning balls tighten up. She doesn’t so much cum as she does explode, utterly basting Sophia’s womb in jets of thick horse-spunk. If it weren’t for the fact that they were strapped stomach-to-stomach, the poor girl would inflate under the sheer quantity. Instead it’s pumped out past Joy’s cock to join the sticky-sweet femcum on the floor.

Before there’s a chance they can be told off for it, Joy breaks into a trot, making for a back-room in the club. Sophia’s squeals redouble at the increased pace, nearly driven immediately over the edge. No words manage to make their way to her mouth, all reason long since blasted from her mind.

The back room of the club is quiet; there is a bed, a small private bar, and a box full of spare bondage gear. Joy has to pause halfway to the bed, fighting back the need to cum again. Sophia seems to notice, the fires of her heat yet unspent; she grinds her hips hard, rocking in her mantle in opposition to the sway of Joy’s gait.

“Agh! Again!” she cries. Although the Centaur would love to drive herself up to the very hilt inside of Sophia, the harness brings her short, keeping an inch maddeningly untouched as she dumps what must be a few pints of potent horse-cum into Sophia’s already over-packed womb. This time she reaches down for a strap, mounting her front-half onto the room’s bed. When she finds the needed buckle, Sophia drops free, landing bodily onto the sheets and squirting a literal fountain of their mixed cum.

Finally freed, and feeling slightly sore from having her legs spread, Sophia rolls onto her front... although she doesn’t take the time to unmount herself from the dick making its home firmly in her womb. The exotic wringing sensation turns into a gut-churning twist, forcing needy moans out of the two of them.

Sophia presses her face down into the bed, hips up as high as they’ll go, finally letting Joy mount her like a proper stud.

That extra inch or two of unrestrained cock make all the difference, sinking into the surprisingly slutty fox until it makes her stomach bulge. They begin thrusting then, in an almost musical rhythm. Flesh slaps against flesh, and the air is alive with the perverse schlicking of juices as they’re liberally fucked into (and back out of) Sophia’s cunt. Lying entirely on her face and tits, the Fox in question reaches back, gripping the cheeks of her ass and spreading herself wide, wiggling her hips.

“C’mon Joy! You got me into this! Fill me up! I want to swell with you!” she cries, uncaring of who nearby might hear their trist. Joy needs no further encouragement, fighting to keep herself from crushing Sophia as her legs shake, nearly giving out. Her own cognition erodes into nothing as she fulfills her body’s base need to stuff the Fox full of cum until she looks pregnant with it.

Her pussy-stretching prick hoses down Sophia’s insides, heavy balls finally feeling an awful lot lighter, even as Sophia’s stomach seems to expand. That, in turn, sets the Fox-girl off on stars-only-know what number orgasm. This time, at least, the peristaltic motions of her thoroughly stretched womanhood don’t force all of that spunk out. She fights both to milk out more, and to keep it deep inside.

When Joy’s heavy load finally peters out into watery aftershocks, she pulls out. There’s a momentary torrent of girl-spunk before it’s held back by pure muscular force.

“Fuck Cutie... didn’t think you had it in you...” Joy says, wiping a sweat-soaked brow and running a hand over her quivering tits.

Sophia merely responds with a witty “Hng~”, eyes sinking closed as she tries to figure out which way is up. Her hands stroke at her gravid belly, gurgling and hot.

“Y’know... your friend Sara’s still got another half hour until her show. How about we see if that asshole is as good as your pussy?”

That was only half an hour? “Oh, fuck me...”

“Don’t mind if I do...”