Codex: Captured...

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By Wsan (, reworked slightly by Fenoxo.

Kinks: Demon, Non-Consensual, Mind Break, Impreg/Preg, Mind Control, Cervix Penetration, Cumflation

The moment you awaken, you’re filled with abject terror. Your eyes spring open and you lurch upwards, only to have your flailing arrested by metal restraints. You look down in surprise at the chains binding your hands together, your mind reeling.

“Oh god,” you cry, beginning to hyperventilate. “Oh god, oh god, no no no no no no! NO!”

Rattling the bars of your cage, you look out over the dismal landscape. A barren, scorched wasteland is all that lies before you, the land scarred beyond recognition by avarice of Lethice’s demons. Tears well in your eyes at the thought of everyone you’ve left behind. Did your family and friends make it out? Did anyone? The cages near you are all empty. Are you just going to be left here?

The chains hanging from your body start to shake. That’s not you... you look around, but see nothing. The ground wobbles slightly, and you start to hear heavy breathing. Scared, you huddle up into a corner of the cage as what you soon identify as footfalls get closer. A massive demon - it must be close to twenty feet tall, or more - rounds the corner from a tunnel, and it’s looking right at you.

You scream as the stark reality of your situation sets in. No amount of resistance is going to get you out of your cage or your bonds. The demons have you at their whim.

“Yes, mortal,” the demon rumbles, leering down at your wretched form adorned in rags. “Tremble. Scream. It delights me.”

Scared out of your mind but not wanting to give it the satisfaction, you try to still your chattering teeth.

“Fff-f-fuck you,” you stutter, barely getting the words out. The demon gives a harsh, singular laugh - a horrific noise, one not of this world. “You... you fucking monster!”

“Yeees,” it seethes, mouth parting to display its rows and rows of vicious teeth. “I am a monster, little one. And you are my plaything.”

“Just kill me then,” you say with a shudder. “I’d rather be dead.”

“Kill you?” the demon shakes its head, then laughs. “I think not. You’ll be far more useful to me alive.”

He casually rends the bars in two with a swipe of his hand, the metal screeching in protest as it twists. Reaching in, he grabs you around the hips singlehandedly and tosses you into the dirt. Dishevelled as they are, the rags you’re wearing tear when you hit the ground.

“Get up and walk,” the demon hisses, and you’re compelled to obey. It doesn’t seem to want to kill you immediately, but you have no doubt it wouldn’t hesitate to chop you down if you made a break for it. Besides, you think as you glance back at it, it’s not like you could outrun something of that size. Two steps and he’d eat you alive. Catching yourself shivering, you force yourself to face forward and walk. He takes you back down the tunnel, holding the chain attached to your collar like a leash. You hear strange, unnatural noises emanating from the corridors down the sides, but don’t ask what they are. The answer from this creature would undoubtedly be worse than your imagination.


He pushes you into a room, and for a moment your confusion overcomes your fear. You stand at the entrance as he pulls the heavy door shut with a clank, and survey the room. In the middle of it, impossible to ignore, is a massive four-poster bed. The floor is adorned with flowing red carpet that feels heavenly beneath your bare feet, and there are fancy pieces of furniture against the walls.

“What... what is this place?” you ask, bewildered.

“An incubus’s bedroom,” it replies, tugging on the remnants of your clothes. “And your new home.”

“Hey!” you exclaim, as embarrassed as you are scared as the rags come off completely. The demon tosses them disdainfully into a corner while you cover your breasts with your arms and close your legs. “What are you- gah!”

The chains hanging from your legs and collar suddenly break off, crashing to the floor with a dull thud. You’d be happy if the metal rings around your neck, ankles and wrists weren’t suddenly scorching hot!

“No, NO! PLEASE! IT BURNS!” you scream, falling to the floor in agony.

Just when you think you’re going to pass out, the pain instantly stops and you collapse, whimpering and crying. Raising a hand and trying to blink the tears out of your eyes, you stare at your gravely injured wrist and see... nothing?

There are no marks, or any sign that you were harmed at all. You inspect the metallic bracelet, though, and find it’s changed. There’s some kind of glowing demonic pattern that’s fading into the metal even as you watch it. Gingerly stretching your legs, you find you’re still blessedly intact... although your collar bothers you on more than just a physical level. Collars are for pets, not people.

“Enjoying your collar, girl?” the demon asks, startling you. You’d forgotten he was crouched there, as absurd as that is. “It suits you.”

“I’m not your pet, demon,” you spit vehemently, slightly more confident now that you don’t think he’ll kill you. “And I will never give in to your ilk.”

“So much fight in such a little girl, and so beautiful too,” it muses. “I will enjoy breaking you.”

It rises and turns, apparently leaving. The door swings open and stays that way, igniting a dull spark of hope in your chest. You hear the heavy footfalls of the demon recede into the distance and wonder. There’s no way he’s that dumb... is there? No... this is definitely some kind of a trick. Still, though, you’re not going to let such an obvious avenue of escape elude you without at least giving it a shot. You creep closer to the door and start to hear some kind of fizzing, crackling noise and look down to see sparks beginning to fly from your bracelets.

“Shit!” you curse, falling backwards onto your butt. Alright, so that’s not an option, but damn if you’re going to sit here idle while you’re alone. Not to mention you’re naked now, and the demon’s claws have taken care of your rags. Maybe you can find some clothes in the chest of drawers.

An hour later and you flop on the bed, exhausted. There’s nothing useful in this room, and the only clothes you could find were so risque you wouldn’t wear them if you were paid to. You don’t know much about incubi, but their taste in clothing is poor at best. This is so frustrating... you’re not a champion, you’re just a soldier. You can’t call on the powers of the gods or summon the elements to get out of here like they could, and the closest you ever had to a combat pet was the family dog that passed away years ago. Hugging a pillow close for comfort, you begin to softly cry into it, tears streaming down your cheeks and staining the fabric. You fall asleep like that, worn out by the day’s events.

You’re dredged from your slumber hours later by the familiar sound of heavy footfalls, and sit bolt upright in the bed. The demon walks through the door and slams it shut, breathing heavily. It fixes you with a glare.

“You. On your knees.”

You back yourself up against the headboard, eyes wide.

“What the h-” you begin.

The demon takes two quick strides and snatches you off the bed before you can even finish, and it’s only then that you see that not only are incubi male, but this one is spectacularly gifted.

“Oh god,” you gasp, ineffectually fending him off. “Nonono don’t! Ple-gllrk! Gllbl!”

You’re flipped upside down and thrust down onto his cock face-first so fast that your gag reflex doesn’t even register the intrusion. You try to scream, but all you can muster around the penis in your mouth is a gurgling hum.

“Aaaah,” the demon sighs, slowly pulling you upwards by your hips before letting you slide back down his bloated, pulsating cock. “Silence is a virtue, human.”

You beat at his legs ineffectually, your body wracked with pain as he violates you in ways that shouldn’t be possible. Tears stream from your reddened eyes, your throat bulging ludicrously with the heft of his studded shaft. You can feel the sickening sensation of it pulsating, throbbing against your neck with his heartbeat. It doesn’t take long for the beast to cum, the feeling of his viscous seed travelling down your neck abhorrent to your very soul. He forces you to gulp down what feels like gallons of his semen until, finally, he lifts you off his cock and throws you face-down on the bed like a used rag.

You immediately throw up, partially from the shock to your body, but mostly because you literally can’t fit any more of his spunk inside you. Collapsing over the side of the bed, you groan in exhaustion. Then... you feel it. A kind of itching in your mind, an errant thought here or there.

“No,” you breathe, one hand on your stomach. “What, what did you... what have you- uergh- done to me?”

The demon watches you with amusement, crouching down to tip your chin back. You stare at him defiantly, but some of the effect is lost what with the trickles of his semen running from the corners of your mouth.

“Interesting,” he muses, looking into your eyes undeterred. “Still you resist. Most would be begging by now.”

“Now,” he continues, getting on the bed himself. “Sleep.”

You’re not really inclined to do that right now - or do anything he tells you, really - but at his word you find your eyelids getting extremely heavy. Some kind of enchantment, maybe... you’re suddenly too warm and tired to care. You yawn widely and begin drifting off to sleep next to the watchful demon, curled up at his side. Maybe later your master will stick his big, hard cock right up your juicy little cunt and breed you all day long.

You sit bolt upright in your bed, shocked. That was not your thought. You look around in a daze, puzzled. You were... you were just falling to sleep when you thought that, but your master- no! The beast that murdered and killed your friends and family! He is not your master! You slam your fist into a pillow to drive the point home, reminding yourself with your anger that you can beat this. You will not be a slave to a demon.

Calming down, you assess the situation. Whoever the demon is, he’s not here any more. Maybe you really did fall asleep, but if so, for how long? And when is he returning? Maybe you can try and escape again, though you’re not optimistic. Sure enough, the moment you approach the door your bracelets and collar begin to vibrate against your skin, heating up uncomfortably. You instinctively know that if you tried to force the issue, they would kill you or worse. As much as you’d like an immediate escape, there’s an inherent value in staying alive and looking for opportunities. Maybe a hero will rescue you, even.


Your eyes roll back in your head as Vorothrax, as you’ve come to know him, cums straight down your throat, his massive cock throbbing and flexing in the confines of your neck. The best- worst! The worst part about this is that it almost, almost feels good - like some kind of sickening reward for being his debased cumdump. Whatever’s in his semen, it’s... changing you. When he finally withdraws his dripping rod from your mouth, your jaw hangs slackly until you slowly rouse yourself from your stupor. Even as his sticky seed churns in your stomach, you don’t think to question why he’s doing this - he’s a demon, they live for this. You can practically feel the sinister tendrils of his enchantments begin caressing your mind, slowly fraying your resistance.

“S-stop,” you moan, wrapping your arms around your stomach. “I d-don’t want it...”

“Oh, but you will,” he says with a leer, tipping your chin upwards with a plated finger. “And it will be exquisite.”

“Now,” he declares, rising from the bed. “I have preparations to make. We’re going for a walk tomorrow.”

A faint flicker of hope alights in your heart. Is he going to take you outside? Even if you can’t escape, you can at least survey the surroundings. Learn something useful to take back to the Alliance when you do get out. Besides, you think, idly rubbing your tummy, you’d do anything to keep from being cooped up in this room at the mercy of Vorothrax’s cock.


The next day, Vorothrax attaches a chain leash - there’s no other way to describe it - to your neck restraint and gives it an experimental tug. You stumble along behind him, completely naked with his fel-seed churning in your tummy. You can’t help but notice that you haven’t felt hungry or thirsty ever since he’s started filling you up, bitter hate eating at you even as the realization you may be becoming less human rankles at your mind.

“Where are you taking me?” you ask him, more out of a desire to drive the thoughts away than wanting to know.

“To see someone,” he replies, chuckling darkly.

Someone you know, maybe? If there’s anything left of them... maybe you can try forming an escape plan. Two heads are better than one, after all. He brings you to a large, empty room full of cages. None of them are occupied, and the doors hang open, swinging freely. Wait... why are they moving? You’re indoors-

“You can’t see it, can you?” Vorothrax says, chuckling again. “Here.”

He engulfs your skull with his massive palm, and for a brief moment you’re scared he’s going to pop your head off like a bottle of wine. Instead, you can hear him say a muffled incantation and your eyes begin tingling. He pulls his hand away and you blink, rubbing your eyes. It feels like there’s a layer of dust over them.

“Ow... what did you do to me?”

“Gave you eyes,” comes the cryptic reply.

You look up, and things have... changed. Ghostly images swim in front of your vision, hazy green outlines slowly coming into focus. helhounds. The entire room is full of them. And in the middle of the room...

“Patty?” you say in disbelief.

A tattooed and heavily pregnant figure moans, growls and yelps as two hounds rut her with reckless abandon. Her body rocks forward with every thrust, but she balances it out by shoving her fat ass back into their cocks, asshole and pussy gaped around their canine bulges. You clap your hand over your mouth and try not to throw up as you begin to cry; the fact the girl you knew, one you grew up with, shared secrets with, talked about boys late at night with, has been reduced to such a state... she’s nothing more than a... a cumdump for these beasts.

The worst part about it? Even if you don’t want to admit it, part of this turns you the fuck on. Seeing your former best friend brought to the level of being rut by animals and loving it - and she IS loving it, it’s written all over her face - makes you wonder if perhaps, just maybe, she’s better off than you are. Maybe ignorance really is bliss in a place like this. Maybe you should just submit and get it over with.

“Stop that,” you mutter, defeated. You don’t have the energy to drive off the invasion of your mind at this point - you don’t even really care. Vorothrax merely laughs and directs you back to your chambers.


That night, you toss and turn in your sheets. You don’t want to end up like Patty, light preserve her soul. Just a piece of meat to be used up by dogs. How long will she live like that? Months? Years? How long can you live like that? Being used as a breeder and delivering... puppies? Imps? Perhaps she gets passed around to different demons. You shudder at the thought, mildly happy you can still muster revulsion at such a thing. Still, though, it might be best to insure your future. Vorothrax is entertained by you now, yes, but how long will that last? And when it’s over, what will happen? It’s not like he’s going to just let you live here.

You sit up in bed, propping yourself up on your elbows, deep in thought. Eyeing the chest of drawers next to the bed, an idea occurs. Perhaps it would be best to take matters into your own hands, after all. Just to make sure...


When Vorothrax arrives the next day he finds you scantily-clad, in a night robe that just barely conceals the curves of your luscious, ripe breasts. Your tiny thong down below does hardly anything but cover the small, fuzzy landing strip of hair just above your delicate pussy. Your shapely thighs contour to your hips, drawing all attention to your soft, inviting nethers. Sitting on the edge of the bed as you are, any man would be upon you in seconds.

Vorothrax is no man, though, and barely gives you a passing glance. Setting aside his spear, he removes a part of his armour and gives it an experimental knock. He grunts before repeating the process with another piece. Your mouth drops open. He’s just going to ignore you?! Fear begins to seep in, intoxicating doubt swirling about in your head, wrapping itself around your brain.

“Aren’t you going to...” you start, unsure of what to say.


“You know,” you say. “What you usually do.”

He grunts noncommittally and returns to inspecting his armor. It looks like he really is bored of you! You’re going to have to convince him yourself. Hopping off the bed, you sit between the legs of the incurious demon and inspect his groin. His cock is massive, even when flaccid, and his balls are fucking huge! You’ve never noticed, but in hindsight, you suppose it makes sense what with how much churning fel-seed he blasts down your throat. Every time he finishes it’s like you’re pregnant, positively bulging with his virility. Much like the pulsing, veined balls in front of you.

No time for shyness now. You lift his heavy sack to your mouth with both hands, licking him all over, admiring the sheer liquid weight contained within. Dear god, there must be close to a fucking gallon in each of these things. Small wonder he has to bust so many fat, creamy nuts down your throat. You almost feel sorry that you ever tried to resist - he needs you to suck down and swallow his jizz or else it’d all go to waste.

“Hnn. The human girl finally learns her place,” he grunts with a sneer. “About time.”

You stay silent, not wishing to invite his wrath. At least he seems receptive to your approach, and plus, he’s actually paying attention to you now. You gaze up at him and flutter your eyelashes coquettishly with your lips wrapped around one of his balls, just to let him know you’re... you’re... well, your mind is blank right now, but that’s not important. What’s important, a stray thought in your mind declares, is this fucking hulking, thick cock that’s just waiting for you to get your plump dick-sucking lips around it and get to work.

That sounds pretty good to you. Even though your pussy is beginning to soak through your thong, you have no intention of letting a demon betwixt your legs. You don’t want to end up like Patty did, you think as your tongue slowly slides up the veined underside of this rapidly-inflating demonic cock, all fucked full of fel-jizz. Although now that you think about it, that’s not so different from your current situation - but at least you have a choice in the matter.

Shifting a hand to rub his swollen prick even while you caress his plump balls with the other, you crane your head upwards and furtively taste the head of his cock. It’s about the same as it has been every time... but at least you’re used to it by now. Careful not to let any precum spill, you fervently lick all around the tip until Vorothrax’s clawed hand ‘guides’ you into taking it between your puffy lips.

“Such a curious human,” he muses, watching you struggle to hollow your cheeks around his fat cock. “So fearful, yet so bold. So weak, and yet somehow...” He shakes his head and lets you return to your task - swallowing his prick. It doesn’t take you long, with your artful ministrations and knowledge of how best to utilize your throat for his benefit, to start receiving cheek-swelling, throat-bulging loads of tainted jizz.

Vorothrax grunts in pleasure with every load, possibly the only positive feedback you’ve earned from him since becoming his... well, consort. You have to admit it makes you a little happy to hear it, what with the uncertainty of your position - if you keep this up daily, he’ll have no choice but to keep you around. You dutifully clean him up when you’re done, carefully licking the sweat and cum from his balls and spit-shining his cock before he leaves again.


This arrangement continues for a few days, maybe even a week - you can’t really say. Each visit leaves you full of jizz and, though you’re loathe to admit it, a little horny. Having your stomach swollen up with spunk invites all sorts of lewd thoughts when he’s gone, and on more than one occasion you find yourself idly wondering what it would feel like were his sperm pumped into your womb, not your tummy. Once you catch your hand rubbing your pussylips, stretching them apart just to see, maybe, what it would feel like... but you’ll never let him do that.

Before long, Vorothrax is visiting you multiple times a day. Sometimes he even rouses you from slumber, too tired to reciprocate his attentions, and uses your throat as a fucktoy while you drift in and out of fitful sleep. Each little fling ends the same way - you get a new deposit of sperm, and your jiggly stomach stays swollen and full of warm cum. You’ve actually adapted to the weight quite well, although the way you have to arch your back to make your clothes fit makes it look like you’re thrusting your titties out for someone to stare at. At least it’s only Vorothrax looking, and you’ve grown to not really mind. In fact, you kinda wish he’d look at you more.

Weeks pass, and with them your resistance to the idea of having Vorothrax’s cock crammed in your pussy erodes. You lie on your bed, freshly facefucked after one of your ball-draining sessions, and ponder that maybe the Alliance never will come for you. Maybe they don’t know you’re gone. Thinking of Patty, you realize that maybe anyone who even knew you existed is already dead or worse. When Vorothrax appears, your resolve wavers - just for a second, only slightly - and it’s like he knows.

“Spread your legs,” he tells you, walking towards your bed.

Unwilling to obey and yet unable to resist, you part your legs and look away bashfully, suddenly embarrassed by the admission. You’re actually going to let him do this. You give a girly little gasp of dismay when he just tears your pretty panties off, then blush as he drinks the sight in. You touch your thighs together, and he laughs.

“Silly bitch. You think I can’t tell you soak yourself every time you swallow my cock?” he asks, amused. “Relax. I’ll just use my finger.”

His finger? Oh, that’s not nearly as bad! Given the size difference between the two of you, you have to admit you were wo-

His finger brushes across your clit and your back immediately arches upwards, pressing your pussy towards him as you spontaneously orgasm all over the sheets.

“Oh! Oh, my god! Ooooh, f-fuck! Nnnnnnmm! God!” you cry out, hips jerking in the air against nothing.

Half a minute of squeezing, flexing contractions later, you lie on the bed panting and dazed, your mind a blinding white. “Wh... what did you...”

“You haven’t even noticed, have you?”

The demon slips one hand around your waist, capturing you easily.

“You’ve been able to somewhat resist the mental effects... but not so the physical ones.”

“Gruh-uhhhgh! GOD, FUUUCK!” you scream, your next words degenerating into bestial bellows of lust as his finger plumbs the depths of your convulsing pussy. Your back arches off the ground so hard his digit almost slips free, and it takes a push from him to lower you back down, whimpering in need. Conscious thought escapes you, your mind fleeing to the comfortable numb of your baser primal instincts. Your juices sluice freely down his hand as you fuck yourself on his finger, hips bucking wildly as you moan out of control.

“Guh! Uhhhh! P-please! St- uhh! Stuhhhhffffuuuck! Uuugh!”

“Stop what, human? Do you want my cock instead?”

“God, yes! I mea- No! Nuuuhhh! Uh! Uh!” you wail, not even capable of answering his question properly. All you can do is just keep - fucking - bouncing, don’t let it stop, push your chest out and show your master your big fat titties wobbling as he fucks you good, one orgasm rolling through your sodden pussy after another. Finally, your legs give out after a good minute or two, too shaky to support you. You collapse, panting as sweat runs down your body, your mouth hanging open in slack-jawed bliss.

“Ooohhh... my god...” you moan, eyes closed while you shudder out the last of your orgasm, your snatch desperately flexing and gripping the demon’s finger in an attempt to milk it. “Unh! Oooh...”

Taking your time to recover, legs splayed like a wanton slut and relaxing in the after-warmth, you don’t even take note of what Vorothrax is doing beyond taking his finger out. Its presence is sorely missed in your now-empty cunt, but you’ll probably get over it... although you have to admit, you could definitely get used to having him up in there.

So surprised are you when you feel the familiar swollen head of his cock at the entrance of your pussy, you don’t even register a reaction until you feel your pussylips begin to streeetch apart to welcome it to its new home. You sit bolt upright in alarm, watching his penis entering you.

“No- wait! I... I... oh. Oh, that’s... ooh,” you murmur, a pleasant pink haze settling over your vision. “Mmm.”

You sit back, propping yourself up with your elbows as you watch the hulking demon’s brutal cock finally penetrate you, and it feels better than any reward you could have dreamed of. A dopey smile settles on your face when you start to see the bloated head bulging your stomach out a little, and you can’t help but giggle when you see it pulse, warming your passage with precum.

“Oh, my goood,” you sigh huskily, looking up at the demon as you slowly spread your legs for him. “You feel so... mmn! Oh! Are you pressing against my womb?” you almost purr in awe, lying back down on the bed. “You’re such a beast.”

“You changed your tone quickly, human,” Vorothrax grunts, holding you down with one massive hand while he slowly fucks you.

“Any- anyone would,” you gasp, legs jittering every time his meaty cock pushes up against your cervix, triggering a miniature orgasm. “Oh! I-I think I’m- ooooh!”

A girlish moan rises from your throat, your legs wrapping around Vorothrax’s hips as if to get him even further inside you. You throw your head backwards into the pillows, panting and moaning like a whore, your pussy convulsing around demon cock. Oh my god, I’m never going back flits through your mind a moment before it’s washed clean by a tidal wave of pleasure, your orgasm rolling through you. For just a moment, it feels like you’re actually in heaven instead of having your gaped-wide cunt messily impaled by a massive, bloated cock.

“You’re almost perfect,” Vorothrax mutters, placing his palm over your bulging tummy. “Just one more thing...”

You don’t even notice how warm you’re feeling until something alien happens inside you. A wholly unfamiliar sensation rears its head, then leaves you utterly breathless. You look down, confused, to see the glow of corrupted magic receding from your stomach... and that the cock imprint on your stomach has moved further up your body. It feels like...

“Are you-” you start, your eyes going wide in the wake of the realization. “Are you fucking my womb?”

“Now you’re the perfect bitch,” he says, and you find yourself unable to reply when a particularly savage thrust leaves you moaning and gasping in distress. It feels so wrong, but at the same time... doesn’t it feel so right to give up everything you have? He’s already taken your lips and pussy. Does he not have the right to your womb, too? Really, you belong to him. Satisfied you’ve arrived at your own conclusion, you lie back down on the bed and look up at him dreamily.

“I-I’m your perfect bitch,” you say, feeling a little dizzy. Are you? Weren’t you meant to not be his bitch? “I’m your perfect, slutty little bitch,” you say a little louder, as if to affirm your decision.

“That’s right,” Vorothrax replies with a predatory grin, his razor-sharp teeth on display. “Now act like it.”

A lewd, wet noise from your womb accompanies his command, which you joyfully realize is the first of many, many loads he’s pumping straight into your womb.

“Oh! Oh! Oh my god! Uhhhnnmm! Mmmm! Mmm...” you gasp, gazing down at your rapidly-swelling stomach with an expression bordering on love. “I- ah! I can’t believe! How good- oh my GOD!” you cry out, your legs kicking into the bed. “UNNNH!”

Vorothrax picks you up with one hand and slams you down on his cock, your orgasmic wailing echoing off the ornate walls of your bedroom. You cry out in delirious joy with every thrust while he uses you like a toy, sliding you up and down his throbbing rod like you’re nothing more than a worthless fuckhole. Cum bubbles and spurts down your shuddering legs in gouts, rolling down your thighs, leaving a warm trail marking you as his.

When he’s done with you, he throws you back onto the bed, his cock sliding free of your slippery, well-fucked cunt with a wet slurp. His tainted seed oozes from your snatch, but you’re so stuffed full that your baby-bump barely recedes. You lie there panting and gasping, still suffering the orgasmic aftershocks of having your pussy plowed and your dignity as a human taken from you so thoroughly. This demon just made you feel like his cumrag... and you fucking love him for it. You watch your demonic stud longingly as he puts his armour back on and departs, your gaze lingering on the door. You know he’ll be back for more.


He comes back for more alright. Barely two hours go by before he’s fucking you silly all over again, your mind practically seeping out of your ears every time your cunt gets a new filling of demon-jizz. He keeps your womb packed full of his cum with a bestial fervor, and then when he’s done he takes his pick between your other two holes. You love feeling him in either, but secretly you prefer him in your throat - there’s just something about the way his cumvein bulges and flexes in your neck while you gently knead his balls...

It doesn’t take long for him to impregnate you. You honestly hardly notice the difference - your tummy gets a bit rounder, but your body is so packed with warm jizz all the time that the only new sensation is the... urges. From what you know of regular pregnancies, the mom tends to get strange urges or pangs of hunger. For you, well, they manifest as depraved, slutty lust. You debase yourself on a daily basis, doing anything - anything - Vorothrax wants you to. Most of the time that just means taking it in your cunt like the good little whore you are. Sometimes, though, it means you have to take a imp’s cock in your ass for no other reason than his entertainment.

One such occasion finds you on all fours, tied in restraining ropes and being viciously fucked in all your holes by helhounds - just like Patty, not that you remember who that is. All you really care about any more is bringing complete pleasure to your master by way of utter submission. If that means being knotted and bred by his pets, you’ll suck and fuck their cocks all day and night, and swallow everything they have to give, too.

The moment you’re done delivering a veritable horde of imps - wow, you were really knocked up - Vorothrax is upon you again, rutting you for hours at a time to ensure your pregnancy. This comes to be your favorite part - he’s always so amazingly rough with you after your babies are born, and you can’t help but cum multiple times when he skewers you on his cock. The best part is that you’re only pregnant for a few weeks at a time! Demons breed you faster than usual, apparently.

Eventually, Vorothrax tires of his toy. So degraded and mind-broken, you hardly notice when it’s the imps breeding you instead of him. The helhounds love you being tied up in their stable, ravaging your needy cunt almost nonstop. You have no idea how or even which one ends up impregnating you, but neither you or the demonic horses care - as far as you’re concerned, it’s an endless carousel of cock. Your body begins to change over time, your pussy retaining its tightness despite being wrapped around monster cock all day, but your breasts slowly growing larger to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of your young, until one day you awaken somewhere completely different.

At first you’re somewhat alarmed - not because you’re tied up and blind, that part isn’t new - but because you aren’t being fucked. What’s a little human slut to do without a demon cock to fill her up? Luckily, the voice in your head tells you everything is fine and not to worry. You sit idle in the darkness, your only company the hum of machinery, until something latches on to your breast and begins suckling. You coo in approval, your other breast soon having something hanging off it too, your milk being steadily drained.

The darnedest thing is, though, you never seem to run out! You feel like you’ve been here for hours in your restraints, being milked endlessly. The sensation keeps you continually on the edge of orgasm, never quite enough to push you over the edge, and you begin to fret before you hear loud footsteps approaching.

“The enchantments are really something, aren’t they, pet?”

It’s him! Your master, he’s here for you! You’re about to tell him you love him when he shoves his cock down your throat, just like old times, and you explosively cum on the spot. The machine doesn’t stop milking you while he works, shooting rivers of jizz into your stomach until your stomach is almost as big as your heaving breasts.

“We won’t be seeing each other again, human. But don’t worry, you’ll be more than taken care of.”

At first, you’re heartbroken, albeit incapable of expressing that to him what with your throat fucked full of seed. But soon, as demons begin to break in the newest addition to their little farm, you find you don’t mind that much. Between them and the machine, you’re almost never free of entertainment, and eventually they unbind your hands and eyes. This way you get to see and lovingly embrace whatever manner of demon is raping you! Although it’s not what you expected to do with your life, between the anti-aging and fertility enchantments of your numerous incubi lovers, life is good for a cumdump of the Demons. No doubt you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy it for a long, long time...