Doll Maker

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Doll Maker bust by Adjatha
Creator Adjatha
Species Automaton
Location Tarkus
Level 8
Health 670
Initial Lust 10


Doctor Badger's doll making machine encountered during Pexiga's uplifting quest.


A spider-like cage of steel limbs blocks your path! This device seems to be a guard Doctor Badger set to keep intruders out of her secret lab. Dozens of armored arms spin in slow orbit around you, each one capped with strange implements, from syringes to padded cuffs, to swirling screens. Oddly, Badger gave the faceless thing quite a dirty mouth.

Its nimble, spindly nature will make it difficult to hit with ranged weapons.


The Doll Maker is not hostile to bimbos and can not be fought by them. Bimbos can choose to do the Bad end however. Losing will result in a Bad End.


  • Restraining Cuffs - Adds Restrained progressing debuff that will grapple the PC eventually.
  • Musk Spray - Deals 15-20 lust damage
  • Bio-Magnetic Vibes - PC takes 1 point of kinetic damage and gains one stack of the “Vibe” DoT, dealing lust damage every round
  • IQ-B-Gone Injector - PC takes 5 points of temporary Intelligence damage
  • Brainmelt Lamps - PC takes 5 points of temporary Willpower damage
  • Mindwash Visor - PC takes 5 points of temporary Aim damage and tease damage.
  • Latex Sprayer - PC takes 5 points of temporary Reflex damage and tease damage.
  • Bimboleum Emitter - PC takes 5 points of temporary Physique damage and tease damage.

  • Resistances kinetic = 30%
  • Resistances electric = -50%
  • Resistances burning = 50%
  • Resistances tease = 75%
  • Resistances drug = 100%
  • Resistances pheromone = 75%
  • Resistance poison = 100%



Doll Maker does not have any sex scenes. Only a Bad End.