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File:Double goo (adjatha).png
The Double-Goo's bust by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
Species Gray Goo
Gender Conglomerate
Location Tarkus
Level 5


The Double-Goo is the first enemy encountered during Azra's Tarkus Expedition. She is found guarding the Slutshrooms.


"Bearing two heads and twice the mass of a typical gray goo, this imposing creature stands tall enough to tower over Azra and pack on twice the curves besides. From her titanic, silver breasts to shimmering hips, she radiates perverse sexuality and power in equal measure. Her lips are thick and puffy, her eyes (all four) framed by lashes so long that they occasionally lose cohesion at the tips and drip away. The only blessing in this whole mess is the dim look in her eyes. Subsisting on slutshrooms for so long as obviously addled her wits.\n\nThe left side seems the ditsier of the two. It frequently wastes time staring at Azra’s crotch or using its arm to caress its own breast."

History/Personality/Information of Note

Somehow, the mutagenic properties of Slutshrooms has caused this particular Gray Goo to mutate into an incredibly large monster with two heads complete with their own separate consciousness' and personalities.


The Double-Goo will appear when you and Azra approach the Slutshrooms. It will explain that they have been using them as a steady supply of lubricant substitute because the inhabitants of Tarkus are afraid of it even though it prefers to use bodily fluids such as milk and semen. Following it's introduction the Goo girls will ask for your cum, the PC can either Volunteer to fill them if they have a penis, try to Negotiate, or just Fight them.

If the PC is a Bimbo Negotiating will not only work but the player will have the option to fuck her. If the player doesn't it will initiate combat.

If the PC offers their cum their satisfaction is dependent on Cum Output. If the amount is insufficient, the two will continue milking the player until they are satisfied, inducing 5-7 orgasms and draining all the PC's energy. Volunteering without a penis initiates combat.

Fighting initiates combat.


Each head functions as their own separate character with different stats and fighting styles. However, since they are one being defeating one defeats both. The left side is the is the ditsier of the two and will waste turns staring at Azra’s junk or fondling herself. The right side is more level headed and uses more physical attacks but is still a slut. Also they share the same pool of lust. Losing to the Double-Goo will result in them raping Azra (who fights along side you) and ends the quest for 2 hours as well as prevents the reclamation of Slutshrooms.

Move Set

List all move options available in the following format

  • Move - Descrtiption of the move
    • Requirements for Move.
    • Secondary effects for Move


Lust Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks
Damage Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks


Only show preferences that are always present.


Information about the creatures drops, drop chances, maybe anything of note regarding their actual equipped items used to implement their combat.


List all sex options available of the following format:

  • Option name presented in game
    • Requirements for option.
    • Secondary effects of option.

Include the 'Characters' category tag and 'Persistent' or 'Generic' characters Category tags:

[[Category:Persistent characters]]
[[Category:Generic creatures]]

Apply 'Hostile' category and any additional categories based on the actual capabilities of the character, and how the player may interact with them:

[[Category:Bad ends]]

Apply any categories that could describe the character's species: 


Lastly add any other additional descriptive categories:
