Naleen Brothers

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Naleen Brothers
Naleen Brothers's bust by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
The Dour Naleen
Creator Fenoxo
Species Naleen
Gender Male
Location Mhen'ga
Level 2
Shields None
Health 40
Initial Lust 35
The Grinning Naleen
Species Naleen
Gender Male
Location Mhen'ga
Level 2
Shields None
Health 70
Initial Lust 35


A pair of Naleen who ambush Azra and the PC during her expedition on Mhen'ga.


The Grinning Naleen:
A naleen circles on the right. His build is typical of the kitty-snakes of Mhen’ga: snake from the waist down and furry, humanoid feline from the waist up. Sharp-clawed fingers wiggle eagerly at the sight of you, darting to a bandoleer of amber-colored bottles that ring his torso as if he cannot wait to unleash whatever is contained within. His ears are alert and playful. His dicks are too, jutting free from a reptilian slit to stab accusingly in your direction.

The Dour Naleen:
One of the naleen brothers holds the left flank of the jungle against you and Azra. He appears genuinely irritated by your presence, his ears flat back against his jet-black hair. His claws and fangs are clearly visible, brandished in an attempt to cow you into submission by threat alone. Behind him, his tail swishes angrily. A satchel bounces on his far hip, and judging by the way he holds it, he wants to keep it far from your reach.


Only encountered when working with Azra on Mhen'ga.


Grinning Naleen (A)

  • Throw Bottle - Deals 10-15 tease damage.
  • Gather Bottles - Loads up on bottles for huge attack.
  • Charge Over - Throws all the bottles he gathered at Azra. Targets the PC if Azra is out of the fight. Deals 100 tease damage. Stunning, blinding, staggering, or tripping causes the attack to fail.
  • Naleen Coil - Constricts the target
  • Naleen Bite - Bites the target if they are constricted. Deals 10-20 tease damage and weakens stats. Causes a loss if the PCs stats reach zero.
  • Resistances tease = 90%
  • Resistances drug= 75%
  • Resistances pheromone = 75%
  • Resistances psionic = 75%

Dour Naleen (B)

  • Naleen Swipe - Baisc melee attack.
  • Naleen Rend - Deals light kinetic damage and causes bleed.
  • Both Claws - Deals light kinetic damage. Hits twice.
  • Naleen Tail Trip - Uses his tail to try and trip the target.
  • Blind Powder - Blinds the target
  • Resistances kinetic= 60%
  • Resistances electric= 25%
  • Resistances burning= 25%
  • Resistances corrosive= 25%


They drop normal experience.


Losing to Naleen Brothers results in the PC and Azra servicing their twin cocks.