Pirate Spacesuit

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Revision as of 18:29, 9 November 2019 by 4ky (talk | contribs)
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Pirate Spacesuit

Type Armor
Slot Armor
Base Price 1500
Defense 2
Sexiness -3
Fortification 15
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self
Additional Flags Airtight

Somebody’s stenciled in a white skull and crossbones on the shoulders, and a smiley face smoking a cigar on the chest. An old style bubble helmet provides high visibility in exchange for less than perfect durability, but it'll protect you from vacuum.


Using the Spacesuit Helmet whilst the Incomplete Spacesuit is in the inventory.


Can be used to preform a space walk on Zheng Shi, can be equipped as armor or be sold to a vendor for credits.