Siege of the Korg’ii Hold

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The Siege of the Korg'ii Hold

The Siege of the Korg'ii Hold Quest
Caption text
Planet Uveto
Level Range 9+


Captain Steele must defend the Korg'ii Hold from an invasion of Milodans armed with alien technology courtesy of Pyrite Industries.

Ula the Urgent

If the player has met Ula, has helped her get back home, discovered the Korg'ii Hold, done all of Ula's talk scenes, is at least level 9, met at least 1 other Korgonne NPC besides Urbolg, and translated at least 60% of the Korgonne Language by talking to NPC's, then upon entering the Korg'ii Hold, the gaurds will inform you that Ula requests your presence.

Upon entering Ula's bedroom, Ula will request your assistance with something. See her father, the chief, is going to a diplomacy summit to negotiate a peace treaty between a neighboring tribe/pack of Milodans who have been at war with her tribe for generations. However, Ula suspects the meeting to be a trap. Ula will then request the player accompany her father's gaurds to ensure nothing bad happens to him.

Steele will have the choice to make. They can either Help protect the chief or Don't. If the player chooses not to help then Ula will ask again, practically begging. If she is rejected again Ula will be removed from the game. Subsequently, after leaving Uveto, a 2 day timer will start. When it expires, the Korg'ii Hold will be obliterated and all NPC'S within will be removed from the game. Choosing to help starts the quest.


  • Ula's Father - The current chief of the Korg'ii Hold. Old fashioned pragmatist, possessing great distrust towards aliens, alien technology, and alien society. Ordained against the usage of such things within his tribe.

Events And Encounters

Describe all possible events and encounters



Describe all potential endings and their requirements here (excluding Bad Ends)

  • Ending
    • Requirement
Bad Ends

Describe all potential Bad ends and their requirements here

  • Bad End
    • Requirement

Describe all potential rewards given at the end of the quest


Unique or rare Any scene that can only happen during this quest or as a reward for completing it

  • Character(s) involved in the scene(s)
    • Sex
      • Additional requirements

Repeatable Any scene that becomes permanently unlocked after completing this scene

  • Character(s) involved in the scene(s)
    • Sex
      • Additional requirements