Xukwood Staff

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Xukwood Staff

Xukwood Staff
Type Weapon
Slot Melee weapon
Base Price 100
Damage 14 Kinetic
Damage Type Crushing
Crit Bonus 15
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Hostile
Additional Flags Psionically Attuned

Myrellion’s native Xukwood comes from a type of subterranian fungus, not a tree, but its fibrous, metal-dense organic structure produces an extremely durable (and heavy) wood-like substance. This Xukwood staff was made with hammer-like tips on each end for heavy, brutal striking, presumably a ceremonial weapon for a ranking military officer in one of the planet’s fueding factions. You wouldn’t want to be on the other end of a strike.


Found in the back of Wetraxxel Den on Myrellion.


Can be equipped as a melee weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits. Has an additional 1 Kinetic damage per level for Kineticists.