Codex: Rubber-Made

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Manufactured By: J’ejune Pharmaceutical

Rubber-Made was originally intended as a body hair removal paste by the overworked and undersupervised folks at J’ejune Pharmaceuticals. They were somewhat taken aback when their product responded vigorously to high levels of moisture, such as is typically found on the inside of one’s mouth. The specific incident that lead to this discovery is not recorded, but the company’s reputation for lax testing protocols may be responsible.

When exposed to moisture and sufficiently agitated, the gum-like product will spread rapidly, synthetically bonding with the subject’s underlying skin and fur. This produces a thin, latex-like coating over much if not all of a subject’s body. Repeat use creates subsequently thicker layers, potentially subsuming body hair and fur. J’ejune representatives caution against the accidental ingestion of Rubber-Made.