Vanae Spear

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Vanae Spear

Vanae Spear
Type Weapon
Slot Melee weapon
Base Price 1200
Damage 12 Kinetic
Damage Type Penetrating
Accuracy 12
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self

A two-handed spear crafted by the vanae huntresses of Mhen'ga. It has an ironwood tip with a sharp spike made for piercing and two 'lugs' or 'wings' on the spear socket behind the blade. The wings stop speared prey from working their way up the shaft and attacking the wielder.

The shaft is made of Varina birch and is light yet sturdy. It makes it easy to wield for those who don't have a lot of muscle.


Sometimes dropped by vanea maidens or vanea huntresses (10% chance).


Can be equipped as a melee weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.

NPCs using this item include: Vanae Maiden, Vanae Huntress