King's Thunderblade

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King's Thunderblade
Creators Wsan
Other Name(s) King's TBlade
Item Type Weapon
Slot Primary
Weapon Class 2H (Heavy)
Weapon Type Melee
Price 1,500
Has Special Effect? Yes
Is Unique? Yes
Tags Bladed
Stack Limit 1
Version Added 0.7.21
Evasion Max HP
-10 -
Damage & Resistance
Attack Type PHYSICAL
Damage Type Resistance
40 Penetrating -


Let me show you true power.

Special Effect: On any hit including spells, lightning strikes the target for 30% additional Storm damage.

Special Effect

While equipped, once per turn, any damaging attacks will include an additional 30% of the hit's damage as Storm Damage.


Purchased at the Token Shop of The Colosseum for 1x Winner's Token.