
From Corruption of Champions II
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Comments & Notes

Adapted from Template:CCO, to use as a quick explanation for Power Tags

  • Omni Omni is a tag that exists, but is completely unused
  • Res-Heal Res-Heal is currently being studied and will be added later

Parameters & Usage

This template only has 1 parameter:

  • Ally Astrida Charm Healing Multi-Turn Multi-Turn:Interruptable Performance Shield Spell Stance Stealable Summon Tease Tease:Ass Tease:Chest Tease:Crotch Weapon Weapon:Melee Weapon:Ranged Weapon:Thrown Dual Wield Weapon:Melee 2H Weapon:Melee 2H Weapon:Ranged
  • [Ally]Capable of targeting an AllyAlly - Any member within the same party (including self) [Astrida]Linked to Nareva and her godsworn [Charm]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness [Healing]Can restore HP [Multi-Turn]This power will be activated after X amount of turns and/or has its effectiveness increased by each use [Tease]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness [Performance]Effectiveness can be amplified by Presence [Shield]Requires an equipped shield [Spell]Effectiveness can be amplified by Spellpower [Stance]This power has two functions, upon activation (On Use), and for the subsequent turns after (Maintain)Maintain - The effect will continue, unless the caster is stunned/interrupted, defeated, or they manually end the effect [Stealable]Power can be learned if the Champion is struck by it, while having Mirror Stance active [Summon]Summons an entity to aid the summoner in combat [Tease]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness [Tease:Ass]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness and the Likes & Dislikes of the target vs the size of the caster's ass [Tease:Chest]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness and the Likes & Dislikes of the target vs the size of the caster's chest [Tease:Crotch]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness and the Likes & Dislikes of the target vs the size of the caster's cock and/or if they have a cock and/or vagina [Weapon]Requires an equipped weapon

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [Weapon:Melee]Requires an equipped weapon with the Melee tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [Weapon:Ranged]Requires an equipped weapon with the Ranged tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [Weapon:Thrown]Requires an equipped weapon with the Thrown tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [Dual Wield Weapon:Melee]Requires an Two equipped One-Hand weapons with the Melee tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [2H Weapon:Melee]Requires an equipped Two-Hand weapon with the Melee tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats
    [2H Weapon:Ranged]Requires an equipped Two-Hand weapon with the Ranged tag

    Effectiveness is based on the weapon's stats


  • {{tt/PTag|Charm}} = [Charm]Effectiveness can be amplified by Sexiness
  • {{tt/PTag|Ally}} = [Ally]Capable of targeting an AllyAlly - Any member within the same party (including self)