
From Corruption of Champions II
Revision as of 17:15, 19 February 2021 by Kinkshamer2000 (talk | contribs) (Hadn't finished the article yet, derp.)
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Creator Savin
Species Hellhounds
Gender Female
Occupation Guardian of the Temple of Terrestrial Fire
Location Temple of Terrestrial Fire

The Hellhound is the guardian of the Temple of Terrestrial Fire. She's currently the only Hellhound in the game. Despite her demonic appearance and lustful nature, no interactions with her cause corruption gains or physical changes.

During the first several encounters it's possible to either submit to her or engage her in combat. In combat she'll summon a Flame Spirit. Losing to her results in the same scene the player would get when submitting to her immediately. It is not necessary to defeat her in order to head further into the temple.

After several encounters or once she has given birth she will no longer force the player to either submit to her and instead give the option to either submit to her, top her or leave.

  • Children

It is possible to impregnate the Hellhound. From what she says during sex it seems that she's only capable of giving birth to females. Whether this is a trait specific to this Hellhound or a characteristic of the species cannot be determined as of writing this article. Her pregnancy lasts 180 days (30 with Short Pregnancy Mode on).