
From Corruption of Champions II
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Parameters & Usage

Most of these have 1, by simply calling the effect name. Note that for simplicity, when referencing the Blessing boons, we use the keyboard available - instead of but it will still display the correct bar. If the effect has an non-consistent duration, that will be the 2nd parameter (e.g. [Icon-DF-Pos.pngHeat MirageCombat Effect+15 Evasion
+20 Fire & Frost ResistanceDuration: 3 Turns
] as {{tt/Eff|Heat Mirage|3}}).

  • Boons
    • [Icon-SE-Pos.pngApple CiderBoonMaximize Agility.Maximize: Raise stat to
      2 + (Level) * 3Duration: 24 Hours
      ] {{tt/Eff|Apple Cider}}
    • No subst: [Debug output:Apple Cider]  [Debug output:Bad Fortune]  
    • With subst: [Icon-SE-Pos.pngApple CiderBoonMaximize Agility.Maximize: Raise stat to
      2 + (Level) * 3Duration: 24 Hours
      ]  [Icon-SE-Neg.pngBad FortuneBoonEnemies gain +10 Critical Chance on attacks aimed at you.Duration: 24 Hours]  
  • Combat Effects
    • [Icon-DF-Pos.pngHeat MirageCombat Effect+15 Evasion
      +20 Fire & Frost ResistanceDuration: 3 Turns
      ][Icon-OF-Pos.pngFlametongueCombat EffectPrimary Weapon deals additional Fire Damage]