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Art by Moira
Creators Author-Wsan
Personal Information
Aliases The Black Knight
Relatives Collapse
Varena (Half-sister)
Biological Information
Species Minotaurs
Gender Dickgirl

"Not enough people believe in coincidences around here, and walking around like this already draws enough attention," Octavia says. "Having the name of the firstborn princess attached to me in public is just going to be a pain in the ass."

—Octavia, "Tay?"


Encased almost entirely in her black armor, Octavia is an imposing sight at almost eight feet tall. The only part of her you can even see is her face and while it's pretty, she never looks anything but slightly annoyed she's here. You suppose you can't blame her – this place sucks.

Her silver eyes regard the rest of the tavern with perpetual disinterest, the mug of beer in her hand the only sign that she might be getting anything out of her presence here. She has a shock of short, messy black hair, probably a consequence of constantly wearing a helmet, and smoky makeup of a similar shade ringing her eyes.

Two big white horns sprout from the sides of her head, behind her fluffy black ears. A little septum piercing sits above her soft-looking black lips, a popular adornment among cowgirls and minotaurs, and she has a red marking running up each cheek.

Behind the deliberately messy makeup, you can still see a beautiful woman – but she's hiding it.

From top to bottom, Octavia looks as though she was carved from marble to be the perfect amazon. She ripples with power, the neat lines splitting her bared midriff into muscled abs, and you can see shiny sweat travelling down the grooves of her skin towards her groin. With her clothes off, she's so much more than a pretty face – her tits are enormous, shaking and jiggling with every little movement she makes to pull her underwear off and toss them into a corner.

She lifts her arms and stretches, just about touching the ceiling with her trembling fingertips, letting out a little moan of satisfaction at the apex. Your eyes fall downwards with her hands, tracing the curvature of her thick, muscular thighs inwards until they meet the nature of Octavia's curse. There, between her long, soft-furred legs, hangs the fat, veiny horsecock of the firstborn princess, easily two feet long and as thick as her forearm.


First Encounter

Octavia is first encountered at the end of the colosseum, fighting under the name "The Black Knight" presumed by the commentators as a man under the black plate armor. After a single hit, The Black Knight's helmet falls off, to the surprise of the crowd, revealing his identity as a woman to which she leaves the colosseum

The player has two options, to either Go After Her or Who Cares

Choosing to go after her, you pursue her into the tunnel out of the arena. Where you receive her name, "Tay", short for Octavia, and a place to meet her again if the player wishes to do, the Whore's Bosom in the slums of Khor'minos.

If the player doesn't go after her, they return to the attendant to which they are rewarded Five thousand electrum for defeating Alante but no title due to wining by Octavia's forfeit.

If the player does not follow after Octavia, they are unable to meet her again.

Subsequent Encounters

Octavia can be met further at the Whore's Bosom, requiring the player to choose one of 4 options to bypass a Guard that prevents passage.

  • Bribe: Offer Money for passage (50 electrum coins)
  • Fight: You could challenge him to a duel to see if he'll let you in after you best him
  • Blowjob?: Could you tempt him with your lips...?
  • Cait Blow?: You could probably convince Cait to suck a minotaur off just for fun, much less for actual purpose. He gets his rocks off. Cait gets a tummy full of spunk, and you get into town (Requires Cait in party)

Choosing any option apart from bribe gives access to the Whore's Bosom without physical alteration or sexual encounter. This is a one time encounter and does not need to be repeated to visit Octavia again.


Interacting with Octavia for the first time in the Whore's Bosom leads to her telling you her actual name.

  • Appearance: Look Octavia over
  • Slums: Ask about the Slums. From the bits and pieces of information you've heard around the city, you've gathered it's not going great here
    • Law And Order: Inquire about who's running the slums - or appears to be, at least
    • Peacekeepers: Talk about the soldiers guarding the place.
    • Gangs: Ask about the local gangs.
    • Tavern: Ask about the tavern you're in, the Whore's Bosom.
    • Exploration: It doesn't seem like there's anything of real worth here.
  • Herself: Ask about Tay
    • Princess?: Is she really Princess Octavia?
    • Armor: Ask about the armor that makes Octavia 'The Black Knight'.
    • "Tay": Why Tay?
    • Sexual stuff: So that dick of hers... (requires asking about Armor and Princess)
      • Relatable: You know the struggle
      • Her Needs And Yours: She needs someone to hold down and pound? And she's been holding back? It sounds like your interests might be aligned. (See Sex)


After asking about "Her Needs And Yours", the player will be present will two options:

  • Confess: Rough, violent sex... bruises and slapmarks... that sounds exactly like what you want
  • Never Mind: (returns to "Tay?" options)

Choosing Confess results in Octavia slapping the player across the face with her cock before face fucking them. Then fucking the player.

After the player gets the choice:

  • Leave: You'll find your own water elsewhere... this woman is going to bury you if this keeps up
  • Wait For Her: The path of least resistance would certainly be to wait here, plowed senseless, until Octavia returns to fuck you through the bed again...

Octavia on returning with water, throat fucks player before spitting in their mouth. Octavia then pulls you onto her lap where she bounces you on her cock. You fall unconscious for a moment before waking up as she pulls out. Asking about money for a wedding ceremony as she fucks you again.

  • Sneak Out: Getting fucked unconscious was the highlight of the day, but marriage to this... primal beast... is not something you'd do on a whim.
  • Stay for Her: Octavia has fucked you half to death. Her libido, strength and endurance are without parallel. The thought of enduring more of this - potentially years of being bedded by her every day. for hours - is all the motivation you need.

After being fucked unconscious again, you and Octavia wake in the morning. Your entire body stinging and marked by Octavia. Octavia escorts the player to church protectively where both are wed. During the ceremony, Octavia face-fucks the player instead of kissing them. Afterwards, telling the player they look a mess and to wash in the baths before meeting her in the Whore's Bosom again.

When returning to the Whore's Bosom, Octavia comments on the player returning before fucking the player, featuring some choking.

  • Sleep: After being so thoroughly used and abused, you feel like you've earned a rest.
    • Slip Away: Now seems like as good a time as any to quietly slip away and recover
    • Give her a blowjob: Perhaps you could grant the heavily-sleeping cowgirl princess some relief...
  • I Don't Need Sleep: Sleep? But you haven't gotten your fill of being fucked like a whore yet.
    • Slip Away: Now seems like as good a time as any to quietly slip away and recover
    • Give her a blowjob: Perhaps you could grant the heavily-sleeping cowgirl princess some relief...

Returning to the Whore's Bosom again leads to more fucking before giving options to:

  • In Your Ass Again
  • In Your Pussy (Requires a Vagina)
  • In Your Throat
  • Between Your Tits (Requires E-cup breasts)

All options lead to:

  • Talk
  • Sleep
  • Keep Fucking?: Is there any chance... ?

After this, returning to Octavia gives the same 4 sex options

If the player leaves at any point during they wedding path, they receive a unique encounter when returning to the Whore's Bosom.

  • Want More Of You: You want more of her. Last time was a bit too much to handle, but this time...
  • Want to Talk
    • Fine, I'll Suck It: If it'll make her cooperate (Gives a new option to Suck Octavia off under the table in her base set of interactions)
    • No Dice: No way (Player is unable to meet with Octavia again)