Bumpy Road
Bumpy Road
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BumpyRd. | |
![]() | |
Item Type | Drug, Medipen |
Base Price | 2500 |
Use Details | |
Is Usable? | Yes |
Valid Targets | Self |
This product is part of a series made after polling results revealed that a large amount of dominatrixes desired to make their subs even more sensitive. Originally, it was made to only be used on male genitals, but after several complaints it was upgraded to affect both genders equally. This injector contains a mix of nanomachines and lipids that, when injected into the genitals, will grow a nub with sensitive nerve clusters at the spot it was applied.
A really tiny disclaimer warns you that J’ejune Pharmaceutical will not be held accountable if the sensitivity disappears after the initial transformation.
A J’ejune-brand product.
Can be purchased from Gene at his shop on Myrellion.
This item will be applied on use if the player character has valid genitals, with a choice of which genital to use it on if multiple. In doing so, the drug will have immediate permanent effects on the player character.
Condition | Change |