Codex: Siel

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Be careful you don't get too wrapped up in them.

Name (Singular & Plural): Siel

Sexes: Male, Female, Herm (See Siel Sexes and Genders)

Height: Generally six feet high with a total body length of twelve feet.

Weight: Over one hundred kilos.

Hair: Very dark or very light blue, purple, or pink, as well as black or white. Many siel choose to recolor their hair.

Eyes: Intense blues, purples, and pinks.

Skin Coloration: Steel Blue


Siel are fairly easy to spot in a room, mostly because they take up so much of it. Most humans observe that siel resemble a blue tauric caterpillar. The feeling is mutual, as siel note humans resemble a 'Yorri', one of their native humanoid animals.

Starting at the top, siel have a pair of antennae poking out of the front top of their head that sweep backwards. Like the rest of their body, the antennae are a bluish gray. Their hair varies from dark or light blues, purples, or pinks, as well as black or white. It can be of any length.

Siel have incredibly vibrant eyes that easily stand out. The outer ring of their iris is typically black, while the inner portion is a bright blue, purple, or pink. The way the color bleeds out makes their eyes look like eclipsing stars.

At their necks are thin, horizontal slits. These are a pair of otherwise unassuming gills used for breathing when air to the mouth is cut off.

The chest portion of a siel is similar to that of humans - breasts on women varying generally from A to D cups, and flat male chests. Their stomachs, however, have segmented muscles much like that of a caterpillar, broken up into square-like sections.

Along their sides and starting level with the solar plexus are two rows of spikey, single jointed pro-legs, widely spaced apart. When pressed flush to the skin these appear to be small, v-shaped 'armor chinks'. However, when pulled away they appear similar to the tiny legs of a centipede - an appearance some races find unnerving.

From a front angle, siel look as if they have unusually chunky hips, legs, and thighs with knees and two split toes. However, from behind it is obvious that their body continues on into a long caterpillar-like "other half". This section of their body is very thick, round, and somewhat lumpy with legs underneath. Siel have eight legs in total.

At the final pair of legs, a siel's body has a very humanoid rump. They have a foot long caterpillar-like tail. This tail sticks upwards and can swivel in any direction. It is used for squirting their distinctive silk.

Siel have six fingered hands that are incredibly sensitive to touch. When these fingers are pressed to a surface - such as the ground or a person's chest - they are able to pick up the slightest of vibrations.

Since body modding has long been a part of siel culture, many siel change the hair they are born with and their other attributes.

Siel Sexes and Genders

Long ago, siel only had a single pair of genitals located between their rearmost legs. However, due to centuries of modding to mate with other galactic citizens and interbreeding, at least half of them are naturally born with front genitalia as well. Those without them tend to get this 'rectified' with modding.

As a consequence, almost all siel have two sets of genitals - one set at the front, and one at the back. Since the set of genitals a siel may naturally or artificially get are not limited, there are many naturally born traps and herms (both male and female), cunt boys, and dick girls. Even so, most siel strongly identify as either male or female instead of a third sex.

Siel female genitals are the same regardless of location. Their outer labial lips form a Y shaped fold with the bottom of the 'Y' always facing downwards. The siel have one clit located under the upper fold.

Inside these three labial 'flaps' is a vaginal orifice that is internally lumpy and segmented, much like a caterpillar's back turned inward. This resembles and serves as internal cushioning, with each section having its own clenched muscle.

Male siel genitals strongly resemble a caterpillar's lumpy, segmented outside and ends in a small pink, fleshy tip. This tip is smaller than a human glans. This phallus ranges wildly in size from three to nine inches. They have two meatus (colloquially known as "cock holes") that ejaculate twin streams of seminal silk.

A siel’s male genitals and testicles are kept within their body, with the former emerging only when they are aroused. The rest of the time this genital region is flat and only features a blue genital slit from which the phallus emerges. Because of this, it is particularly hard to identify siel 'traps' unless they are wearing nothing at all.

Many siel are born with or get a small 'thigh gap' mod beyond their front thighs to make wearing humanoid garments easier. All siel have an anus located below their tail and above their back genitals.

Siel Silk

Located in a siel's rump is a large silk producing sac. This makes up a large portion of their body, allowing all siel to produce incredible amounts of "siel silk". Siel silk is distinctly different from terran silk and possesses incredible tensile strength and toughness.

Siel can produce silk from their tail sac in various forms, varying in stickiness, thickness and malleability. Using these, the siel can produce tiny or large strings and weave them into whatever they desire. They shoot this silk out of the tip of their tails.

While there are many artificially manufactured substances superior to it, siel silk is far easier to make and is very vogue. A shirt made of siel silk is not only fashionable, but also light, flexible, and shock absorbent. In all lines of work, siel outfits offer eye-catching protection at an affordable price.

Siel produce finer, higher quality silk when their back genitals or anus is sexually pleasured, as this helps prime the production of their nearby silk sacs. Pleasuring their front genitals does nothing for silk production.

No matter how sticky or tough it is, silk cannot get entangled or stuck to their own webs. A siel's body is covered in microscopic hairs that can microscopically 'cut' this silk. Their uniquely sensitive hands have the most of these, allowing the species to use them as natural scissors for their own silk.

When weaving silk, siel will often attach silk strings to their claw-like prolegs, using them as makeshift holding hooks.

Siel Mating and Reproduction

A siel's silk sac is closely tied to their reproduction and culture for several reasons. The first is that a siel's genitals and anuses are directly tied to their silk sacs.

Both a siel's anus and pussy, regardless of location, is lined with their special silk. This is also true for the outside of a siel phallus shortly after emergence, providing natural lubrication.

Whether a male or female siel is engaging in intercourse, the result is the same. Usually halfway through intercourse, an aroused siel secretes a 'sticking silk' from the exterior of their phallus, or the inside of their vaginal or anal walls. This is similar to an ausar's knotting, though it is entirely liquid based. This practice is colloquially known as 'silk knotting'.

Once silk knotted, non-siel mate finds themselves stuck and unable to withdraw, trapped by the siel's sticky, silky genitals. This sticky substance tugs at the partner's inner walls or sensitive phallus from all directions, intensifying the more they thrust or try to withdraw.

A siel phallus shoots 'copious amounts of silk-like semen, usually enough to ensure an orifice is totally packed full. Usually after mating with a pussy (and sometimes an anus), a siel will shoot a burst of their normal, sticky silk onto the partner's entrance. This ensures the semen is trapped inside and acts as both a method of ensuring impregnation and/or 'claiming' their partner.

Individuals who have been mated with and sealed in this fashion are easily identifiable by their bloated abdomens, resembling light or heavy pregnancy depending on a siel's potency. After the silk dissolves, a large portion of the semen often rushes out and the individual 'deflates'.

A siel pussy, however, keeps a mate silk knotted until they have utterly flooded the insectile womb with semen, making certain eggs receive proper fertilization. All siel with a front or back pussy have a womb, though it is always located in their caterpillar-like abdomen, as semen travels either back or forward.

Any siel with a womb has a monthly ovulation phase where they produce, hold, and then expel unfertilized eggs through their rearmost or frontmost vagina. If their eggs are fertilized by being washed with semen, they hold these and produce no more eggs until birth six months later.

During pregnancy a siel's insectoid stomach, humanoid breasts and stomach swell. While the insectoid stomach swells because of the growing child, the humanoid stomach swells as this is where residual eggs are pushed during the pregnancy period. A Siel female generally gives birth to a clutch of four to eight young at a time.

Most siel reach the cusp of adulthood in sixteen years, slightly shorter than the human norm. As a species, siel have a natural lifespan of up to two centuries and show very few external signs of aging.

Even though siel are fairly fertile, most take contraceptives that prevent unwanted pregnancies. While unprotected sex frequently results in pregnancy, protected sex rarely does.

History and Culture

Siel have been part of mainstream galactic society for centuries. They hail from the arid world of Xhixia, a planet with sharp, sky touching mountain peaks and deep valleys. Located in the Liliaran Nebulae, it is their birth world and the capital planet of their interstellar empire.

Since the only flat parts of Xhixia are either artificial, or besides the oceans, the siel evolved to heavily rely on their natural silk weaving skills to survive. Siel cities are literally woven out of tightly knit silk and packed together until they become 'solid'.

From their meticulously woven silk cities, siel culture thrived and spread across Xhixia. Later discovered by an Ausar exploratory team, the siel quickly found their niche in galactic society. Not only did they excel at providing their special silk, the Siel were gifted in any area that required fine detail and deft hands.

In the musical world, siel are incredibly gifted players of plucked string instruments. Due to their extremely sensitive six fingered hands and lifetime of working with string vibration, they are truly unparalleled in this area.

One of the most well known traits of siel is their culture of tight fitting outfits and bondage activities. Before body modding was introduced to siel society, male siel were strongly predisposed towards erectile disfunction. This led to a culture of bondage where either a female siel would tie up a male's genitals (or they would tie up their own) to increase blood circulation.

Over time, bondage has become not only part of siel mainstream culture, but an integral part of their culture. Females and males alike displayed their silk-tying process on their own bodies like a peacock plumage, attempting to attract potential mates.

Even after the original problem of erectile dysfunction was solved, siel still consider it 'lewd' not to tie up a mate during intercourse. Siel attitudes towards non-bondage are similar to human attitudes towards anal intercourse in the early twenty-first century.

Siel as a species have wholeheartedly embraced body modding. At first, the siel used it to solve their species's disposition towards erectile dysfunction. Since then they have used it to give their species an extra set of genitals between their front legs. When they are not born with them naturally, genital modding is subsidized by most siel planetary governments.

It is common for a siel to mod their natural hair, eye, and skin color. There are still small sects of conservative siel who traditionally oppose both body modding and having sex without bondage, considering it 'impure' and 'immoral' behavior.


Siel have a native monotheistic religion called Zyism, centered around a creator-deity called "Zyi". The siel believe Zyi created the universe and their life spans, tying them all together in a gigantic invisible web called "the life thread".

Zyi spends their time tugging on the strings of each and every life, though their reasons are unknown. The siel believe Zyi simply does this because they are Zyi, and no other reason. The siel believe Zyi is both female and male and has many arms and legs - as many as there are people in the universe.

The siel do not worship Zyi as much as recognize them. They believe manipulating Zyi is pointless, and prayer is an attempt at manipulation.

Extremist Zyi worshipers often believe that sex without bondage and body modding is impure and against nature, a byproduct of siel culture being corrupted by mainstream galactic society.

Most Zyi worshipers do not share this belief, however, many non-Zyi worshipers lump them together with these much louder fanatics.