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Fido is one of the enemies that Urta faces upon her Fertility Quest. He is one of the two final enemies of the quest, faced back to back alongside the demon known only as Fido's Mistress.

Fido is a "minotaur lord", an abnormally large and powerful minotaur, who has been made into the submissive slave of a cow-featured succubus, a process aided by her addictive milk.


Codex Minotaurs
Race Minotaurs
Level 15
Special Skills Chain to immobilize his opponent

Regains HP during the fight


Fido is a level 15 opponent. Both his offensive and defensive powers are relatively low but he has two very effective secret tricks. One is a chain that ties you down leaving you unable to fight for several rounds. The other is the ability to regain health. It is similar to Urta's own second wind skill but he is able to use it several times during the battle. His main weakness is his libido that makes him veulnerable to Lust attacks.

If Urta wins, she may choose to rape Fido, in which case she fucks his until-then virginal ass whilst his mistress watches, an act the two corrupt beings both highly enjoy.

Loosing to Fido leads to a Bad End for Urta. Like all Fertility Quest Bad Ends, this doesn't end the game but Urta is gone forever.

In Game Description

Across from you is the biggest minotaur you've ever seen. Fully eleven feet tall, this shaggy monstrosity has muscles so thick that they stand even through his thick, obscuring fur. A leather collar with a tag indicates his status as 'pet' though it seems completely out of place on the herculean minotaur. His legs and arms are like thick tree trunks, imposing and implacable, flexing fiercely with every movement. This can only be a minotaur lord, a minotaur of strength and virility far beyond his lesser brothers. In his hands, a massive chain swings, connected to his collar, but used as an impromptu weapon for now. A simple loincloth girds his groin, though it does little to hide the massive, erect length that tents it. It winds up looking more like a simple, cloth condom than any sort of clothing, and it drips long strings of musky pre-slime in ribbons onto the ground. Below, heavy testes, each easily the size of a basketball, swing in a taut, sloshing sack. You can almost smell the liquid bounty he has for you, and the musk he's giving off makes it seem like a good idea...

Bad End

If Urta loses to Fido, the two bad ends that can result are as follows: If Urta loses thanks to Fido's "cock press" special attack, she is repeatedly raped by the minotaur, until she becomes a minocum addict and is forced into serving as the Mistress's slave for the rest of her life to constantly access the jism she so needs to function, hating herself as she is debauched and used to tempt others into debauchery.

Otherwise, Urta reacts strangely to a mixture of self-defense-drawn minotaur's blood and minotaur cum and promptly "hulks out". Become a savage, brutish, twin-dicked version of herself, Urta overpowers and then rapes minotaur and demon alike, her cum proving not only addictive, but mutagenic, transforming them both into horse-dicked herm foxes. Her mind lost to bestial impulses, Urta and her new slaves wander off into the wilderness, seeking to add more to her harem.