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If Steele talks to Gene about "'''You'''" and the '''Myr''', Steele may have the option to '''Chat''' with him about any special items he may have. Doing so will unlock the [[Cerespirin]] item in his inventory.
If Steele has read the [[Codex:_Cockvines|Cockvines]] codex and talks to Gene about "'''You'''" and the '''Myr''', Steele may have the option to '''Chat''' with him about any special items he may have. Doing so will unlock the [[Cerespirin]] item in his inventory.

Revision as of 13:24, 27 July 2016


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TiTS character
Gene Clothed (Adjatha).png
Gene's bust, by Adjatha
Created by Nonesuch
Full name (Unknown)
Species Fanfir
Gender Male
Occupation Shop Keeper


Gene is a shop owner runs a store on Myrellion.


Gene is big. Like, really big. From the top of his head to the tip of one of his thin, bulbous-tipped twin tails, the maroon colored wyvern-shaped sentient reaches at least forty feet long. Most of that you can’t see when he is behind his counter, ivory wing-claws clutching the surface and looming over it; however the fans of those bat-like wings, folded away though they might be, are always evident. Fully unfurled his wing span must be more than ten yards. His skin is fairly smooth, closer to hairless mammalian than scaly reptilian, however he does not have nipples. He dresses in the remnants of an old space suit, carapace and tough, tight-fitting fabrics around the joints, bare on the arms. At a guess it’s from the 24th century. Quaint to your eyes, but you’d imagine breathtakingly futuristic to any native.

Facially Gene looks human enough - albeit a very large human, with horn plating his lips and chin. He has full, broad, straight nosed, shaven features that would not look out of place in some classical Persian epic. It would have to be one with a lot of jokes in it, because he never seems far from breaking out into a big, toothy grin, behind which a long, purple tongue is always waiting to wag. He has a mane of brown hair and yellow, hawkish eyes. Adder-like black squares pattern his heavily corded neck and shoulders.

Incongruous to his bestial, fleshy frame are his gray, synthetic, four fingered arms, connected to him via a harness around his lower torso. These are usually folded primly on the counter, and obviously allow the fanfir to do manual tasks he’d otherwise struggle with. He moves and gestures with them as easily as if they were his own.

His carapace bottoms have a suggestively large codpiece.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Gene is geared toward being dominate in personality. He has a preference for having sex with females, though interested males have to ask him first. He has a very sensitive spot on his belly. He considers Xanthe as being "unattainable", and females who treat him the same will be thought of similarly.


Gene has a dynamic dominance system that will affect how he will react to Captain Steele. Steele's submission level can go from disabled (no submission changes), non-submissive (0 points) to fully submissive (10 points).

Steele's lust will also be affected the submissive levels. The more submissive Steele is to Gene, the more aroused Steele will get when visiting or talking to him.

Arousal Levels
Lust Gain
0+ 0
3+ +2
7+ +5


Gene talks on various subjects, including his Shop, Other Aliens, Mods, about Steele's self, and the Myr.

  • Talking about the shop will increase Steele's submission by 1 point.
  • Talking about other aliens will increase Steele's submission by 1 point.
  • Talking about mods will vary based on certain conditions:
    • If Steele's submission level is less than 10 points, Steele can choose to Look Closely or Step Back.
    • If Steele's submission is not disabled, Steele can be complacent by choosing Yes, refuse by choosing No, both of which will increase Steele's submission by 1 point. If Steele has refused once before, choosing Back Off will disable Steele's submission for future encounters with Gene.
  • Talking about Steele (You), Gene's dialogue will vary based on how dominant he is. If Steele isn't fully submissive, this will increase Steele's submission by 1 point.
  • Talking about the myr will vary based on certain conditions:
    • If Steele's submission is not disabled, Steele can be complacent by choosing Yes, refuse by choosing No, both of which will increase Steele's submission by 1 point. If Steele has refused once before, choosing Back Off will disable Steele's submission for future encounters with Gene.

If Steele has read the Cockvines codex and talks to Gene about "You" and the Myr, Steele may have the option to Chat with him about any special items he may have. Doing so will unlock the Cerespirin item in his inventory.


Available Purchases
Name Sell Price
Bovinium 450
MinoCharge 450
Condensol 270
EasyFit 27
Chocolac 1170
BumpyRd. 2250
Cerespirin* 4500

* Unlocked after cluing him in on Steele's unique biology and having a Chat with him.


After talking to Gene at least once, he will have a sex scene available if Steele has a Penis or a Vagina.

The sex scene may be followed by:

  • OverCounter
  • Frottage
    • Has Penis
    • Has non-Taur body
  • Blowjob
  • Belly Rub
    • If Gene can accept belly rubs: Steele must guess UpperLeft, LowerLeft, Middle, UpperRight, or LowerRight
      • If the right spot is not chosen the following sex scenes may be available if conditions are met; otherwise, Steele will get licked:
        • Blowjob - Shorter than 9'4" or does not have a Vagina
        • Frot - Shorter than 9'4" or does not have a Vagina
        • OverCounter - Shorter than 9'4" and has Vagina
      • If the right spot is chosen:
        • Release - Decreases Steele's submission by 3 points
        • End - Decreases Steele's submission by 3 points
    • If Gene cannot accept belly rubs:
      • Release - Decreases Steele's submission by 1 point
      • Deny - Decreases Steele's submission by 1 point
    • Note that females with only a vagina will get licked out instead of any of the penis options.


Currently, Gene does not have any related quests.