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The map of Mhen'ga

Mhen'ga is a planet discovered during the 14th planet rush. Currently colonized by the U.G.C., the planet's extra-terrestrial capital is Esbeth. Populated areas are lined with dirt roads, leaving a very primal feel to the overall environment. Covered in lush flora, the planet is sometimes referred to as "The Jungle Planet".

Places of Interest

  • Uthra Birch - A tree whose sap can be harvested.
  • Xenogen Camp - Abandoned camp located in the central-east portion of the south jungles, beyond the deep jungle and misty valley.
  • U.G.C. Scout Authority - The taxi service between the U.G.C. Office and the Xenogen camp.


  • City Square - The living center of Esbeth.
    • Spaceport (built by Pyrite Heavy Industries)
    • Office of Customs and Governance
    • Burt’s Badass Mead Hall
    • Crazy Carl’s Crude Cylinder Collection Cache
    • Xenogen Biotech
    • U.G.C. Office
    • U.G.C. Scout Authority
    • A white shack (medical office)
  • The Jungle - The wilds of Mhen'ga, consisting of mostly dense forest woods, and lush and colorful jungle greenery.
    • The North Jungle - Ferns and jungle on the west side, as it becomes more woodland area on the central north end. A deep orange flora jungle more towards the east.
    • The South Jungle - Vines and giant rocks are located on the west end. A pathway to the deep jungle, misty valleys and parts that are populated with colossal Saole trees and bladed ferns can also be found towards the east.
      • Xenogen Camp
    • The East Jungle - A narrow jungle path.
      • The metal pod is located here.
    • Uthra Birch - A large, deformed tree whose roots block the path of a narrow gorge located southeast-most of the jungle area. The tree leaks obsidian sap from gaps on its surface.


There are common townspeople who live in Esbeth. Other lifeforms can be encountered to the east of Esbeth, into the jungles Mhen'ga is best known for.


  • Flahne - Secretary at the customs office.
  • Burt - Bartender at the mead hall.
  • Carl - Owner of a weapons shop.
  • Artie - Owner of the scrapyard.
  • Geoff - Artie's nephew and assistant. Employee at Artie's scrapyard.
  • Kelly - Secretary at the Biotech office. Also at the mead hall after hours.
  • Dr. Haswell - Researcher in the Biotech laboratory.
  • Penny - Employee and trainee at the U.G.C. office.
  • U.G.C. Scout - Scout authority who runs the taxi.
  • Syri - Anno's sister, sometimes found lounging or gaming at the mead hall.
  • V-Ko - A JoyCo nursedroid at the medical center.


  • The Zil - A dominance-minded tribal culture of bee-like peoples.
  • The Vanae - A tree-dwelling society that lives mostly in the deeper jungles.
  • Naleen - Hybrid race of predatory creatures that hunt for pleasure.
  • Venus Pitchers - Sentient plant species that live in the dark parts of the jungle.
    • Venus Pitcher - Found in the northeast and east end of the jungle, they will lure their prey to harvest fluids from and spread their seed.
    • Elder Venus Pitcher - Found in certain areas in the southern jungles. If hungry for fluids, they will trap and hypnotize their prey; they are dormant otherwise.
  • Mimbrane - Parasitic lifeforms that are attracted to sexual body fluids.
  • Cunt Snake - Non-native, parasitic snake-creatures brought over by an infected offworlder.
  • Machina - A dangerous robot that had worked for Carl until it went rogue.