Codex: Venus Pitchers

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Name (Singular): Venus Pitcher

Sexes: Hermaphrodite

Height: Three to fifteen feet above the ground, depending on age.

Weight: Hundreds of pounds including their subterranean bulbs.

Hair: Comprised of leaves. It varies based on season and subspecies of venus pitcher.

Eyes: Sclera are tinted light green due to their chlorophyll infused biological systems.

Lower Body: Where humans would have knees, venus pitchers have legs that fuse together into a central stalk. The stalk connects to their root system and central, subterranean bulb, which they use to gather additional, harder-to-extract nutrients. This stalk is remarkably flexible, and can allow the girl to hang down into her pod, sealing it and allowing her to play to with her prey unimpeded.


Venus pitchers are hermaphrodites, like most plants, though given their sentient nature they’re obviously more than a simple blossom with stamen and pistil. Their genitalia are entirely contained in a number of vine-like tendrils and tentacles which ring the edges of the bulb’s inner chamber. Some tentacles appear similar to penises while others have the trappings of feminine orifices. Both are used to extract nutrients from prey’s sexual organs.


Venus pitcher plants dwell in the deepest, darkest parts of the jungle, where most other plants cannot survive due to the meager amount of light allowed to slip through the canopy. They do photosynthesize what they can get, but it isn’t enough to survive on. Luckily, they dwell on Mhen’ga, a planet that has lots of licentious zil with sugary-sweet, nutrient-packed sexual fluids. They will seek to entice the zil or any other creature of suitable size into approaching them, an act sure to result in the entrapment of the victim. Camouflaged just in front of them, the entrance to the pod is nearly invisible - until someone falls into it.

At that point, the tendrils lining the pod’s interior will restrain the victim and bring them to a sexually fruitful state, penetrating orifices, engulfing dicks, nipples, and any other fluid-secreting protrusions. The victim of this forcible liquid extraction will often enjoy it thanks to the venus pitcher’s gentle methods of milking, drug-like spores, and soothing, almost motherly mannerisms.


Venus pitchers are sentient, though they tend towards laziness and make poor conversationalists. When left alone, they do little but preen themselves and ensure that they’re as enticing as possible. When a stranger approaches, they’re focused on getting them inside them to violate and possibly hypnotize, in the case of elder venus pitchers.


Venus pitchers can fertilize themselves, but only do so in the presence of a potential seed carrier. Female victims will be implanted with a number of seed pods which are subsequently fertilized (after feeding). Once free, the female will carry the pods for a time, laying them periodically over the span of a week. Venus pitcher seed can survive in the lining of a host’s vaginal cavity for weeks, which allows for true sexual reproduction to happen whenever someone is victimized by multiple plants.

Males are prized more as food sources than reproductive partners. They typically produce larger volumes of protein and are more susceptible to the venus pitcher’s appearance, making them more common but necessary prey.

Elder venus pitchers will typically hypnotize males to return to them as a steady supply of food. Particularly skilled ones may find their protein harem lining up waiting for their turn. If a female can be hypnotized, they will implant suggestions to visit many different pitchers, allowing them to breed and combine DNA from multiple plants.