Medical Technology

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Information is a work-in-progress and may be incomplete or require refinement. Because some of this information was lifted from the story bible, the information may also be incorrect due to changes not reflected during development. Editing is required.


Medical technologies cover a wide array of topics. This is a list of common features and the technologies associated with them:


Anti-aging treatments are available but expensive, allowing suitably rich individuals to effectively live forever so long as their money holds out. This has been one of the reasons for the drive to expand and colonize new planets.


Microscopic robots referred to as microsurgeons are used for a variety of tasks. Most often, single task microsurgeons are used to edit bodily structure and DNA to cure diseases, repair damage, and sometimes, to change the physical appearance.

Gene Therapy

Very specific gene-therapies are available but expensive. Examples of this would be Gro+, cock-thickener, or Addero © - the dual purpose ADHD and breast row creation medicine (the ADHD part is a joke).

Splicing and Furries

An extreme example of [gene therapy] would be furries: as a general rule, they are humans or human-like creatures who have morphed themselves to appear as they would like. This does not preclude the possibility of alien, furry-like races showing up as well.

Immune System

Advanced, highly expensive microsurgeon immune supplements are available (the PC is given one along with the rest of Victor's gifts). These miniature robots reproduce internally to aid the body's natural immune system when dealing with outworld infections. They are considered indispensable for world-hopping travelers, as it allows one to skip undergoing rounds of immunizations before traveling. Consuming alien foods CAN cause the microsurgeons to adapt one's body in order to properly process the nutrients, resulting in mutations.

Speech Translation

The above immune supplements can also have optional translation routines that will auto translate audio and automatically translate your speech to be understandable when conversing with a foreign person. This ability can be suppressed or controlled with simple, easy focus.

Forced Transformation

Some races forcefully mutate those they copulate with in order to force them to breed. Something (like the codex) should warn the PC ahead of time so that such encounters can be avoided if involuntary TF is a thing.


Sexy STD's are a thing. Quite simply, they are diseases currently unable to be suppressed by microsurgeon-enhanced immune systems that carry with them a host of mutagenic effects. They are typically benign in nature, not causing harm to their host but typically mutating them in certain ways. The femboy flu, pony pox, and futanari flu are three prime examples. SSTD's always have a warning come up during incubation with a message to alert the PC that they have caught one, though it doesn't need to give away exactly which one right away. Something like the sniffles, sneezing, a sore throat, or feeling faint would be a good example of an early symptom to aid the PC in catching it early. SSTD's have levels, and can only be cured by sufficiently advanced medical facilities.


Medicine is capable of regrowing lost limbs, but again, it is outside the budget of an average individual.


Cybernetic limb replacement is cheaper than regrowing lost limbs, and such is more common among the soldiers and working men of the universe.


Incredibly well-engineered prosthetics are the most expensive form of limb replacement, but the resulting appendage is typically superior in strength and durability compared to the previous options. Some individuals voluntarily have healthy limbs amputated in order to "upgrade".


Any other organ replacements operate similarly to limbs - cheap cybernetics are affordable but sub-par, full replacement is expensive, and superior cybernetics are awesome but expensive.

Drug Application

There are a variety of drug types used in the application/consumption of medicinal microsurgeons:


The simplest and most common form of a drug comes in the form of a pill. Pills can be compact dry powder, liquid capsules, solid or chewable candies, and even fashioned as animal treats. Most pills can be consumed orally, though some pills are required to be taken as a suppository, either through the rectum, vagina, or urethra.


The medipen is a commercially available, disposable jet-injection syringe. Unlike hypodermic syringes, this device is a needle-less, pressure-powered device used to inject liquid-based medicines straight into the user's epidermis. It is also easier to carry than its industrial-sized cousin, the hypospray device.


Other applications include wearable patches and pads, spreadable creams and lotions, and easy-to-consume food and drink products.