BGreenPot |
Creator |
Foxxling |
Type |
Potion |
Base Price |
1000 |
Information |
Usable |
Yes |
Defensive Target |
Self |
Big Green Potion
A glowing green mixture in a pretty crystal bottle that will, most likely, cause you to transform.
Can be bought from Liriel at The Little Green Man stand in Gildenmere for 1000 credits.
This item is consumed on use. In doing so, the potion will have immediate permanent effects on the player character. It will always attempt 3 mutations total, but may fail even if conditions are met.
- Skin type is not skin (regular)
- 50% Chance
- Skin type becomes Skin (regular)
- If conditions for skin tone change are met
- Will also change skintone
- Face type is human
- Skin Tone is not one of the following
- Green
- Viridescent
- Emerald
- 50% Chance
- Skin Tone becomes one of the following
- Green
- Viridescent
- Emerald
- If conditions for skin type change are met
- Hair color is not vibrant purple
- 50% Chance
- Hair color becomes vibrant purple
- If hair length is shorter than 18 inches
- Hair length becomes 18 inches
- Face type not human
- 50% Chance
- Face type becomes human
- Lose all previous face flags
- Nipple color not a variant of
- 50% Chance
- Nipple color becomes one of the following
- violet
- purple
- bright purple
- Breast size less than G-cup
- 50% Chance
- Increase all breast rows by 1 to 3 cup sizes
- Milk type becomes blueberry yogurt
- Nipple type not fuckable
- Aerola width at 2 ot more
- Chance
- 10% all nipples are type dick
- 25% otherwise
- Has penis
- Length of primary penis less than 18 inches long
- 50% Chance
- Increase ball size by 2 (4 with "Bulgy" perk), up to a maximum of 12
- Decrease ball size by 2, down to a minimum of 12
- Skin Tone is one of the following
- Green
- Viridescent
- Emerald
- Leg count is 2
- Any non-Hrad type penis
- 50% Chance
- Random non-Hrad type penis
- Penis type becomes Hrad
- Lose all previous penis flags
- Gain the following penis flags
- Knot Multiplier becomes 1
- Color becomes one of the following
- purple
- angry purple
- reddish-purple
- Cum type becomes Hradian Cum
- Leg count is 2
- Butt size less than 10
- Increase butt size by 1 or 2
- Leg count not 2
- 50% Chance
- If leg count is 4 or less
- If leg count is greater than 4
- If leg count became 2
- Genital location becomes waist
- Leg count is 2
- Leg type not human
- 50% Chance
- Leg type not human
- Lose all previous leg flags
- Gain the plantigrade leg flag