Musk Magnifier

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Musk Magnifier
Type Combat Implant
Slot Combat Implant
Base Price 3000
Bonus Resistances 15% Drug
15% Pheromone
Usable No
Combat Usable No
Defensive Target Self

A Musk Magnifier implant

Bright Water Inc. knows very well that brute force isn't the only way to win a battle. Their Musk Magnifier cybernetic is a chemical warfare implant that turns body pheromones into an aphrodisiac gas many times more powerful than nature intended. It allows the release of the toxin at will in large clouds.

Since each individual has a different scent, the resulting musk necessarily differs from person to person. This means that while each user is completely immune to their own effects, they will still be affected by that of others. It does, however, increase overall resistance to chemicals.

  • +4 Pheromone Rating.
  • Unlocks the Musk Cloud skill.
  • +15% Pheromone Resist.
  • +15% Drug Resist.


Purchased from Sabrae in implant station at Dhaal


Can be installed by Sabrae to take its effect. Cannot be retrieved after installing.

Musk Cloud attempts to blind all other combatants for 3 rounds and does Drug damage.
Blind chance scales with Physique, damage scales with character level and Pheromone Rating.
5 Energy, once per fight.