Security Operatives

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Revision as of 10:07, 2 November 2018 by SeriousBlueJewel (talk | contribs)
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Cyberpunk Security Operative Busts by Adjatha
Creator Fenoxo
Species Kaithrit
Gender Male and Female
Location Zheng Shi
Level 10
Shields Shields
Health Health
Initial Lust Initial Lust


Place a short description of the character here.



A swaggering kaithrit in a suit that looks like it’s made from coiled steel is advancing with long, bounding leaps. The bright blue holovisor across his eyes flickers, painting a red outline around the shape of your body.


A bosomy kaithrit in a suit that looks like it’s made from coiled steel is advancing with a slow shake of her head. “Independents aren’t allowed up here without a boss’s okay and you, cutie, do not have a boss’s okay.” The pale blue band of her cybernetically-projected holovisor lights up with an outline of your body as she finishes some kind of scan.

History/Personality/Information of Note

List the personality traits and historical events mentioned in game.


Indicate any unusual interactions of note that fall outside of the standard fare (Vendor, Chat, Sex, Quests).

Only include subsections that are valid for the character.


Special combat information such as increased lust, pattern changes, and special defeat conditions.

Move Set

List all move options available in the following format

  • Move - Descrtiption of the move
    • Requirements for Move.
    • Secondary effects for Move


Lust Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks
Damage Resistances
  • % immunity to (Damage Type) attacks
  • % weakness to (Damage Type) attacks


Only show preferences that are always present.


Information about the creatures drops, drop chances, maybe anything of note regarding their actual equipped items used to implement their combat.


List all sex options available of the following format:

  • Option name presented in game
    • Requirements for option.
    • Secondary effects of option.

Include the 'Characters' category tag and 'Persistent' or 'Generic' characters Category tags:

[[Category:Persistent characters]]
[[Category:Generic creatures]]

Apply 'Hostile' category and any additional categories based on the actual capabilities of the character, and how the player may interact with them:

[[Category:Bad ends]]

Apply any categories that could describe the character's species: 


Lastly add any other additional descriptive categories:
