Shekka’s Catsuit

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Shekka's Catsuit

Type Armor
Slot Armor
Base Price 200
Defense 2
Sexiness 5
Evasion 12
Bonus Resistances 5% Electric
25% Pheromone
Usable Yes
Defensive Target Self

A nearly identical copy of Shekka’s prototypical, form-fitting jumpsuit. Just like her own, this one is stark white and glossy, patterned with a delightful series of interlocking hexagons. Well-made clasps keep it sealed up tight - and most foreign pheromones out. Additionally, the fabric itself provides modest protection from small electrical charges - useful for an engineer like the diminutive raskvel. A near invisible seam allows for the presence (or absence) of a tail, if needed. And of course, this one is sized to fit you. One of these days, you’ll have to ask Shekka where she finds these.


Can be bought from Shekka if she is a crew member.


Can be equipped as armor or be sold to a vendor for credits.