Tweaked Salamander Pistol

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E's Pistol
Type Weapon
Slot Ranged weapon
Base Price 11000
Damage 21 Burning
Damage Type Laser
Energy Weaponry
Accuracy 8
Crit Bonus 8
Combat Usable Yes
Defensive Target Hostile
Additional Flags Energy Weapon

A customized version of the Salamander Pistol, a KihaCorp-brand weapon.


Built with gunmetal gray barrels, gleaming crimson handgrips, and polished white accents, the Salamander line of weapons from KihaCorp cut an impressive figure for those lucky enough to afford them. The strength of their incandescent beams falls just short of military grade, allowing them to be sold as hunting and personal defense weapons to the greater populace. Salamander Pistols lack the superior optics of their long-barreled counterparts, but their lighter size and ease of use can make it easier to land the occasional lucky shot in a fight.

Emmy fitted it with a smart-linked scope that can interface with almost anything - even the microsurgeons in your blood.


Can be gifted by Emmy after successfully completing her quest.


Can be equipped as a ranged weapon or be sold to a vendor for credits.