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The Cat-morph is an anthropomorphic cat and one of the many sentient species of Mareth.

The cat-morphs encountered during the CoC game can be very different individuals, the only thing they all have in common, is that they have some human and some cat-like traits. One of them, Yara, only has a cat score of 2 and should possibly still be regarded as a human.

Cat-Morph NPCs

Becoming a Cat-Morph

To be classified as a cat-morph you must have a cat score of 4 or more.

If you are male or genderless with small or flat breasts, you will be described as a cat-boi, otherwise you will be described as a cat-girl.

Calculating you cat score

If you have Add Comments
Feline face 1
Cat-like ears 1
Cat tail 1
Cat-like legs 1
One or more cat cocks 1
More than one row of breats 0 or 1 Add 1 only if also you have at least one of the five features listed above
Three rows or breasts 0 or 1 Add 1 only if you also have at least one of the first five features on the list
More than three rows of breasts -2 That is subtract 2!
Fur 0 or 1 Add 1 only if the sum of the eight conditions above is higher than 0


Mostl cat-morphs encountered in the game live in Tel'Adre but this may be just a coincidence.