Enchantress's Staff

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Enchantress's Staff
Creators Balak Knightfang
Other Name(s) Witch Staff
Item Type Weapon
Slot Primary
Weapon Class 2H
Has Special Effect? No
Is Unique? Yes
Tags Catalyst
Stack Limit 1
Version Added 0.5.21
Attack Power Spellpower Sexiness
- 5 -
Damage & Resistance
Attack Type PHYSICAL
Damage Type Resistance
40 Crushing -


A solid ash staff. It's simple in shape, with much of the natural shape retained along its length, offset only by an iridescent gemstone at its top. The shaft does, however, glow ever-so-slightly, as a result of the electrum runes and thus the enchantments laid into it.


Currently not an item the Champion can obtain.

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