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There are many transformation items and NPCs that a player can interact with in Corruption of Champions, but overindulgence and certain characters can transform, warp or otherwise alter a player in ways that mean they either can no longer physically undertake their quest, or that they no longer wish to undertake that quest. These are known as Bad Ends or Game Over.

This article lists the various Bad Ends that it is possible to experience in the game, how they can be achieved, and the basics of those Bad Ends.

Both "Debug Mode" and "EZ mode" can "ignore" bad ends. If either mode is enabled, then whenever there is a bad end, a button labeled "Debug Cheat" will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Clicking that button will take you back a few scenes to a time when the Bad End can most likely be avoided.

If you reach a bad end and either EZ mode or Debug mode is not enabled, it is possible to enable either one and go back to the warning signs (as if you had pressed the "debug cheat" button), by pressing "data", "back" (which will take you to the main menu), toggling "EZ mode" or "Debug mode" and then pressing "resume". EZ mode and Debug mode can also be activated while playing by pressing "main menu", "toggle EZ" or "toggle Debug" respectively, and then pressing "resume".

Bad ends also have NewGamePlus button which allows you to start a new game but keep your level (depending on exp you might get a extra one too) as well as your currently equipped weapon and armour.

Substance Abuse

This section covers all bad ends that results from using an item numerous times. Most of it involves the champion transforming into a full blown feral animal/creature.

"Run Free"

Cause: Overuse of Canine Pepper and/or its variants.

Effect: The player transforms into a wild dog/wolf, their mind reverts to beastial savagery, and they run off into the wilderness, looking to hunt, rut, and sleep as just another wild canine.

Notes: If the character has the perk "Marble's Milk", then the last sentence of the bad end is modified to note that all the former Champion retains the knowledge of is that they must come back to Marble at the end of each day to drink her milk.

"Beast of Burden"

Cause: Overuse of Equinum.

Effect: The player transforms into just an ordinary horse, losing their sentience. At least a year later, a new Champion finds the transformed player, whose vestige of human memory makes them willing to consent to being ridden away as the new Champion's steed.

Notes: The new Champion is always the same gender as the former player, but modified due to exposure to the other strange effects of Mareth. A male newcomer Champion has the bulge of three penises in his pants. A female newcomer Champion has six breasts and is lactating. A hermaphrodite newcomer Champion has particularly huge breasts. Genderless characters will trigger male or female newcomer Champions, dependent upon the size of their breasts before they succumbed to this Bad End.

"Slime Queen"

Cause: Overuse of Wet Cloth to the point where you need regular fluid intake and then allow both Strength and Speed to fall to zero as a result of not feeding.

Effect: Desperate for fluids, the new Slime oozes off into the Lake and remains there, capturing, corrupting and feeding upon any future Champions that encounter it.

"Hop Along"

Cause: Overuse of Kanga Fruit and/or its enhanced version; The Mighty Veggie.

Effect: The player character mentally devolves into a regular kangaroo and bounds away into the wilderness in search of food.

"Swift like a Fox"

Cause: Overuse of Fox Berry and/or its enhanced version; The Vixen's Vigor.

Effect: The player transforms into a feral fox and wanders off to find a hen-house to raid.

"Live for the Hive"

Cause: Overuse of Special Honey and maxed out lust.

Effect: The male or herm player transforms fully into a bee-morph. The last transformation changes their giant penis into a bee-cock and renders the player unable to masturbate, also causing massive hourly lust gains. On maxing out lust, generally during the night, a giant bee visits the player to become fertilized. Ultimately the player is abducted to the hive and gifted to the Bee Queen to father further bees.


Cause: Attempting to use the Hummus cheat more than once.

Effect: A reference to the game Skyrim will appear on screen. The quote will say "I was a cheater until I took an arrow to the knee..." The game will end without any explanation as to why.


These are bad ends caused by the direct action of hostile NPCs if the player is unable to defend themselves against them.

"Milk Slave"

Cause: Lose a battle to a Sand Witch while having H-cup or larger breasts, high lactation and high(?) Corruption.

Effect: The Sand Witch casts a spell that makes the player black out. When they awaken, they have been installed in the Sand Witch's desert-lair, their breasts inflated to be bigger than the player's body and full of milk. The magic-induced pain of being overfull with milk and euphoria of being milked destroys the player's mind and leaves them nothing more than the Sand Witch's obedient toy.

  • If the character has the perk "Marble's Milk", then they get an interesting variant where their addiction, and their inability to reach and feed from Marble, causes them to rapidly weaken and die, gloating as they perish that they got the last laugh even as the bewildered Sand Witch screams that she always gets what she wants.
  • Unlike most Bad Ends, the Sand Witch's actions cannot directly produce the conditions required for this result.

"Ruined by Tentacles"

Cause: Lose 3 battles to a Tentacle Beast as a result of Lust hitting 100 while being a Hermaphrodite with high Corruption (approximately 60+); the bad end takes place when the third of the critical defeats occurs. Voluntary Submission doesn't count as a battle.

  • Having high Lactation (typically 3 liters or higher) or a large horse penis prevent the character from getting this end, as the former means that the Tentacle Beast passes out in a stupor from just drinking their milk and the latter means their member is too big/awkwardly shaped for the Tentacle Beast to milk it.
  • This bad end may also be triggered by losing two or more times to the tentacle beast whilst having very low Corruption, and then losing again with a very high Corruption score.

Effect: The Tentacle Beast swallows the player whole, simultaneously feeding the player with nutrients via embedded tentacles and ceaselessly feeding off of the player's cum and possibly breast milk. Eventually a band of villagers (or the merchant Giacomo) slay the Tentacle Beast and free the player, but the constant sexual exertion and lack of exercise has destroyed the player's body; they survive, and can even live a relatively normal life, but they are too physically decrepit to adventure any more, forcing them to retire at the village of their saviors.

"Goo-Girl Queen"

Cause: Very goo-morphed PC loses to Goo-Girls 5+ times in a row.

Effect: The Goo-Girl temporarily fuses with the hero, sharing her memories and half her slime core, after which many Goo-Girls exit the lake and fuse with the player, their slime cores becoming one. A year later, the player has transformed into the Goo-Girl Queen, who then transforms the new Champion into a Goo-Girl. Thinking of Tel'Adre, the Goo-Girl Queen decides to go there to share their new blessing among his/her old friends.

"Demon Sex Cow" 1 & 2

Cause (Demon Sex Cow 1): Come along quietly when the Secretarial Succubus asks, say that the demons' goal "sounds like fun" when the Secretarial Succubus explains the purpose of the Demon Factory. Cause (Demon Sex Cow 2): Fight and lose to the Secretarial Succubus, Surrender or fight and lose to the Incubus Mechanic, Accept your fate from the Omnibus Overseer.

Effect: You suffer the fate of the majority of the previous Champions; transformed into a hyper-breasted, hyper-endowed hermaphrodite, you are placed in a device in the factory and repeatedly flooded with corruptive fluids as your own sexual fluids are harnessed for polluting Mareth.

  • The endings are fundamentally identical, but there are noticeable differences in the descriptions between variant 1 and variant 2.
  • If the player has the perk "Marble's Milk" or "Marble Resistant", then the ending is modified so that Marble appears after the player has been brainwashed, herself brainwashed and being used to help break her former lover's mind.

"Omnibus' Personal Sex Slave"

Cause: Fight and lose to the Omnibus Overseer in the Demon Factory.

Effect: The Omnibus places the former Champion in a biological set of sex/torture tools, breaking their mind and keeping them as her private minion and sexual plaything. The specifics are different for females than for males/herms. Genderless neuters are made female by Omnibus as this Bad End begins.

  • If the player has the Perk "Marble's Milk" or "Marble Resistant", then the ending is modified so that Marble appears and tries to save the player, only to be knocked out by the Omnibus and sentenced to the milking pens herself. If the player is addicted to Marble's milk, than the Omnibus notes that this means she doesn't have to worry about her "pet" dying on her.

"Omnibus' Gardener"

Cause: Fight and lose to the Omnibus Overseer in the Demon Factory as a Male or Herm with multiple penises.

Effect: The Omnibus places the former Champion in an experimental cum-milking, brainwashing plant-based sex toy. Reduced to a mindless cum-dispenser, the former Champion spends the rest of his life feeding the Omnibus and doing whatever she says.

  • If the player has the Perk "Marble's Milk" or "Marble Resistant", then the ending is modified so that Marble appears and tries to save the player, only to be knocked out by the Omnibus and sentenced to the milking pens herself. If the player is addicted to Marble's milk, than the Omnibus notes that this means she doesn't have to worry about her "pet" dying on her.

"Shark Breeder"

Cause: As a Male or Hermaphrodite, defeat and rape seven Shark Girls in one day.

Effect: The player finds themselves pinned down by a gang of their half-grown Shark Girl daughters, who taunt him with the idea of making a "career" out of knocking up Shark Girls. Then they force-feed him the rare masculine equivalent of a Shark Tooth, transforming him into a Shark Man. Reduced to a bestial breeding machine, the former Champion spends the rest of their life rutting with "their" frenzy of Shark Girls.

"Fetish Cultist"

Cause: Lose by lust to a Fetish Cultist when Intelligence is low

Effect: The champion forgets about their old life and becomes a new member of the Church of the Fetish.

"Goblin Breeder"

Cause: Repeatedly lose to Tamani's daughters while they have high lust.

Note: When this bad end is activated, the player is given the choice of staying in the chair forever, leaving with no consequences, or fucking the goblins directly.

Effect If the player chooses to stay in the chair, they are kept in the chair and cumming for the rest of their lives. If they chose to fuck the goblins individually, they are led into a chamber where they're kept well-fed and drugged and almost always fucking one of their hundreds of wives and daughters.

"Alpha Izma"

Cause: Repeatedly losing fights against Izma.

Effect: The player character accept Izma as their "Alpha", giving up their quest to become her love-slave. By the next time the portal opens, the player has, implicitly, become a tigershark or shark-girl themselves and lives to assist Izma in all ways. Seeing the new champion coming to the lake makes Izma contemplate taking her as a new member of her "harem", seeing as how she "deserves one".

"The Imp's Breeding Bitch" 1

Cause: Fight and lose to the Imp Horde in the Deep Cave.

Effect: After losing to the imps, the player is gang banged by them, falling unconscious after they all orgasm together. Upon waking up, the player finds themselves strapped down with a gag in their mouth as Zetaz tells them that because of them he lost his place by Lethice and now has to live in this rotted forest he has taken residence in, though he admits its not all bad, as they caught a couple faeries and with the addition of the Champion, they will be having a lot of fun. As he drugs the player, he then begins fucking them while massaging their temples, working dark magic to warp the players mind, who gives in after cumming, and ends up becoming the imp's slave and live in brood mother.

"The Imp's Breeding Bitch" 2 & 3

Cause: Fight and lose to Zetaz as either a male or female


  • Male: The PC are taken to the dining hall after Zetaz announces that he is the champion of the Imps having ended the scourge to his people. The player has a drug cocktail placed into his body, causing him to cum in large quantities while Zetaz fucks his asshole. After the player wakes up, he finds that his cock(s) have shrunk to half their original size, they completely lack testicles, and they are being fucked in their new pussy. The Imps inform him that they're reducing his cock(s) and after multiple orgasms, they inject Gro+ which causes a cilt to sprout. As it surges with growth, the imp inside him cums, causing the player to have another orgasm, after which Zetaz appears to gloat at how much the player has fallen before fucking them as well. After a few months, the player becomes a complete slut and a brood mother, literally fucked at every opportunity.
  • Female: After defeating the player and gloating, Zetaz pulls out a needle and injects the player with it, the effects of which turn the player into something similar to Scylla, and the next turns the player into a slut, after which Zetaz begins to fuck them. the result leaves the player a total slut and eventually becomes a brood mother renamed Fuck Cow, whose fertility is so impressive that in just a year or so Zetaz has an army that can challenge Lethice, and while he isn't able to overthrow her, the land is permanently split into to vast demonic empires.
  • Genderless: Zetaz laughs at how the player is now genderless before deciding to fix it by pulling out a bottle and forcing the player to drink it, giving them a brand new vagina. The rest follows the female ending.

"Lethice's Fucktoy"

Cause: Fight and lose to Zetaz as a herm

Effect: After losing to Zetaz, he decides that after showing the PC their proper place, he can hand them over to Lethice and not only come back but might even get a promotion considering how many high ranking demons the PC has defeated. Taking them to the dining hall, Zetaz and the other imps gang-bang the player while they force feed the player mind and body altering drugs that greatly increase the players breast and cock size, and turns the player's form into that of a demon as their mind collapses due to unnatural lust. After waking up, the player finds that they are in a Cock Milker, while next to them Vala is getting fucked by a well endowed imp, the sight of which causes the player to orgasm. Zetaz comes in to announce that the PC took well to their experiment, though he won't be turning them into a demon, as Lethice may want to do that herself. After the player asks what he is going to do to them, he responds by fucking the player, an act that seems to cause them to fall into absolute lust upon orgasm, and though the player tries to fight it, the dark magic being worked on their mind turns them into a submissive slut. After a few more days of this, Zetaz decides its time to take the player to Lethice, who is so impressed that she gives him two slave girls and an army of imps at his disposal. The player spends the rest of their life going through cycles of pent up lust and release at the hands of Lethice.

  • This is by far the longest bad ending in the game, though oddly Lethice is never once described in it and only shows up for the last paragraph of the Bad End.

"Lethice's Statue"

Cause: Lose a fight to a Basilisk with less then 10 Speed.

Effect: After losing to the Basilisk ,the player is left their incredibly horny, after begging to every deity that might be out there for release, even so far as saying that they would be a demons slave, drink less, or focus more on saving the world. A succubus appears having been brought there by the basilisk, she laments that the player could have been such a good slave and then reveals that the player is being taken back as a statue to Lethice, and that the player is forever stuck that way, ending with "you have no voice, and you must scream".

"Vapula's Slave"

Cause: Lose multiple fights against Vapula's Lusty Demons in Owca.

Effect: After losing, the PC wakes up in an unknown cave. The PC is being gagged by a cock, and as soon as that herm finishes, Vapula begins to speak. She gloats for a while, then asks the PC if they want to be a permanent cock-slut. The PC, addled with a lust for cum and currently taking it up the ass, begs Vapula to make it so. She says "Your former life as a villager is over... Actually, I don't think you'll be willing to ever leave this place..." and the PC furiously nods in approval.

"Harpy's Breeding Slave"

Cause: Lose against the Harpy Horde, Brigid, the Phoenix Platoon, or the Harpy Queen

Effect: After losing, the PC is taken to the Harpy Queen along with Helia. Deciding to make use of both, the Queen modifies Helia into a hermaphrodite and uses her and the player to create a larger army of harpies and phoenixes. She thanks the player for their assistance, saying that they will be know as the "Champion of a Free Mareth" once the demons are defeated. Note: To get this ending against Brigid, you must lose prior to defeating the Harpy Queen.

"Queen Brigid"

Cause: Lose to Brigid after defeating the Harpy Queen.

Effect: Brigid captures the PC and Helia to be used a breeding slaves for the harpy army. Kiri promises to save them both, though she states that she needs a little time in order to do so.


Cause: Two successive losses to Sand Traps with sand trap wings & eyes.

Effects: The PC wanders out into the desert in a daze, where they meet a sand trap, who tells them that from their repeated submission and use of the sand trap's fluids they believe that the PC has been destiny sent to help them repopulate. The PC can choose to submit, walk away or fight; losing or choosing to submit causes the sand trap to transform the PC fully into a "fly trap", joined to an insect hive mind and tasked to lure other victims into the sand trap pits. The PC is apparently so good at it the desert and plains of Mareth quickly become impassable with sand and fly traps.

"Sand Witches' Fuck Toy"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Sand Witch Mob.

Effects: You are captured by the Sand Witches and kept as their sex slave.

Note: Males and herms only. Females and genderless players get the "Becoming a Sand Witch (1)" Bad End instead.

"Becoming a Sand Witch (1)"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Sand Witch Mob.

Effects: You are transformed into a Sand Witch and become a member of the tribe.

Notes: Females and genderless only. Males and herms get the "Sand Witches' Fuck Toy" Bad End instead. Judging by comments on Fenoxo's blog and the CoC message board, many players would regard this as a good end but it's game over all the same.

"Becoming a Sand Witch (2)"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Sand Mother.

Effect: You are transformed into a Sand Witch and brainwashed into becoming a member of the tribe. It soon turns out that you are amazingly fertile and contribute significantly to the rapid increase in the Sand Witch tribe's strength. Soon you are able to overthrow the Demons and live happily ever after.

Notes: Females and genderless only. Males and herms get the "Becoming a Cum Witch" Bad End instead. Technically you actually win this game this way.

"Sand Witches' Cum Pump"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Cum Witch in the Sand Witch' Dungeon.

Effect: Caught and enslaved by the Sand Witches, you become the tribe's cum pump, impregnating every member of the tribe. With your "help" the tribe quickly grows in numbers and soon they are strong enough to defeat the Demons.

Notes: Males and herms only. Females and genderless get the "Cum Witch' Cum Dump" Bad End instead. Technically this should probably be regarded as winning the game, since it means the demons are defeated and Mareth is again free of corruption. Some selfless players may even feel that a life of endless sex with beautiful, horny women is a price worth paying for achieving such a glorious goal...

"Cum Witch' Cum Dump"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Cum Witch in the Sand Witch' Dungeon.

Effect: You are transformed into a Sand Witch and soon show an amazing ability to produce enormous amounts of milk and children. You become the Cum Witch' personal cum dump and live happily ever after.

Note: Females and genderless only. Males and herms get the "Sand Witches' Cum Dump" Bad End instead.

"Becoming a Cum Witch"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Sand Mother.

Effect: You are transformed into a junior cum witch and with your fertile help, the sand witch tribe quickly grows in number until they are able to overthrow the Demons.

Notes: Males and herms only. Females and genderless get the "Becoming a Sand Witch (2)" Bad End instead. Just like the "Sand Witches' Cum Dump" Bad End this might be regarded as winning the game...

"Trapped in the Mirror"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Doppelganger.

Effect: You are tossed into the mirror, forced to do everything the Doppelganger does for the rest of eternity, helpless as he/she takes over the land and forces you to recreate every orgy.

"Gardener's Dog"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Gardener Succubus.

Effect: You are transformed into the perfect obedient dog who does everything your Mistress wishes. She uses you to help breed enough war-dogs to finally take over the world.

Notes: Males and herms only. Females, herms, and genderless get the "Fertilizer" Bad End instead. Herms are listed in both as they get to pick their bad end.

"Plant's Fertilizer"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Gardener Succubus.

Effect: You are feed to the plants that have a corrupting and highly addictive nectar. You are forced to be on edge for the rest of your life as the plants use your body for lubrication and nutrients. Notes: Females, genderless, and herms only: Some time later, the Succubus comes to check on you but you beg to stay there forever.

"Demon Breeder"

Cause: Losing the fight against the Herm Centaur.

Effect: You are fucked senseless by the herm. She takes you to the stables and you begin your new life as her personal breeding slut. Eventually, thanks to your breeding, the demons figure out how to give birth to real demons instead of just imps and take over the world.


Cause: Losing the fight against the Mobil Statue.

Effect: You are killed. The end.


These bad ends are caused by the player willingly submitting to NPCs who do not have the PC's best interests at heart.

"Marble's Responsibility"

Cause: Allow your Addiction to Marble's Milk to become so intense you cannot survive without drinking it on a daily basis, have a low Affection rating with Marble.

Effect: Marble accepts that she cannot let the player just die, but refuses to leave Whitney's Farm. She exerts the control that a Lacta Bovine has over their milk-slaves to force the player to retire and live on the Farm. When a new Champion arrives some time later, the player has become accepting of their fate.

  • If the player was a male or a hermaphrodite, then they will have had several children with her.
  • If the player had been transformed to the extent they were no longer human, that modifies what the new Champion thinks when they find them.
  • If the player was male, the new Champion asks how Marble's children grew up so fast.
  • If the player was hermaphrodite, the new Champion mistakes the player for female at first and asks how it was possible that Marble and "her" had children.

"Centaur Mare-Slave"

Cause: Allow your Submission value to Kelt to reach 100.

  • Stripping off eagerly, eagerly giving Kelt a blowjob and having a Centaur body all make Submission rise faster. There is one clear warning for a centaur before reaching this Bad End.

Effect: The character's will breaks and they surrender themselves utterly to Kelt; they have no other ambitions or desires besides being his sexual slave. At least a year later, a new female Champion finds the player has been transformed into a Centaur filly, heavily pregnant for at least the third time as Kelt finishes rutting with the former Champion and turns his attention to the newcomer.

"Meet the New Boss"

Cause: Accept the offer of the remaining demon sex-cows on multiple occasions after shutting down or destroying the Demon Factory.

Effect: The character becomes addicted to the rush of the tainted fluids and the non-stop orgy, the more controlled sex-cows taking the place of the former demonic staff to keep the player orgasm and brainlessly rutting for the rest of their life.

"Marae's Eternal Lover"

Cause: Destroy the valves to stop the Demon Factory and then accept the Corrupted Marae's offer to have sex with her.

Effect: Marae transforms the player to have multiple tentacle penises and the two spend the rest of existence doing nothing but have sex with each other, even as the former Champion's soul drips from their body to crystallize into a Lethicite.

  • If the player is addicted to Marble's milk in any fashion, a line is included in the second paragraph about how Marae's own corrupted milk breaks their addiction to Marble's milk.
  • If the player has the Perk "Marble's Milk" or "Marble Resistant", then the ending is modified so that there is a final line describing Marble looking out over the lake from the shore, wondering what happened to her lover.
  • If the EZ or Debug Modes are enabled and the player continues the game, then the "tentacle penis" effect will remain. The penis(es) of males and herms only change in color and type, not size or number. Females will become herms, with a tentacle-cock that is three feet long but only two inches wide.

"Sex Slave of the Leader"

Cause: Repeatedly agree to the Oasis Demons' orgy 7 or more times. Losing to them in battle when you choose to fight them or raping them after seducing/teasing them does not count.

Effect: The player wakes up after the orgy to find themselves bound and without their weapon or armor, and is explained that they are now the tribe leader's new sex slave, cut to a couple months and a lot of succubus milk later the player is now his favorite and most willing slave. At the very end a stranger appears (most likely the new champion) and is given the same offer to join the feast as the player was so long ago.

"Minotaur Cum-Sleeve"

Cause: Become a Minotaur Cum addict and then choose to follow the PC's nose when he/she smells many Minotaurs gathered together in the mountains.

Effect: Filled with need for the drug cum that the player has become addicted to they run all the way to the minotaur village, not caring for the scratches and bruises that they suffer in the process. Once there, they see some Minotaurs being used and one of the slaves from the Demon Factory being fucked at both ends. One of the Minotaurs notices the player and approaches, smiling at the fact that the player is willingly offering themselves to him. After fucking the player hard, he passes the player around to the rest of the Minotaurs to have a turn, all while the player blissfully enjoys the drug trip. A couple months later, the player is stated to no longer need a collar as they are far to enthusiastic of a slut to ever want to leave, and even suck off the Minotaurs for their precious cum, rising to become the village's number 1 slut.

  • If suffering from cum withdrawal, this ending will be forced upon the Champion the next time they explore the Mountains and find the village.

"Minotaur Breeder"

Cause: Have a large Minotaur mob, addicted to Minotaur Cum, and be in withdrawal at the time.

Effect: The PC gives up to their children, who decide that their mom shouldn't be away from them anymore and take the player back to their village, all the while the player squirting themselves at the thought of how much they are going to be fucked. After being taken there, the player will find themselves dropped in a room filled with pillows surrounded by other sluts, most of which are jealously glaring at the player, who is apparently shown more favor then they are. Another Minotaur shows up and ask the player to help his aching cock as his brothers don't let him have fun with the harem, a request the player is happy to oblige. Months later, the player as well as the rest of the harem are taken to stock to be fucked, with the player loving every minute of it.

"Ceraph's Pet"

Cause: Obtain all three of Ceraph's piercings, and then choose to accept her offer when she offers to let the PC join her harem.

Effect: The player is taken to Ceraph's lair, where she uses further fetish-inducing piercings and BDSM techniques to completely break the player's sense of self, leaving them as her mindless fuck-toy and existing only to do whatever Ceraph thinks sounds sexually exciting.

"Takin' Charge"

Cause: Visit the Demon Factory for the first time with at least 75 Corruption and as a demon-morph, and agree to go full demon at the Secretarial Succubus' request.

Effect: The Secretarial Succubus fucks the player. This Bad End has many different scenes based on gender though all start off the same with her cutting the players armor off. All scenes result the Succubus placing some sort of magic to keep the PC from cumming, and once he/she does, the Succubus snatches up the newly formed Lethicite and eats it, and the player, now a full demon, goes out to capture a bunch of humans and even convinces a few of them to give up their souls, eventually rising through the ranks and gaining a harem of slaves.

  • Male: The Succubus jokes about how hard the player is, stating that "it looks like you're already a slave to your desires". She then sheds her own clothes, knocks the player down, and ties a whip around the base(s) of the players cock(s) to keep the player from cumming until they are "ready". He soon realizes that there is a magical block keeping him from cumming.
  • Female: She grinds against the players vagina and enlarged clitoris, only to tell the player the she has cast a spell and that they only thing that will break the spell is to release bits of their soul into her pussy via cumming. If the player has fuckable nipples, the succubus with make use of them and stick her demonic tongue into each.
  • Genderless: The Succubus will turn the player into whatever gender they resemble most, after which it pretty much goes the same way it would if they had been that gender to begin with.
  • Herm: Has some of the female text though she will make references to the players cock. After cumming much of the PC's soul into her, they notice a bit of their own Lethicite on the floor and quickly devours it, then spends the rest of the night fucking the demoness. The player eventually becomes head of the factory and turns the Omnibus Overseer into their own sex slave.


Cause: Choose to give the Hellhound Master all of Marae's Lethicite

Effect: Amazed at what was brought to him, the Hellhound Master decides that giving the PC the Hellfire isn't near enough reward. He instead calls out a heavily pregnant herm Hellhound for the player to fuck, which results in the player being fused into it. Excited at his new creation, the Hellhound Master decides that the PC, being the first three-headed Hellhound, requires a new name and calls it a Cerberus. The three-headed beast then spends the rest of its life at its new master's side.


Caused by fatigue level reaching 100.

"Worn out by the Kitsune"

Cause: Joining a foursome with the three Forest Kitsunes with Fatigue level at 85 or higher.

Note: Under certain circumstances this bad end can be activated just by exploring the Deepwoods! If your intelligence level is lower than 20 or your lust is 100 you will not be able to resist the Kitsune's lure and you have no option but to follow her to the mansion. Once there, if your fatigue level is too high, you're stuck!

Effect: The player is too exhausted to leave after the ordeal and falls asleep in the Kitsunes' mansion. When they wake up, their lower body has been transformed into that of a tentacle monster and they are forever stuck in the mansion as the Kistunes' servant and sex slave.

Failure to comply with safety regulations

These bad ends result when a player continues to do an action that they are warned is unsafe or which should make them cautious about overusing.

"Milk Cow"

Cause: Allow Intelligence to drop to 10 or less as a result of using the Breast Milker.

Effect: The player's mind snaps and they become convinced they are just a cow. Whitney sadly takes them in, milking them each day and doing her best to keep them from wandering out to have sex with the Minotaurs in the Mountains.

"One Woman Show"

Cause: Use the All-Natural Stimulation Belt with at least 99 Corruption.

Effect: The player becomes addicted to the belt-creature's stimulating efforts and tainted fluids, causing them to be locked in an endless orgasm. Giacomo appears, noting that, as the "Libertines" warned him, the creature's fluids are addictive, then carts the player off to sell her as a living sex act, the "One Woman Show".

"Cerulean Fate"

Cause: Overuse the Cerulean Potion and be a herm with 50+ Corruption.

  • This event will only occur if the Champion takes a Cerulean Potion during the day before going to sleep. Although the potion will "queue up" for three successive events, that queue will be cleared on waking if the next dose will trigger this Bad End.

Effect: The PC transforms into a penis-equipped Cerulean Succubus in their own right and is consumed by hunger, abandoning their quest to sate their new need for the milk and sexual fluids of mortal beings.

"Second Wind"

Cause: Use the Cock Milker repeatedly in one day while having max fatigue. PC must be able to produce at least 50 mL of cum.

Effect: The player's overuse of the Cock Milker triggers lingering settings from its time in the Demon Factory, causing it to initiate procedures to flood the Champion's mind with demonic chemicals and reduce them to a mindless cum-producing beast... Much to Whitney's dismay when she walks in and sees all of the cum that the former Champion is now splashing all over her barn. Players with a sufficiently high score in corruption (90 and above) achieve demonic transformation, whereupon Whitney exiles them from the farm and they wander off in search of people to have sex with.

"Lethice's sex doll"

Cause: Lost to Jean Claude or hit "Go for it!" without the glasses or after safely making it across and hitting it to go back to the entrance then hitting "Run".

Effect: The player finds themselves surrounded by basilisks (if they had the glasses and tried to go back, the basilisks remove them). The basilisks quickly paralyze you and bring you to their leader who feeds you large black eggs until your skin turns to latex, making you the perfect sex doll. Before handing you over to Lethice, he decides to use you for a bit himself.